Asians taking our white collar jobs

Be me
B.S. + post baccalaureate in Biological sciences/ Molecular Biology
Years of experience, solid resume
Applies endlessly to San Diego biotechs, not even calls, much less interviews
Any interviews notice on the mni-tour that entire staff is either Filipino or mainland Chinese
They say, “We want someone who will fit into our company culture.”
Hmm, like my last job? Where everyone spoke Tagolog or Chinese?
-and Asians weren’t even asked to provide legit credentials from “University of Manila”?
And lunch room was unbearable with microwaved fish sauce smell?
WHAT IF: white Americans spoke openly in private secretive language in the workplace Filipinos/Chinese didn’t understand, about job openings, about opportunities forming in company, about how to get promoted. Would that be allowed?
Damn right I’m MAGA
You have no idea…

See, if they can't come here and take our jobs
Then they want globalism to take our jobs from outside the country

You live in commiefornia. You have no right to complain.

Because they are less likely to ask for raises, work harder, work longer, and complain less.

yep. the asians are grateful for living in america. entitled millenials do not feel like they owe their stay to the corporates. So they are no good.

I know this is bait but..
>San Diego
there's your problem

H1B workers are cheaper and more cooperative than citizens

employer wants employees that will fit in with their culture.
>you bitch about their food on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
Neck yourself.

>white Americans spoke openly in private secretive language in the workplace Filipinos/Chinese didn’t understand
I do this all the time and then randomly insert a co-workers name for shits and giggles

>HS diploma
>Start driving forklift making $11/hr
>Become lead, make extra $1.50
>Take additional training, work hard at position.
>Take Operations Manager position making $65,000 a year at 25 years old.
>Still room for promotions with no need for collage education.

Oh no, now asians are going to go into student loan debt and waste away behind a desk for their considerably shorter lives. How sad.

>san diego

Theres your problem

Those chingalongs won't sue their boss over trivial shit unlike you.

ITT: lazy wh*tes ineffectually raging at the Asian masterrace


Who the fuck goes after a lab sciences career these days? Apply to medical school ya dingus.

whatchew mean??

part of making america great again is trimming the fat.

you are just a glorified wage cuck. you think all those pieces of paper mean anything when corporations could hire highschool students to less if they were allowed to?

Because they work for pennies. I worked in a research clinic once and they only hired poos who were on work permits and paid them minimum wage.

Now I work in a hospital doing research for the past year and it's probably 60% white, 25% asian and 15% everything else

Look into a company called Oracle. Lawsuits against it for specifically discriminating against non Asians. They wrote algorithms that favor Asians based on the China-IQ-Meme. Oracle sells this software.

Get my rake.

You must be a fat hillbilly though

> t. Amerimutt

Can you rephrase that into English there guy

if your job is so menial that a foreigner can take it, frankly I have no pity for you


Same bro, I feel for you, I'm a software engineer with a masters in CS from Rice U and Google turned me down because "I'm not compatible with their culture" or whatever (translation: I'm a white male), even though I interned with them.

thanks for your contribution. I guess everyone who doesn't like King Nigger to control every aspect of their lives is a kike.

I wonder if you were a business owner, how long would you keep employing more expensive employees? how long would your share owners tolerate it?

Yes shlomo, your pocketbook is a perfectly good reason to destroy white countries.

This. And are cheaper in the first place.

AI will replace your role within 5 years and will be driving your fucking forklift too. I'd get to those collages.

I can't speak for biology, but if I ran a software firm I wouldn't let an h1b within one mile of it.

The difference between an american engineer and an h1b is like night and day.

You don't want to work there. They are just recording worker behavior so they can automate in the future.

sure thing comrade. all of your dude weed lmao gender studies friends should be awarded a prestigious 6 figures job. fucking commie retards go back to lefty pol

I do have some idea...

My mom worked X years for Kaiser in Norcal, she ran the lab division for 10~ years before they transferred her to a hospital to train new employees. She said they were all pinoy/chinese, they rarely spoke english and never understood anything "first pass".

I feel for you man, this shit does strike close to home as I considered doing the same shit she did for a living, but I can't say it's any different at any other job (at least in California).

>that cope
Like pottery. Enjoy driving your forklift until it drives itself.

It used to be that when you came to America, you or your children became American. Then tons of people who never had to acclimate came to the US and lived in spots where they can continue on the same way they did back home.

If you think Filipinos (who are all mailmen or nurses) are an issue you are getting off easy compared to dealing with the Indian Mafia in Silicon Valley.

What this all comes from is the societal fallacy that only White folk are racist or capable of racism while all humans have the same traits. If you think that Indians or Asians or Hispanics or Blacks are some kind of magical people you are a moron. But, people think this, people will spew it out all the time without even thinking. Was talking to a buddy the other day and we got onto racism and history. He had all the pocket comments ready to go on White folk but when I said, "Ah, so you are saying that you want a chance to do the same thing to White people, making you the same as White people, and the only thing that made history what it is is that White folk did it first? Sounds like you are a bitter loser in a Football game."

That was in 2015, I'm kinda glad I dodged a bullet, was a shitlib/moderate then anyway

I'll never understand how all these people get hired without speaking even passable English. I guess it doesn't matter when the company is 90% the same flavor of foreign but when it's mixed it's a nightmare that shouldn't be tolerated even in the disgusting diversity felating corporate world of today.

I have a white collar job for her...

>San Diego
>Not using nepotism to get a job

You will literally never make it there. Now I live in in buttfucknowhere Michigan.

>Oh no, now asians are going to go into student loan debt

There is a cultural disconnect you don't understand. Most of the asians I know have reduced or zero loan debt because their parents pay for it all. Education is a priority for asians, so many asian parents pay for everything just so their kids can focus on school.

The behavior is reciprocated when the kids grow up and the parents retire. Instead of sending them off to retirement homes (which is the norm in America), many asian kids actually take their parents home.

>considerably shorter lives
Asians live longer. This is a fact. Mostly related to diet (i.e. Japanese)

They work for peanuts. Literally peanuts.

Its still better than blacks and mexicans getting the jobs just because of affirmative action
Most asians are good at science and math and most blacks can barely read
Asians get fucked by affirmative action just as much or more than whites
I'm very white nationalist and Id rather have asians in my country than other non-whites unless they are PRC loving chinks or west "asian"

nice larp. 80% of companies that deal in chemicals or tech in america that arent start ups arent american companies just american divisions of foreign companies now days. even microsoft and google arent american companies any more

china moves employees to foreign divisions chemical labs / factories. you wont be hired there they have all needed staff and will shit down a bran ch of the country tries to tell them they have to higher citizens. america tried and failed to force china to pay americans to do work above their educational background. china shut down like 3 chemical plants in america then the government gave up

What's your IQ, OP?

Asians fill graduate spots in universities, they must be stopped.

In my graduate program it feels like I'm a foreign exchange student attending a chinese university.

>san Diego
Fuck off paco

Japanese eat properly.
Jungle Asians are basically humanoid seagulls

This is spot on, americana are way too materialistic and selfish to understand sacrifice for the next generation to libe better and the incredible roi university has (I am talking REAL university carreers stem like)