Any anons here involved in the military? Branch/Age/why you joined/ etc.. Was thinking about joining the US Navy Nuclear program as either an ETN or MMN, anyone have any advice?
'Merican Military Thread
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have you retards managed to crash this one yet?
USN vet, 1995-2000. Joined because i needed health insurance, a full time gig, and some form of direction.
Remember one thing, choose your rate choose your fate. So choose wisely. Pick a job that you know yuou can excel at and something you can use outside of the Navy. Like Air Traffic Control, avionics, machinist, electrician, logistics, etc..
Mahmoud pls, this is a thread for the greatest nation in the world
Is that a ramp?
It’s too expensive to crash into merchant ships
Yeah turns out if you put your confirmed kill count as infantry on a job app, it doesn’t get you jobs
Former Nuke ET here
Boot Camp is fucking easy
A School and Power School are easy if you aren't a fucking retard
Prototype is easy if you aren't socially retarded
Good insight thanks, that's why I was considering going nuke
if it was half decent itd have one
SAGE in options field dumb fucks
this is data mining
If you fail nuke schoole, you're going to be sent to the fleet undesignated and picking up some ones shit.
Choose wisely son.
where the ramp? or do they only launch hanggliders with granades?
Have you managed to crash another beautiful church to replace it with a new mosque yet?
As long as you try they'll give you the pick of the litter
The only people who got BM/CS were shitheads who purposefully failed out
thats in france you spastic. any historical building has a lot of protection in this country
Can you elaborate please? I'm really on the fence and don't want to make a bad decision that will stick for a while.
Please put your tinfoil hat back on
I'm planning on working hard and what not, but not too concerned about failing because I'm an EE student with >3.8 gpa
what's that shit sticking out at the back to the side?
nothin personnel... kid
Go into a technical field in either the Navy or Air Force. You'll have a decent job with great benefits and pay
Going infantry or marines is the last thing you want to do
Are these the people providing historical protection?
Nukes are the first ones on, last ones off. If the ship ever gets a day off for anything Reactor is exempt. You'll be doing 14 hour days as a nub then quickly get plus 4's since you can't get the checkouts you need (meaning a minimum 18 hour days until you qualify). Reactor will be on a 3 duty section rotation (on duty for 24 hours every 3rd day) while every other department is on 8-11 duty sections.
But you will get fucking paaaaaaaaaaiiiiiid if you go civilian when you get out.
if you fail out, you can choose, but only from what's available. Manning in the navy is always shifting, you can look up manning charts to find out if what you want is available.
no that job is for english heritage.
police officers dont usually deal with planning permission for renovating listed buildings and structures
I was a coast guard rescue swimmer from 2008-2014
They must have made that shit easier. I knew several who fell for the nuke meme and ended up in a boiler room TAD to waste cleaning out clogged shitters.
Dod they ever get rid of that blue card stress timeout bullshit? Thery started that after i went thru, said what the fuck.......
Is getting out and going civilian a difficult process? I know some people that were trapped in long term contracts with the air force and had a shit time trying to get out
>coast guard
Kys fag
>he sits in a desert shooting infinitely breeding sand people, thinking he’s actually doing the country a service
Coast Guard is literally the only branch that actually serves the American people
I never heard of the blue card
I went to boot in 2011, got out last year
There are certain times that fewer rates are available, but everyone I've known that failed out and was a shitty rate was because they were shitheads. The ones who lived in the Rickover and didn't spend that time fucking off in group study got to pick.
>DEP for Marine Corps
>Ship in June
>Fell for the dress blues meme hard
>Good thing I signed a Reservist contract
>Going to OCS school after I graduate 2 year college
>Aspiring to JAG (Military Law)
You mean your muslim heritage?
Yeah, the timeout card thing is a myth:
Best job in the navy with the best opportunity when you get out: ATC.
When on ship, only really working when flight ops are going at sea. Other wise paid to fuck off. On shore, generaslly 2 nights, 2 days, 2 off. No more than 8 hour shifts with mandatory 10-15 min breaks per FAA regulations.
Get out, go FAA, go contract towers, logistics, trains, etc...
ELT agree with all of the above.
FUCK Shipyard
You know you can drop out of the DEP if you change your mind, right? You’re not legally obliged to service until you actually get on the bus to boot camp.
This is only if you go Surface. If you go Subs prepare to get fucked even harder.
Yeah I know I can if I want but I'm very curious to see what Basic Training is like.. Plus I've heard great opportunities from people who served as officers
Not if you're a part time sailor on a boomer
Sure would be nice to only work half the year
We're not the ones trying to use helicopter carriers as strike fighter carriers.
Yeah wanted to go boomers, but they stuck me on a fast attack.
>For a few years during the 1990s, theUS Navydid issue “stress cards” to new recruits
Boots in 96 were getting them. I knew several that i yrained after i got to the fleet that had them.
In the Air Force. Posting at work right now. I'm military police (Security Forces 3P0X1) It's shit and don't do it. Do anything else in any other branch.
They weren't timeout cards though
They were antisuicide pamphlets
felt like a good idea at the time
net system for roll / skid off's and jumpers !!
Go to /k/ and look for the "Military Enlistment General" thread. Read through the thread and ask your questions there. But you should never be a nuke under any circumstances. I understand the bonuses, fast rank, and civilian job prospects seem very appetizing but you will absolutely hate your life for choosing it. The reason they throw money at you is because the quality of life is so shitty for you you are more likely to snap, commit suicide, fail out, become fat, and every other bad thing that can happen to a sailor by a factor of a thousand. Also the civillian job prospects are mostly exaggerated. Sure you can get a Operator job at a plant when you get out but don't expect "Muh Six Figures" like your recruiter is peddling to you. The jobs exist but they are in parts of the country you don't want to live in and require shift work. Even then if you are a "Six and Out" sailor you shouldn't expect to make more than 60k assuming you get picked up (Protip: You will be going up against the suckers who reenlisted and did a Prototype shore command or people who got Watch Sup quals) Don't kid yourself if you think companies are tripping over themselves to hire 24 year old sailors who managed to fumblefuck their way through the navy. The prestige of the program doesn't mean as much as it did 10-20 years ago and companies know this.
>t. Reactor Operator up in Bremerton
My wife had a friend at work, F24ish that wanted to join the Army and be an MP. Wouldn't listen to us about how fully retarded that was. Luckily she doesn't meet the education requirements... kek
Joined the Marines at 18, wanted to kill terrorists. 5 kills I think (2 for sure were mine) Nuke techs get pretty good sign on bonuses, but the few friends I've got that went that route did not re enlist. You'd better not get so much as a speeding ticket in that MOS or you're looking at a big chicken dinner, although might have changed as they went after me during Obama's 8 years of darkness.
I mean this?
joining the national guard in may after gradation from college. Going to basic, then OCS, then flight school. Getting college paid for and getting pilots license for free.
Elevator. There are Hangars below the flight deck
Aaaaah seems so obvious now. Thanks
I have a fetish for helicopter carriers and amphibious assault ships like pic related, but I don't know shit, I just like the idea and how they look
Thanks for the info, I'm starting to consider not doing it because I keep hearing about the job itself being shit. What if I just go ET but not nuclear? Or any other programs you'd recommend?
LOL bullshit. Your eval says Dropped from training not recommended to return, that's it. It doesn't even say if you were shit hot but dropped for medical reasons. Big navy doesn't care what you did in nuke school or if you were a shitbag, they just put you in whatever billet needs filling, or they give at least two options last I heard. I was an ET and dropped out in prototype and my transfer eval was written by a YNC who knew me for a week.
Ask to be a Boatswain; tell your recruiter you love painting
Whyd you get out and what're you doing now?
T. Ast hopeful leaving Feb 5 for Cape May
You dropped out in Prototype, not A School/Power School
>whatever billet needs filling, or they give at least two options last I heard
I know dozens of people who dropped out in A School/Power School and the hard workers all got to pick from a sheet 2 pages long of rates. (Plenty of CTNs, Dental Yeomans, Sonar Techs)
The instructors in Prototype probably fucking hated you since that's the only people who fail out there. It's a pump, not a filter.
I actually served on that ship, LHD 2 Essex. Go ET because the nuke program is very difficult to complete, the MM rate is a lot more work in a lot shittier conditions. If you do complete the nuke program it doesn’t matter so play it safe.
I was med dropped. Like I said, my instructors didn't write my eval. Even if they hated me, and they didn't, they rest of the navy would never know.
If your shitbag friends dropped in A school (trust me only shitbags drop in A school) and got to choose a rate from a long list there must have been a lot of open billets that month. I dropped during recession time and the navy was full. They only had EM and BM openings and I was SOL.