Would you fight for your country? Or would you burn your card?

Would you fight for your country? Or would you burn your card?

I would fight for America
If it weren't a republic
I'd fight for an authoritarian state tho

Depends on who we are fighting and what for, if it's for Israel in any shape or form, no.

>color hair: brown
>height: 5'8

thank god they burnt that shit. fuck out of this country

In the current state its in now? Let it burn to the ground

I would burn it if we weren't going to war with Mexico. Our country would attempt to get us into a war for jews or for money. I only care about blood and soil.

I would. Even if I disagree with my current government, the national security is more important than anything else.

I would try to become an officer if there was a draft. Pretty sure the need for officers would go up during a major war that requires a draft and I would have an easier time getting in with my shitty gpa.

Fighting for what?For the degenerate?For the cucks?For the braindead zombies?
Not even one shithole in Europe worth saving.
I will happily fight for US though

I can't. They said they didn't want me.

If it was to defend the existence of my nation, not the government

Thanks Alexander. We're all going to get out of this mess together.

I'd fight for Texas, but fuck the rest of the USA. No way am I going to fight int he ZOG machine.

Fly half way around the world to kill commie gooks and rape their ugly gook wives? Sign me the fuck up!

No, they would probably use the most highly educated people as officers

for serbs yes, for some dumb political agenda no

Short of full invasion of the US, probably not. Hell, if they take over New York and California and leave the rest of us alone but under a different flag we might even be better off from it.

Yeah, I’ll fight for the government that actively discriminates against whites so Israel can achieve its geopolitical goals. I’m a good goy servant of Israel.

I would fight for the forces of light.

and that's that

>le based texas
>fighting for a bunch of spics and liberal capital of the world austin


>liberal capital of the world
yeah nah you're a retard, consider death

and kill for the queen? fuck no
getting rid of that control? fuck yes

Only if we went to war with Israel would I fight.

The second US war of independence


fighting for MERKEL.

hahahhahahah .......... no

I'm doing my part!

it all depends if a real war or some fake bull shit like after 9/11

if the fight is on U.S soil im 100% fighting

>burning your draft card even though there will never be a draft again, and if there were, it'd be because the enemy was on our soil this time

I'm female but if my homeland really needed me to I would

I already fought for bullshit reasons, I'll fight again if it has an actual purpose other than helping kikes.

>Would you fight for your country?

Nope. I'm too intelligent and my life matters too much.

Dumb trashy people would go fight on my behalf.


Has a nice ring to it.

Top kek

Sure but if there's a high mortality rate then there would be more open spots available.

Totally. I'd eagerly volunteer in some cases.

more like the war for global independence

No, they would hire foreigners. Military strategy isn't something you can do approximately, you need people that know what they are doing.

I can't realistically see my country getting into a war for its own interests within the foreseeable future.

I'm not so sure about that, historically countries would lessen requirements for becoming an officer as casualties mounted. Fun fact, in the latter half of WWI the British had suffered so many casualties among officers that they even allowed illiterate recruits to enter officer school.