What are your wife/gf political beliefs Sup Forums?
What are your wife/gf political beliefs Sup Forums?
i'm not sure but she does bark at brown people
oh I see what you did there..
I don't have a wife. I had a girlfriend once but she left me for a Nigger cause I refused to get a job and move of my mom's house
So I hang around /pol
They hate womyn and nigs so it's an emotional support group for me
It's also my only form of social interaction
Libertarianish who doesn't think women should be able to vote
She's more or less red-pilled, but we live in the South, so we see degeneracy first hand.
She's proud radical pillow.
Women adapt the beliefs of the ones around them, they don't think for themselves. When you break up she will change her political beliefs to fit her new man.
I don't know and I don't care. If she disagrees with me on anything, I tell her to shut up and listen to her boyfriend.
I'm sorry
She isn't super into politics but I would guess she is center left. She says super racist things from time to time though. She one of those people that seems to be instinctually redpilled on the race issue. Plus one time I told her I didn't think hitler knew about the holocaust if it even happened at all and the just calmly asked me why O thought that. She's a keeper for sure.
Sharia law
Because MGTOW generally means you have been severely fucked over by some broad or you're just socially incapacitated and prefer porn to real women. Either way it sucks
Or he just don't want to spend his life chasing pussy.
I've been dating a girl for about a month. Based on my occupation and city she thought I might be a leftist, but on the 2nd date she said some shit about how she feels bad sometimes when she is on public transport and sees all the minorities going towards the bad part of town, and whites going to the nice part of town. I told her, "I don't care about that at all". She did that kinda shocked :omg you're the worst!" thing. I also put on my MAGA hat after I was done fucking her, now I text her Don pictures. She loves it, thinks it's funny.
I plan to send her increasingly offensive Sup Forums content.
Yeah and I imagine that also sucks. Would probably be great for a while but ultimately it would be unsatisfactory.
Nah. If that's all what people in MGTOW really wanted then they wouldn't have turned it into a movement. They want people to pay attention to how buttblasted they are about not getting attention from women.
leftie but I can win her over usually by using liberal arguments
Enlightened fence sitter detected
was that your decision tho or that of all women
My wife is a staunch conservative.
It's only temp, I live in a majority black area and don't want to race mix
Never had a gf in my life and it haunts me daily.
Having a temporary lapse in dating doesnt make someone MGTOW lol. Did you even know what that meant when you used it?
There's an easy way to cure your 56%ness user. Suck start a shotgun
the same right wing views that i have which is why i married her.
Do you?
>she left me for a Nigger cause I refused to get a job
I understand the basics yeah. It never interested me enough to have a greater understanding than that though. Also it's clearly a kike organization
a cunt 50% other 50% kickass bitch
Liberal Humanitarian. I tried everything to red pill her but it only leads to fighting. So I just drop some small redpills every now and then hoping she'll pick up.
Understandable. kudos to you Sir