Trump really is busting ass at the job
Other urls found in this thread:
>we try to stay apolitical
report whoever tweeted that
>cherry picked photo
One of them is a negro?
Here's a better one.
Seems like they're all on the phone. What's the difference?
Wow it's almost like Trump is a neat freak and that huge piece of wood in front of him might have compartments to put things.
trump is the only person tacky enough to wear a hat in the oval office
POTUS Trump has a blank or rather neat clean desk
I think you mean that all those other people are rude for failing to cover their heads indoor.
>Here are a handful of PR shots
There was a picture of Trump literally surrounded by folders which got spammed here at the beginning in comparison of Obama.
Cherrypicking is not being apolitical, you sack of shits
So when the next Trump is elected will everyone start seeing Trump as a good guy? I mean bush is objectively one of the worst presidents ever, but lately people have been riding his dick. Even praising his hurricane response. Will we start praising the war in Iraq too?
do you reckon he reads anything put on his desk?
I'd like to know Trump supporters' view of his likelihood to actually read stuff. Do you think he does read stuff, or do you think he works by gut instinct?
There's a nigger in the bottom left corner. Too easy
He's just a billionaire businessman who runs hundreds of businesses before his presidency.
Unless you think CEO's don't do jack.
Trump 2024.
>commander in chief doesn't remove his cover indoors
>US military BTFO
What reason do we have to believe otherwise? No, seriously, provide a reason.
It's a well reported fact that Trump can't read.
post deleted
"give me the gist of it"
followed by one of the three:
"you're stupid/wrong"
"you're lying"
"you're right"
why tf would the president spend forever reading? he just needs summaries and to ask pointed questions to make sure they know their shit (see Andy Grove on QA and asking for budget space)
Wow, Trump is so good he already finished working.
He's phoning Stormy Daniels
Bush looks the coolest
>spend forever reading
Normal, non-brainlet humans don't need forever to read a few letters.
For the so-called "businessman" who wrote "The Art of the Deal', the fucking shitgibbon was completely out of the biggest deal he could of made in a lifetime.
useless traitorous cuck
Fucking shill.
Someone with a clean desk is usually someone who works hard and is organized.
He's caught up on his homework, like all good students.
He has a hat, what do I win?
It makes me laugh that people think a messy desk means you're smarter and work harder. Absolute bullshit.
Probably has a different office because there are “bugs” in there
>doesn't waste paper and hurt the environment
>it's 2018 anyway most communication is digital
>people mad
fuck em
>already done and asking for more WORK
dem german genes
notice the gold bust. (((Who))) could that be?
It's the curtains isn't it?
So a billionaire knows how to keep his desk in order. Big woop.
Is that a diet coke? Cause I've never seen a thin person drink diet coke?
Do you reckon W or Obongo even had the ability to read at all?
It's such an obviously staged photo. Couldn't they have at least tried to make it look natural?
He finished his presidency months ago
it's a well-known fact that the oval office is only used for meetings with top-level staff, hosting diplomats, and ceremonies like signing bills into law and shit. every president has a had a main office with an actual computer (or whatever they had before) where actual work is done.
They’re still haven’t changed that disgusting old wooden desk.
> assuming it doesn’t have a secret underground entrance.
Also trump hasn’t done shit.
What is George Soros doing on willies desk?
Looks like the Doctor dude from the old Star Trek show.
>busting ass at the job
well he has a private office with lots of windows that open so it's probably OK
Fucking lol
Yeah, why would anyone want the leader of their country to have the ability to read something longer than a summary?
not using paper, wow thats soo green
>tfw you dont procrastinate or pose for a fake ass picture
Yep. All those papers are props for the photoshoot. No way they would risk important or potentially secret information being photographed.
the president gets to choose his desk you retarded faggot
Is everyone in this thread going to ignore the context of the original image? The White House posted it saying that Trump was working hard through the shutdown.
That's why it's funny.
Reminder that Bush's all time approval rating was 90%, Obama's was 69%. Historical revisionism by leftists isn't a new thing
No. chances are no legislator reads the entire bills. They probably have staff members and aides read it and summarize.
>portrait of andy jackson
>all those challenge coins
>probably waiting for the asshole taking the picture to leave
We made a mistake and elected a non white once?
I wonder if that bust was a personal gift from Soros. Fucking saved.
>implying he doesn't have a chit for that
the whole country is on autopilot with payroll as its driver and phantom. how do you not know this already?
Bush's approval rating spiked to 90% after 9/11 (guess why) and steadily declined to around 30% by the end of his term in office. Obama's started at 67% and ended at 59% with his lowest point being 41%.
It looks like you're the one trying to revise history. But don't let my facts get in the way of your feelings.
>When Soros dies our nation will be great again
They're all staged photos. Trump just couldn't be bothered to put as much effort into pretend time.
If you fall for this cult of personality bullshit then you shouldn't be voting.
> Trump's desk covered in papers
"Trump is a messy slob!"
> Trump's desk clear of papers
"Trump isn't doing any work!"
>Not knowing enough history to recognize what previous presidents look like
You guys are all retarded.
Liberals are great at catching little snapshots in time and then making that snapshot representative of the whole picture. And fools are great at falling for their trickery.
oh yeah? which deal was that?
jesus christ this country is corrupt.
I want out.
Never Trumper here. I don’t give a shit about the desk, I’ve seen it beat I’ve seen it messy, doesn’t bother me either way.
The difference is the hat. Trump is the only president crass enough to wear his fucking campaign merchandise while “working”. His real work, the only thing he truly cares about is branding. That’s why he’s wearing his hat in the office, that’s why the white houses answering machine blamed the democrats for putting troops at risk during the shutdown, that’s why he’s constantly bashing the press and throwing parties for halfway repealing healthcare (and then have it stall a week later)
Remember when Bush and Obama did that? Remember Bush blaming his predecessor and or opponents when things went wrong? Remember Obama passing out his ‘hope’ bumper stickers a year after the election and playing favourites with the media? Of course you don’t remember that because those guys actually respected the office of President and it’s role in the branches of government and respected you, the electorate, enough to make up your own mind about who was at fault when things happened. Because they were focused on the job.
low quality b8
Trump has taken cues from the former president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and isn't wearing a tie?
>a photoshoot
No wonder Trump's walked all over you idiots for the past year.
you imagine theres a brit let that isnt a huge faggot? nige not included
Remember when a Democrat shoved a cigar into a impressionable, twenty three year old intern's vag in that very, sacred office you're referring to?
So is it good or bad to be messy, I'm confused.
... And to act as if Obama didn't play favorites with the media shows just how dishonest you are. Maybe you should brush up on James Rosen.
hes never called himself thin lol
look mom i'm trolling on Sup Forums!
>Remember Obama...playing favourites with the media?
You mean that time Obama basically tried to ban fox news from going to press briefings and called them 'not real news'
>“We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent,” said Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, in a telephone interview on Sunday. “As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”
>Not knowing how quotation marks work
Hes not using a coaster on a literal national heirloom.....
>closed invite group
cant have anyone counter their cherrypicked shit can they
look closer weeb virgin
Dog, you're mad at a guy for wearing a hat. That is the level of desperation to which you have fallen because you picked A but it was actually B, and instead of owning up to it by saying "oh fuck I picked bad" you've decided that all of B is actually secretly evil and has been forever, just so you don't have to go through the personal anguish of having been wrong.
dw dude you'll figure out just how disgusting your nevertrumper allies are eventually, just keep watching
That wasn't me who posted that. Check the IDs bro.
Day of the rope can’t come soon enough for journalist scum
cherry picked kys
Trump is actually working in the pic. Everyone else is making it look like they are.
Oh, thank goodness.
He put on the fucking hat and cleared his desk for a fucking photo.
>We can't let this man have the Tsar bomb codes
Looks to me like only one of them finished his work.
>Only one of them has their paperwork done
Wew lads
Honestly Trump filled up that niggerball stadium more than a niggerball game.
There's a presidential coaster, how's it feel that a desk is worth more than you?