This is the brave woman behind the #MeToo movement. Say something nice about her!
This is the brave woman behind the #MeToo movement. Say something nice about her!
genuinely looks like a lizard person wearing a mask
Nice face, faggot! Hahaha.
Thanks for giving businesses a good reason not to hire women.
Thanks, that people won't like work with women even more.
KRS One is a transvestite?
Her fucking nose looks like a B-2 about to drop ordinance
>somebody tried to shove their cock into that
wouldnt surprise me.
rap music was started by a now known pedo
Her nose could be the Ninth Wonder of the World.
She probably can smell Neptune
uh, she's fucking ugly?
She forgot that # means pound
She was raped?
seiously they just do this deliberately at this point
like, "let's laught at all the doublethinking retards who will congratulate her courage even when it's literally impossible for another human being to be remotely attracted to her in a sexual way" kind of deliberate
Into her nose?
your cock could probably fit in her nostrils sven
imagine the thirst you'd need to want to fuck it, let alone achieve an erection
Not so much crying out for a nose job, but a nose career
I bet if you tore down Americas border fence and just left her there then the Mexicans wouldn't even consider entering
>Are you sure you want to be a Redguard?
what is she, half jewish?
das riiiiite
How does a nose get this wide?
The person who raped her was selfless. She wouldn't have gotten laid otherwise.
Another pic
Bill Murray will do anything for a laugh.
I'm fucking crying.
Is this a photoshop
I honestly cannot believe some of these replies.
She is a poor victim of rape.
>that nose
sucking up all the white man's air
Her skull is bigger than OJ's?!!!
No one but the most mental degenerate deficient retard could possibly. Pretty sure this is one of those they didn't try to fuck me so I'm going to call neglect rape cases. Seriously this is what started the false rape shit. I've seen some ugly nigs before but this one I'm mean seriously looks photoshopped ugly.
Do not insult the groke!
Dat vacuum cleaner nose though
>Say something nice about her!
I promise not to rape her.