What would the left-wing have to offer for you to join us?
What would the left-wing have to offer for you to join us?
you'd have to abandon the integral innards of your belief system and pretty much agree with us
then you'd have to get a sense of humour, learn to make memes that arent dogshit and post pictures of yourselves on your bad dragon dildos.
well I dunno about you Sup Forums but wtf I love communism now
No more woman's rights
Woman must be property
All trannies and fags to the bogs
A mass purge of all communists and socialists
>What would the left-wing have to offer for you to join us?
Make anime real.
Not being assigned to a fucking roastie by the government. I mean holy shit that would be hell.
wtf I love communism now!
>government issued girlfriend
holy shit, this has been a talking point on Sup Forums and /r9k/ specifically for years now
the memes are becoming real lads
bring back empire, ship all non-anglos out of the uk, rev up the blood refineries and put Mosley on the school curriculum.
Something like this
Otherwise known as pairing up white women with shitskins.
> be bong neet
> receive letter from the government
> state issued girlfriend will be delivered within the week
> very excited thank you communist party
> girlfirend arrives
> she's black
> tfw
genetically engineered waifus. mandatory assimilation programs for illegals already here. walls that we dont let people without papers through.
>she's black
They'll just be assigning us to each others really. Half of us are already pretending to be cute anime girls sometimes.
Khazar milker harem. No fewer than 30, you foot the bill for their upkeep, I get to pick them, and I can replace 10 every 5 years.
Stop filling our lands with niggers.
I can get on board with nationalization of large corporations, but you'll have to drop the racial egalitarianism Shit.
Oh and no Jews.
>inb4 (((google))) algorithms pair up all the white women with niggers and the white men with each other
$15,000,000 and a government job with lifetime family healthcare and 403b retirement plan.
Add "National" to the "Socialist" part of your ideology.
How does this retarded author think this is a bad thing?
I have opinions about economics and how society ought to be structured and government's role in that, but i fundamentally don't care. I want Ireland to be Irish in 100 years. If the left offers that I'll go left.
This is essentially this
Wtf I love communism now!
A traditional wife
I'm very ugly and there's nothing I can do to change that so I have no hope of getting married and having kids
Loyal virgin wives.
Logic, Reason and Rationality. All of those are things that modern Day Leftwingers are currently lacking on all fronts.
Every last one of you kill yourselves. I remake organization for personal gain.
End women's rights
End LGBT and gay rights
Social programs only for straight white men preferably
The Bogdanoffs are uninterested in trannies and fags
If you can garuantee me a white family in a white city; I will unronically join communism.
Honestly if you could just make girls want to hang out with me I would support whatever socialist party you want me to.
Sup Forums is a pro-Islam board now
Stop being internationalists, stop being totalitarians, quit championing retarded economics.
You have nothing of value to offer.
if lefties can give me a white, virgin wife i will join them on the spot
Universal basic income will probably attract most of the more degenerate NEETs, but don't forget the National in National Socialism, and we have to kill all women.
It reminds me of hitler organizing pure aryan families
Admit multiculturalism is a failure. Both middle class lefties and conservatives move away from areas with high numbers of migrants. Stop letting them in and then moving away cause soon they’ll be nowhere left to move to and white women will be spat at for not wearing a burka
it me
ms. 18, blonde and still a virgin
who wants to go elope?
kik is anything4joji
Full embrace of ethno-nationalism along with improved environmentalist principals, strict boader control and a purge of all marxists from all institutions forever. Also progrom jews. Big points for that
>What would the left-wing have to offer for you to join us?
Just missed the amazing digits.
Honestly, the most attractive women are left wing. If we were offered large-scale loss of virginity, then I think many of us would be willing to go left. And being left is easy: you just advocate for peace and less hatred.
The time for compromise is over
- Anti-degeneracy laws.
- Anti-immigration laws.
- Pro-automation platform.
- Universal basic income.
The latter only if you have finished high-school with decent grades, don't smoke, and pass mandatory alcoholism and drug tests.
A life thats at least as good as my parents generation
I know you wont, you want everyone poor and brown because only whites and asians can maintain civilization
welp, guess I'm a commie now
Where do I sign up?
Pretty much exactly this.
In all seriousness, I consider myself a leftist but there isn't much of a choice but to support a populist right as things are. The left has gone batshit insane. I mean there were always the insane elements, but now they're being propped up by the elite because they have a plan to benefit from it. The """left""" has become not only harmless to, but actually beneficial to a certain globalist capitalist elite. I was never really interested in waging a cultural war against conservatives and FUCKING WHITE MALES but this is all that the left has become interested in. These things have consequences that """leftists""" don't seem to be able to or willing to understand. It's so, so obviously divide and conquer. It makes me sick how incredibly stupid leftists have become.
Wanting to stop white replacement and reverse the trend. But you never will
i wouldnt mind a bit of socialism for a free gf
Give us an ethnostate where our people and our culture can survive. If that were a thing I wouldn't give a fuck what sort of economic system we ran.
A very good start
>get state issued gf
>she is obligated to play transformers with me
>i report her because she wants to play with my soundwave
>she gets sent to the gulag for abusing me
>i get new state issued gf who prefers Optimus
I'm always soundwave.
If a mans ideals are not firm and can be swayed easily, then what kind of man were they to begin with.
honestly, banning fat people would do it for me. if the left wing banned fat people, i would def become a left winger.
Don't mind me just wanted to see who got the digits
A cute, white, virgin 12 year old girl. Innocent and pure, unpoisoned by the world. She will become my wife.
I'm actually of the left but I can't vote for a party devoted to identity politics and intersectionalism. I probably just won't vote in the next election.
It's a shame. I like a lot of the other stuff Corbyn is proposing, like renationalisation of the energy market and the railways, building more social housing, etc.
More rights
There’s always an angle. Work hard, make lots of money, get clean clothes, take a bath.??? Profit.
The Roman Empire did it first.
>you don't have a skill?
>no job?
>no land?
>no means of income?
>take this Empire provided waifu and money every month
>all you need to do is have as many babies as possible
>but remember the babies will belong to the Legions
>they will not be considered your kid's
I honestly don`t think that this would be an issue, particularly considering the extends of cultural and racial isolationism we have moved to in the past.
This youth re-socialization program where the state offers girlfriends will only go towards immigrant criminals, I guarantee it.
I dress pretty nice and always have a fresh haircut. I do take care of myself, I'm just ugly.
Money would work though. Maybe I should take up gambling
I'm sure they will pair them up along racial lines right?
Their heads.
And then I would leave.
and the girlfriends they give will only be a rare white while everyone else is stuck with a shitty common brown gf
They will give white women niggers.
How much do you want to bet this would be white women being "resocialized" with arabs and black men?
Kill all Commies
I'd rather cut my dick off
Their dead bodies
Well that's a start, now legalize weed and we will work from there. Do not be like Canada and say dude treaties lmao, millennials want pot legalized now.
End immigration. Refuse to cave to negroid antics and demands, and reinstate the patriarchy so that women may be socially controlled once again. Im fine with socialist economic practices as long as fags get shut down, trannies vanish, and minorities stop taking far more than they put in.
This honestly. I would rather live in a socialist one party state than a free market capitalist country, as long as there are no brown people and I can get a smart, cute gf. Unfortunately there are no leftists that think like me. So I lean more to right wing politics. I wish I didn't have to.
God invented plastic surgery you know user, anything can be corrected.
I will not join you for any price or reason.
What is wrong with having an loyal black spouse?
Thats the problem with you degenerate souless cucks, you have nothing i need, because all i need has been given to me by the Lord.
This. But liberals are not intelligent enough to come to terms with this. They wallow in their own propaganda about race, immigration, equality, ect. Liberals are the true untermensch, willing to throw their own people under the bus at every turn.
Honestly it really wouldn't take that much. Maybe 100 acres and a small cabin where I could shoot guns and ride enduro, a stable job that meets my modest needs, and the ability to speak my mind on issues without repercussions from the state. Give me that and I'd sign up.
picture may not reflect actual product
No gun control and a balanced budget.
a compelling case
I should add this image because its relevant. The National Socialists were still socialists.
There was also a quote of Hitler stating something to the effect of: "communists and socialists are exactly the people we should rally to our cause -- they just don't know who is pulling the strings yet, or how they are orchestrating this oppression."
That's it you weak commie poodle, larp before your strong right wing masters. If you want to please master go chug mommies bottle of sleeping pills
Then you also need some field slaves to go with your house slave
If you reds manage to turn girls into state property to be given away to the most needy aka lonely count me in. I'll be wearing a Che Guevara shirt and reading Marx if that is the case.
For Corbyn?
>Remove Momentum from your base, by force if necessary
>Stop with the fucking intersectionality
>Legalize Weed, hell, get a certain Dr Nut who was the Labour drugs advisor under Tony Blair his job back and let him do his rational scale thing then base policy off science rather than ideology (Not likely with a communist but hey)
>Basic Income (Fun fucking fact, in the UK Basic income would cost us less per year using just our benefits budget would result in £423 per month, per person. That isn't including any of the money we spend on say, benefits fraud)
>Give us back our fucking guns and knives for fuck sake you fucking fucksticks
>Alleviate the police state and remove hate speech laws, you're a fucking liberal, act like it you cunt - Also, find out who in the Northumberland police force is spending so much tax payer money on investigating mean tweets and have them flayed to death on national television for the pleasure of the pay per view public
>Mandatory waifus would probably be kind of interesting but the only problem is ending up with a shit one, I don't want to have to thrust away into some radical feminist once a month while a state mandated inspector watches on in silence.
>Hang Sadiq Khan by the ballsack from the top of the Tower of London until the Ravens have entirely consumed every piece of flesh from his body like its a god damned Zoroastrian sky burial.
Oh and of course
>Take over Brexit and have the first words out your mouth be 'Fuck off cunts, we're not giving you anything', possibly followed by shitting on someones desk while maintaining eye contact in order to establish dominance.
Do at least 80% of these things with the removal of hate speech laws
>No more woman's rights
>Woman must be property
>All trannies and fags to the bogs
No more right for irrationals, regardless of their gender.
Irrationals have zero property.
OP is irrational.
For the US, Canada, Europe, Austrailia, New Zealand and South Africa to be white ethnostates with traditional family values, and minimal government interference.
Judaisim, Islam and all other death cults banned.
Only men of good standing allowed to vote.
Everyone in the bottom 10% of the IQ bell curve sterilized.
Political corruption among all government officials to be considered treason, punishable by public hanging.
Today's liberals are genuinely mentally ill.
>open borders
>bake the fucking cake
>if you chop your dick off you're a girl
I like this a lot.