~MARK 13:8

"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. These are but the beginning of the birth pains."

Go ahead, and just try to tell me I am wrong.
Only the ones who don't hesitate to think will say "The bible isn't true"

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Someone explain to this brainlet why this earthquake didn't create any Tsunami waves?

I believe he's trying to shake California awake with all these floods and fires and draughts and possibly now earthquakes and tsunamis from turning against Him as the most ungodly state in the union.. This world is so sad and fallen.. It's saddening that it takes catastrophe like this to shake people awake that they may cry out to the Lord for deliverance.. Pray for our world, user. So many are unsaved.

Sometimes as with Japan it does and sometimes as with the recent ones off Indonesia they don't, it depends on the trajectory and angle of the plates I think.

>Let's you POZ people with AIDS legally now
>Not literally going to get BTFO like Sodom and Gommorah

Pick one

Not a lot of nation rising against nation happening. Also global hunger is at an all time low so famines are not happening really.

You are wrong

War, famine and natural disasters are nothing new. Every day might as well be the end times

volcano erupted in Japan also

>excuse the npr link

they'res just more fear baiting and instant media now.
>it's ever been good

>it's a religiously motivated thread on Sup Forums

Earthquakes are so fucking epic. We need more of them. We need an 8 to hit LA or something.

It'll toughen us up...


Israel lost another nuke sub and blew themselves up because America is the greatest country on Earth.

>nothing new

True, but consider this:
Ww2 was the deadliest war in all history

>implying earthquakes are new and the bible predicted thay would happen, but the authors had no knowledge of them.

It's much simpler. The Jews are using the bible as a script to try and jew God into returning.

I didn't imply that they are new!
Earthquakes were very rare back then!

Depth probably. It was a minute or so of increasingly moderate shaking but honestly the 7.8 we had a couple years ago felt wayyy more violent and sketchy. I'd give last night a 6/10 would rock again

Yes its the end of time. WE ALL GONNA DIE. PANIC PANIC. CHAOS.
Happy now kike

News flash: They weren't.

Giant earthquakes are common in spots like this where the earth was torn apart and left with a big gaping Pacific Ocean asshole (and expanded)

>there will be international conflict, earthquakes in "various places" (fucking LOL), and famines somewhere

Name one time when this was not the case since the dawn of civilization.

It did, like a 2 foot one

Prove it.

Okay, Mexico.

There were no major earthquakes in Mexico until last year



fuck off boomer cunt go shill Q and meganon posts on twitter

>name one time in the history of civilization that it was not the case that there were earthquakes in various places, international conflicts, and famine

I'm sorry user. It must be hard to be this retarded.

What's new is news of Earthquakes happening in diverse places. Up until recently, Earthquakes would happen all over the world all the time and nobody knew about it unless it happened close to them.

Only in the last century or two has this prophesy really been active, because of news and media, not because of earthquakes.

You fucking snake, you worthless bongistanian piece of human waste, open your fucking eyes you stupid cunt

Not sure where you pulled that straw from, George.