>look for rents around $300 in my area, only about 2 found
>one is in ghetto niggertown
>the other is in trailer trash hickville
Seriously fuck this country.
>look for rents around $300 in my area, only about 2 found
>one is in ghetto niggertown
>the other is in trailer trash hickville
Seriously fuck this country.
Other urls found in this thread:
$300 isn't going to get you much anywhere.
Then don't be poor faggot.
$300 won't get you a garage where I live.
>rents around $300
Hello, 1970s man. Do you have any Quaaludes?
That's 300$ a week, right?
rent a room in somebodys house.
>wants rent at poor people's rates
>there are poor people there
This is not how countries are suppose to be you mongrel. People like you should get executed.
more people = higher cost of living
bitch i live in quebec and u can't find anything for 300 that isn't a 4 foot by 4 foot room in a shitty apartment shared by 5 college liberals
>look for rents around $300 in my area
>Fuck this country
yeah it's the country's fault you're broke. Fucking stupid liberal.
Rent in trailer park can be as low as 300 a month, possibly with a beat up shit trailer, comfy as fuck in the summer. Get drunk with rednecks and chill with 4/10 trailer park grils.
Fucking poorfags
embrace natsoc
No one with money wants poor people like yourself close to them.
>look for rents around $300
I used to look for unicorns too, then I stopped smoking meth
But the brain damage lasts forever
Literally 95% of people i know make under 2000 a month
This country's service based economy is shit, and official numbers are bullshit. Half of a country requires spanish in order to even get a job, other half has affirmative action. If you are a straight white male who is pro-active, good luck getting a high paying job.
Over half of people on here are unemployed and obviously bullshit about it. No reason to believe them unless we see dem pay stubs.
I'm not a liberal you shit muncher. Just because I want affordable living you damn me?
Man you wouldn't even be able to rent a tiny shithole apartment for $300 a week here.
>$300 rent
Just live in your car, brokefag, who the fuck thinks you'll get more than a room for $300 these days who isn't also mentally retarded?
Or, if you have to choose, take the white one, at least you won't get raped or killed walking home at night.
Stop playing victim james, i pay 700 euro/month (900 muttcoins) for a shitty 65sqrm commieblock apartment in a small village of 10K people which has horrible infrastructure and the nearest store is 40 minutes away.
Atleast in your ghetto you would get internet speeds way higher than my 6 mbps (paying for 120...)
Dude rent near me for a decent area starts at like $3,000
I'll kill myself before I EVER become trailer trash, kys.
just kill yourself poor faggot, when i turned 18 my family bought me an Apartment in Vienna i dont even need to think about rent and it feels good
I live in a city with over a million people and apartments in the best areas cost 1500 a month MAX
Stop LARPing, unemployed libertarian faggots.
>Be poor
>Why do I have to live around other poor people?
Go live with the niggety nogs then or pay $1000 a month to live with some uppity college liberals, maybe they will talk you into transitioning.
lol 1200$ is a shithole studio where i live, fuck i wish i could find 300$ rent even in the ghetto
>$300 a month
>thinking you’ll live in the suburbs
Top kek mate
Okay kikeboy
>have only $300 for rent
seems like you need sorting out and you should go for it and live in the ghetto niggertown for a while maybe that will eventually give you the drive to look for a proper job that can pay for your living expenses and stop being a poor pathetic faggot asking advice on Sup Forums
Where do you live?
>I live in a city with over a million people
Is that suppose to be a lot? lel
Vienna is nicer than any American shithole
$10/day will barely buy lunch
What do your parents do? And why are you so hostile to poor people?
I'll kill myself before I EVER become trailer trash, kys.
10 minutes earlier:
>look for rents around $300 in my area
A million may not be a lot for you insect chinks but it is for civilized people
It shouldn't be like this.
Ok, Maybe, but the world isn't going to change to accommodate you anytime soon, so start making more money, poorfag
What's my motivation? To be around two faced assholes like you?
This fag lives in Vancouver Toronto or Montreal. The worst places and only 1m+ cities in Canada. Definitely a muslim.
Most 'cities' are 30-60k people here, are up north (4h+ away from pooronto) and are 97% white still.
Try to grasp this next fact... Ontario alone has over 200,000 lakes. There were always 10-15 lakes around every town I lived in as a child. Niggers cant swim.
Gas the kikes race war now
$300 a month is all you can spare for rent? Are you a NEET or something
Why am I a communist for wanting affordable living you dumb fucking mongrel?
my family has always been in the Austrian upper class but now we are industrialists and own a factory that produces parts for Audi, poor people need to know their place in society as nonentity filth
Yes, I am a NEET.
What is your religion?
Get a job faggot
No reason to.
having money doesn't mean someone is Jewish
Three hundred wouldnt pay my hydro bill around here.
Hating the poor isn't very Christian of you. Also you just reaffirmed my belief that catholics are niggers. Unless you're Austrian nobility I wouldn't talk shit.
>tfw pay only $600 property taxes for four bedroom I inherited from parents and loopholes in california squatter laws
Lmao @ u 0 luck stat nerds
The people in "Hickville" are 100x better than niggers, in fact most hicks are pretty civilized, just a bit "slow".
Lol no they're not, they're basically niggers. Dumb and violent.
>searching for rent in $300 range
>"ewwww, trailer trash hicks"
Got news for ya, sport. Your social standing in America is a shade lower than theirs. They're at least aware of where they are right now.
my family were Barons during the Austro-Hungarian Empire, i dont hate poor people its just a fact that they are uncultured nonentities that consume nothing but garbage, literal proletarian trash
>Living in small rural town in Quebec
>Renting a bachelor apartment, 380$, electricity included
>2 minutes walk from work
>Woods about 15 minutes by car if i want to do innawoods stuff
>There's literally less than 1000 niggers living in all the cities east of Quebec City
>2 niggers living in my hometown
they're ugly drug addled alcoholics desu
Edmonton and Calgary have well over 1M.
Vancouver has 650K.
you're complaining about $300 dollars a month?
bruh, I pay $3500 a month for a little closet space in NYC..
I am thanking God that rent isn't $300 where I live. I don't want to live anywhere NEAR people so trashy and ineffectual that they can only spare $300 on rent.
$300 is less than I spend on groceries for just myself in a month.
Why would you do that?
Because affordable to you is so low, yet you feel entitled to live above your means.
>It shouldn't be like this.
What should it be like? You getting a 1 bedroom all to yourself with internet included for free?
Let me get this straight. You want to pay nigger ghetto prices and not live in a nigger ghetto? Am I reading your post correctly?
>$300 is less than I spend on groceries for just myself in a month.
I'm poor but can you ennoble my poor unworthy ass so I can have money? What do you think of us filthy proletarians race mixing with all the hot bourgeoisie women? Do you think the resulting offspring would be half poor half rich landing somewhere in the middle class? Would you hire assassins to kill my unworthy ass just for even suggesting such a thing with you rich wealthy connections?
I'm 155 lbs with very low body fat. I rock climb, box, lift weights, and could probably kick the shit out of you.
How does it feel knowing there are people better looking than you with great, affluent families that are coasting through life while you sit here miserably masturbating to anime?
You better kill yourself now. You have no fucking idea what you're doing.
....Yeah, food is expensive when you're not eating packs of ramen every day.
But you wouldn't know how much a pound of any kind of fresh meat costs, would you
closer to work, I also need to be ready for pick up whenever my boss needs me (secretary) sometimes we fly to another state on last minute notice and it gets hectic.
>yet you feel entitled to live above your means.
Because I'm a White first worlder, essentially a god.
If you can't afford more than $300 on rent you only have a few options.
>get a better job
>move to a cheap area/state
>move into the ghetto
$300 is an absurdly low rent, I don't know why you expect the market to cater to your tiny wallet. Also, this is a shit thread and should be deleted. Everyone knows you're trolling, even if they're pointing out the stupidity of your post.
>not owning your own property
Anyone who rents is an idiot anyway
Quit working fast food and retail.
Get an education
Learn a trade
Quit being fucking worthless.
You're essentially a nigger.
Fix that.
That's not how being white works. Pick a trade, go to school for it, and make enough money buy you're own house. How does it feel to be below niggers?
That sounds a lot like projecting if I ever heard it
>this guy wanted to prevent shit like this from happening but /pol is fucking retarded
>How does it feel knowing there are people better looking than you with great, affluent families that are coasting through life while you sit here miserably masturbating to anime?
Makes me want an uprising senpai.
>Looking for $300 rent
>Talking shit about the trash he obviously belongs in.
I pay $3500 a month just for rent to live in the Best City Ever (San Francisco), if you don't like living with trash, don't be trash.
Have you tried alabama?
It'd be more than enough in Cuba
You can't even get off NEETbucks and make your own money. How are you going to lead an uprising?
So you can a better place to live, you fucking retard.
You're just trash that has a novelty and thus an easier path than tard OP. Don't kid yourself faggot.
>payong 3500 to live in Little India
>most homeless and open human feces in the world if you exclude India
>a fag
It all checks out.
Your net worth is less than my shoes. Novelty my ass, I live a couture life and I deserve it because I bust ass for it.
Because being poor causes one to be irrational and mentally deficient