Post fappable statues an whyte ppl arts
Western art Tread
My personal fav
The Wall is coming
Shall I take up this cup?
damn that is a beautiful
Isn't it?
Why does he look Chinese?
those eyes say the whole story
Varg approved.
That's porn.
Magnanimity is a high virtue
did they shave back then or just not paint pubes
"my god what have I done?"
kissing his face and trying to stop the bleeding, whilst repeatedly crying, "May I be damned! I've killed my son! I've killed my son!" The younger Ivan briefly regained consciousness and was reputed to have said "I die as a devoted son and most humble servant". For the next few days, the elder Ivan prayed incessantly for a miracle, but to no avail, and the Tsarevich died on 19 November 1581.
They did have razors, but she's an ideal, and so an impossible image.
I try to include the name of the artist if I know it, and or the name of the painting. I can provide the occasional contextual information. But art like this usually requires no additions.
*blocks your path*
Any requests? More women, marble, statues, paintings? I've got a lot of folders.
Here's a higher resolution of just the face.
I wanna lick that marble sole
lol is he supposed to be the devil #brownfallenangel
I'll go to marble and statues now.
He flew to close to the sun, his hubris and arrogance, caused his death look up the myth: Daedalus and Icarus.
is that jeanne d'arc?
hahahah okay makes sense
All I want is sculptures of Zeus (in swan form) raping women (or men).
Hey wait a minute
One of my favourites.
Fuck, better resolution version.
>amazing thread.
> bump!
Sorry, don't have many of Zeus/Jupiter, and not many involving rape.
I cannot wait, I must post, these are my favourite threads.
The boxer.
The stoic and philosopher emperor en equestria.
white people have no art
it was all stolen
How unfortunate, these are the things which inspire our values and beliefs. It's very political.
not really it's Hermaphroditus, a god.
A rare one, I've got many historical photos and such too, but I'll stick to statues and paint.
Chinese sculptor, and it actually copped some shit over that very reason of looking chinese like
I completely disagreed with the ban too. Just a warning for my fellow art lovers that's you *might* (Some threads run to +300 posts, I don't think all mods are like this) get banned if you do it on Sup Forums/
There is this one sculpture tjat is frequently posted on /k/. He sculpted naked women holding weapons. My personal favorite is the woman falling backwards onto a table/bed while holding a SKS on each hand. Wish I had saved that pic.
Political symbolsim, in Sup Forumss fashion is this shit right here.
Tradition is not the perservation of ashes, but keeping the flame alive!
David is such and interesting subject.
I prefer Bernini to Michelangelo though.
Is that statue finished? Looks like a lazy nigger only did 1/2 the work
when the leftists come for this statue, it's fuckin' ogre
Also look at how it was carved, lasers, or water pressure. Lazy and hideous.
There is no comparison to be had with any of the other marbles. Or Bronzes.
I'd tear this down too.
Take it down - we shouldn't have statues of philandering womanizers. That is not women's history.
Alas, they probably will.
Jesus fuck...
No it's natural beauty
Audible kek