Russian women are marrying Chinese men. How is possible white women prefer asian men over white men? Are Russian men violent niggers or something? It's because alcoholism? It's because Russian men are poor?
What's going on with Russian men?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Are Russian men violent niggers
>It's because alcoholism?
>It's because Russian men are poor?
I lived in Moscow, I've seen it first hand.
Russian men must be total niggers
Why not just marry US white men, most of our women are horribly overweight and cunty
My guess is that you US men should move to Russia
Damn that woman is fine.
Ever heard of the one child policy, because men were favored over women, there is almost no one to marry in China, so they look for alternatives
That food looks awful.
they are just drunk retards
Lack of quality men in Russia.
Drug and alcohol problems or they are just so addicted to vidya they don't bother with women anymore.
east asians are bro-tier, no one gives a shit about asian-white mixing.
white-black mixing is looked down upon because women are supposed to be very picky about who they breed with, it's in their biology, which means if they ever breed with a black man it means they're going against their own biology and its nothing but a fetish.
the russians are creating a new super soldier program called le 60 to combat the amerisharts le 56, these are codenames for weapons of war
In short, Russian men don't give a shit. They rather wrestle bears and shoot their Kalashnikows at random shit while trying (and often succeeding) to reach 1% blood alcohol levels.
For money, stupid. You think a poor chink could get a woman like that?
>mongoloids marrying mongoloids
What exactly is the problem here?
Because Burgers "men" are filthy and overweight
Chinks are genetically farther from Europeans than middle easterners.
Mixing with gooks is only second to mix with niggers in the destructiveness rank
Wrong, lots of Central Asian men get Russian women. Russia is a top destination for brides. Also contrary to popular belief, Russian women make great wives and are loyal.
lol kill yourself
>Are Russian men violent niggers or something? It's because alcoholism? It's because Russian men are poor?
All of the above
We should move to Russia. Russian women prefer Spanish men to chinks. Spanish men will fuck and impregnate Russian girls for Russian men.
most russian men die drunk at the age of 40. something like 60%.
China has too many men and Russia has too many women
I haven't seen that. Provide some evidence
Yes we should
Minus the kid this looks like such a lovely time out on the town. The pic of the glass of wine is giving me a warm head buzz.
>be rich chinese man
>go to some freezing in blyatkalashnikovtsk
>flash the cash in front of butifel svetlana
who is she really gonna choose, him or vladimir from the other side of the commieblock who has no job, spends his free time drinking vodka/fighting and will probably beat her
This is just sad.
Post-modern humans with psychic powers who happen to be super left leaning thanks to government indoctrination will hunt all of us (misfits, rebels, individualists, independents) down.
Just look. racemixing everywhere ai about to dominate us and china is already creating superhumans mixing theirs and other race dnas and also modifying it.
In the future, there will be no race war it will be humans who were left behind from evolution all united struggling to survive against well-adapted(docile normies) and new generations of post-modern human species who just hate us. Then we will be like whoa I am fighting side by side with chinks crackers gooks niggers spics poos and even kikes!!!!
Are we doomed yet?
False. That's for older ages since men have short lifespans
Vodka dick.
I need to go to Russia and pick up some russian bitches to bring back home for breeding.
it is pretty simple user. russia has too many women. lots of russian women go to china to study on scholarships. (lots go as models/prostitutes too). when in china, russian girls go to clubs and bars because they get free drinks as hot white girls mean chinese guys go and spend money.
some russian girls shack up with semi-rich chinese men because the chinese men want a white woman and not a gold digging chinese woman who is major hassle. russian women accept because they can live a good life in china instead of struggling in russia.
is she cooking a fucking beehive with cockroaches?
its because Russian men are not exactly great husbands
>Russian women + Chinese men
You all gon be Kazakhs now!
Cute girl. Russian men are subhumans and she is just marrying up.
It's common and has been happening for centuries. In fact one of the recognized ethnic minorities/nationalities of China is this interbreed between Chinese and Russians.
>"Russian women are marrying Chinks!"
>Posts one couple
Fuck off you kike. Saged.
There's more women in Russia tgan men and more men than women in China
How is this not a good thing? It'll bring back Scythia from total chinkness
I'm not a kike. We should ban women from taking mating choices.
Implying this is new. All of central Asia are these weird slav-chink hybrids.
t. the kid in the picture
I can see why women go for these attractive and ambitious Chinese men. This is just basic Darwinism and I welcome it.
women always seek out the partner with the most resources when selecting a breeding partner.
Unless you're an oligarch or a chad chances are you get ignored.
Russia is extremly poor and Russians are no better than niggers anyway.
It's the same all other the world, Russian women would jump to any cock, even a nigger one if it would let them escape the horrendous poverty of modern russia.
(average wage in Russia is about 600$/month
I have a really hard time believing these women are marrying chinese men. Chinese men have tiny dicks.
Dafuq kind of nightmare food is in that dish?
It looks like some alien shit from Star Trek.
It could be mussels and crayfish but I'm going with insects and leaves with a mud sauce.
I'm wealthy send all the Russian qts my way.
I had such roommate, from Kazakhstan. Basically chink but culturally Russian. A weird guy, although polite. Also he smelled really badly.
>Modern Russian
Implying non-modern Russia wasn't poor.
Is pathetic with all your resources you are still poor. Any Western nation would be a USA tier world superpower with all your resources. Even the worst western nations like Spain have the same wage that Japan and we would have the same GDP than them if our population were the same. But you are 150 millions with diamonds, steel, oil and lots of things and have a shit GDP. Fucking white niggers.
Russian women are so beautiful.
>slavic women meme
You're dumb if you fall for this
Russia is to China what America is to Europe.
Because your men are weak cucks.
>It's because alcoholism? It's because Russian men are poor?
Are they eating random shit that's been pulled out of a swamp?
this image is all I want in life
What do you call the swedish operation pf getting your women beat and raped by niggers ? The helsinki project ? You guys got grannies in wheelchairs raped by niggers
Stockholm syndrome
Russian women are world famous for being whores. They'll sleep with anyone from anywhere.
You have a hard time keeping catalans around
How u gon keep ur women around, spainbro ?
Blacks dont have all big dicks
And contrary to your porn warped reality, women dont just care about dick size
Only men care about dick size
Among Americans, Russkies are without a doubt the biggest blight on whites. Whoring themselves out to literally anybody with African-tier wages.
I'd genuinely be ashamed to be Russian
Not with you, though.
Fuck this gay life.
Based as fuck.
It's that Chink paycheck. I bet she will eventually bang a Chad Vladimir.
OP are there even any Chinese people in Spain?
read some books brainlet. modern history and shit
Here's a vid for all you niggers. Turn up.
Fuck you nigger go suck off some tranny cock you ameriocommunist kike.
>It's because Russian men are poor?
well they're not emigrating to marry fucking rice farmers and factory workers are they
pick one block headed slavniggers
Cause asians have jobs, and most of them don't beat the shit out of their wives and children in a drunken rage.
First thing you notice when traveling is there are chinks in every crevice of this earth selling plastic shit and greasy rat meat
Giant country like china manipulating its population gender balance into a catastrophe... Yep didn't see this ever impacting the entire rest of the world... nope.
Fuck the Chinese Communist Party
chinese men
>hard working
russian men
>white niggers
>Are Russian men violent niggers or something? It's because alcoholism? It's because Russian men are poor?
nailed it
This is the sort of shit that really pisses me off. China and India have aborted all their baby girls so now they are demanding pussy from the rest of the planet. Fucking bullshit. Fuck off, it's already hard to find a GF without all these subhuman street-shitters and dog-eaters ruining things even more.
Not even niggers, spics or sandniggers abort their female young, but poos and chinks do. I don't understand why Sup Forums doesn't hate these retards more.
I mean.... did you expect anything different from a country, whose leader did pic related?
Are you talking about the one child rule or the kill anything that's not a boy rule
stfu slant eyed leaf.
havent researched it, but pretty much guaranteed the answer is money
when dealing with russian women, money is always the answer
talking about russia, can anyone make another thread about the murder-suicide thing going on there? it was a nice thread but it got derailled and I forgot to save the links to make another one
Everyone knows Russian women are whores. I had these 2 sluts beg me to marry them so they could get a green card lmao. Broke slav subhumans.
Ivan can't stop playing cs go and dota2 enough to make some rubles for his vodka let alone cater to some fine Svetlana. Oligarchs also got him by the balls, so Xiao Ping harvests the beauties with cash.
Probably cause chinks are advancing fast. I get chinese news on local channels and shit is crazy how a bulk of their news is about tech related stuff in china or trade deals with shithole countries in africa/middle east. Compared to american news where its basically twitter feeds being read off and what trump said that day. Westerners getting cucked cause gook men hold the moneybags and are ricing western women cause western men are poorfagging it for the most part.
Guess having a population of mostly men and little women make for big tech gains, so they can use the rest of the world to get their semen demons.
>Are Russian men violent niggers or something? It's because alcoholism? It's because Russian men are poor?
all the above