Couple weeks sober, that's a start
Same here buddy.
Hang in there, rough
I never drink
The posts are why I'm afraid of even drinking a beer once a week. I really don't want to become an alcoholic.
Alcohol is a huge part of our (my) culture though, Nordnigger. Stop trying to an muslim on my culture. In fact, I'm pretty drunk right now.
Stop worshipping trees
Good, stay sober friend.
If you are feeling anxious about the shitty state of the world it is absurdly easy to drink daily and become addicted.
Haven't Drank in almost 6 years. The Liquid Jew is a tool to keep us from reaching the next level and becoming Aryan Demi-Gods
>abandon one of the most important part of your culture even though it is good for your health to drink wine
No, thanks.
That guy looks like such a fucking loser. Is he homeless?
23 days now. Although I really wasn’t drinking much before the new year. Keep it up. I feel better everyday and I just noticed my face looked less irritated today
Ayy 5 days sober here buddy
Nordnigger lol. Fuck you you kraut bitch this is why you always lose
Okay. Loser.
No thanks
>what is moderation
About 16 hours here.
The white man evolved interdependently with alcohol, it literally runs in our veins. Just like milk. To deny yourself this as a white man is the same as denying yourself dairy, eggs, or meat. Alcohol has many benefits that our white bodies need. It is a relaxant, reduces inhibition leading to 14, it emboldens out spirit for beer putsches for the 88, it disinfects our wounds, and so much more. The purity spiraling on this board over alcohol I think is the brainchild of Eliot Rodgerses that couldn't handle the time they had a beer and sperged on a Stacey about how beautiful she was.
I have moderation, I never drink more than two glasses a day. Varg don't drink alcohol at all.
>culture drinks constantly
>started 3 world wars
yeah im sure your culture is great
Fuck off.I quit smoking and jacking off. A couple beers keep me from going off the rails.
Havent had a single drop since 2009. Weed on the other hand..
I really want to have a few beers, but I end up having to get up and piss at 3am plus it ruins my sleep.
Any ideas to solve my love of alcohol vs my love of not having to get up and piss in the early morning?
piss jugs
stop destroying them, they are our natural habitat, whether you want to live among them or not
I still have to get up and aim
weed isn't bad, as long it's not keeping you from taking care of your responsibilities, i smoke once i get home from work, but once i smoke i don't want to do anything, so it's a catch 22 for me. i work but am not doing much after that
Why would anyone want to stop drinking? Is this mentality what breeds bugmen? Also, Varg is a faggot using YouTube to brainwash young children into missing out on what life is about. There's literally nothing wrong with alcohol.
I don't drink but what's so bad about it?
Just finished 4th beer. Feels good
Fuck you, drinking is in my blood as an Irish man, and I'm not giving it up for any of your fruity ideologies you've gleaned from that roleplaying manchild.
How do you not have to piss in the middle of the night?
same. i only drink water
no, im not a muslim
Are you a Protestant?
no religion just a white boy in a small town
>started 3 world wars
Dumb frogposter
As someone who grew up in a small town with nothing else to do except drink, you must be some dweeb.
>Fuck you, drinking is in my blood as an Irish man
eh not really. i just lack attention span to commit to anything that involves money
Ah, you should have just said you were Jewish
Varg is a closet muslim.
drinking is a normal übermensch thing. has been part of my and vikangs culture for ever. if you drink 1 - beer after work there is nothing wrong with that.
just dont drink hard stuff and dont drink to much. dont get addicted. very easy
3 days sober. Likely going to buckle but I am trying my best here.
>not drinking alcohol twice per week
I'm not a Muslim or a Nu-male, but thanks you for looking out for my health anyway, but I'm not an alcoholic either.
Also, learn to brew your own beer and distill your own spirits and wine. It's good money to sell.
ITT: faggots that can't handle their liquor
Feels good brah.
1 year, 2 months sober. Never had a problem, but chose to stop of my own accord.
If someone like me can do this, you can too.
Just stop living and you'll knock everything out all at once.
This. I don't get why people hate trees. They're ok.
They fall on houses generally.
My life isn't even that bad but I don't know how to quit.