How’s does it feel knowing that they hate you?
User Hates Neo Nazis
i dunno. who care about those pooftas.
they're still around?
They were always faggots. As bad as those kekistan retards. Sage.
>no life faggots on the internet hate us
Like I care. Anonymous have been faggots ever since it became a movement ant not just the default name on image boards. Just a bunch of script kiddies playing anarchist.
The embodiment of fedora tipping edge-lords.
Oh no! Not the script kids!
Some Twitter news News aggregator that likes to roleplay as a mysterious hacker group hates me? I don't really care.
>CIA tweets something
Real anonymous doesn't post to twitter. These faggots who keep up the online persona of anonymous know literally nothing about scripting, coding, haxxing, or anything else that anonymous does to produce results.
They're just children trying to act tough.
Lions don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.
>thinks anonymous is a collective centralized group
Keep dreaming faggot
Uhh, you mean Sup Forums?
>real anonynous
It was a FBI psyop from the start.
>How’s does it feel knowing that they hate you?
I'm not a Nazi so why would I be offended, thumbdick?
I am a Macronian Bonapartist.
Lol Sup Forums's anonymous declares war on Sup Forums's pol.
I remember that time they declared war on LOS ZETAS and quickly backtracked when the Cartel started ringing them and hunting them down
They're definition of kid spoiled by success. People on Sup Forums used to do it for fun, normal people started to recognize them so a few beta faggots tried to keep it up but they don't really have any skills so Anonymous's been dead for years now.
Pretty good considering they are mostly consisted of retards
Anonymous = some random @Anonymousabcdef12345xyz account?
Either way, who cares. Even their """official""" outlets spout nothing but GLP-tier fear-mongering garbage.
>The larping faggots
Fpbp we're all anonymous fuck these attention whores
Holy shit my side
Whoever the fuck it is, it's just some kid who closely follows news, tech magazines and other shit. They retweet shit as their own information as if they are in the know and slap a Guy Fawkes mask on their profile to make it seem like they are a member.
I know this because my Twitter account follows all FBI, police and news from every major US city and news from almost every country and all government agencies. It's amusing that FBI Chicago will post something and then one of these Anonymous accounts will post the same thing just reworded as if it's their own thing.
Very wise
>le anonymoose meem
some anonymous "le 1337 h4ck3r5" are retards.
That being said, do they attack SJWs ? that would make them 7/8 out of 10 in my books (attacking neo nazis and leftards at the same time)
sucks for you, and go learn about occupy wallstreet fag, anonymous is fbi shills
Hello, new friend
are pooftas what you call cheetos in australia?
>pol is an ideology
It's literally Sup Forums
The clueless media just run with it
(((anonymous))) was hijacked by liberals after chanology. They might even be controlled by (((them))).
I'm fine knowing a bunch of irrelevant fat basement dwelling fucktards don't like me.
I also assumed that all these faggots died of diabetes-related illnesses years ago, last time I heard of these fatties was, what, 2011?
>How’s does it feel knowing that they hate you?
Oyy veyy who is the hacker known as Sup Forums?
A bunch of kids who scream at black People on the internet
Thought they died off
Anonymous turned to shit as soon as the eternal normie touched it, like everything else birthed on Sup Forums
>claims to be anonymous
>makes twitter account
They're a joke. All they do is try to use LOIC to DOS things. A big fat fucking joke.
It's a bunch of old Sup Forumstards that never fucking let go. They're nobody, they have no power. The real anonymous these days is US. Sup Forums.
Doesn't the CIA hate all free people?
These idiots are idiots
Sup Forums in general is filled with misinformation that needs urgent debunking. So i agree with Anonymous
Can’t stop us.
They heyday of "Anonymous" was 2006 - 2008 during the INTERNET HATE MACHINE and Project Chanology era. Shortly after that they wen't defunct, the oldfags at the time saw the writing on the wall and went other places.
The moniker was hijacked for the chan culture capital to spread pozzed, disinfo establishment bullshit, but it backfired because people sniffed it out really quickly. It's been totally irrelevant for years. They recently tried to tangentially harness some of the "anonymous" mystique with that spook twitter handle 0Hour, but again nobody bit.
i mean if they want to circle jerk...
lol who cares. Easiest way to fuck with accounts pretending to represent 'Anonymous' is use all the same symbols and then post whatever the fuck you want. Want to go on a racist tirade about black women? Do it under 'Anonymous'
That's what these faggots don't get. Using anonymous for activism is a double edged sword. By it's nature it's decentralized so you can use the same name to promote a white ethnostate if you want, they can't do shit about it.
Dont care
But we ARE "anonymous"
came here to literally say this.
I still never understood the whole big deal about this shit. They were literally just shitposters spamming the buttons on LOIC. Few were every epic hax@rs. The media is so fucking retarded for blowing anonymous up.
Brave Anoymouse stands with based Israel.
Seriously guys how can anyone hate the jews, haven't they suffereded enough? Did you even know Eisentein was a Jew, we woudn't even exist without him,
that's pretty ironic coming from Sup Forums exactly
dead niggers
You're so based it's making my dick hard
>he thinks anonymous is an actual twitter group
look at the fucking user name, anyone can make a twitter called anonymous.
Well kek'd
Saw a video pop up in my feel a day or two ago about Anonymous Declares War On Antifa!
neo nazis are faggots just like antifa
Bunch of larpers
literally just came here to call this guy gay
But they are l33t h4x0rs? What if they attack with a botnet to dislike my profile picture 12,000 times?! How will I recover?
The bad thing about being anonymous is that any idiot can put on your mask and pretend to be you.
All the ones with skills make money doing it or grew up or went to jail
>Anonymous virtue signals and ends up in opposition to Sup Forums
Oh wow is it 2009 already?
>paid ((((DEEP STATE))))) CIA shills are anti-white
Imagine my shock.
a literal nobody posted a retarded picture on shitter
man, sure showed us