>You and a crew of 100 men have formed an organization sworn to uphold traditional values and restore moral sanity. There may be others who support your cause.
>Your campus includes the following:
>300 acres farmland, 300 more rangeland
>5 warehouses, 2 Barracks
>1 shooting range
>1 armory with rifles, pistols, and armor for 100 men, 100k rounds
>5 months supply dry food and water
>10lbs gold, 100lbs silver, coined
>10 4wd trucks, 5 vans
>1 pitbull named Roy
Take an action.
The world is a wasteland of degeneracy
Kill the pit bull for being a breed of niggers, round up all the Asians and tell them we're full.
shoot the pitbull bc im edgy
I dismantle the guns and open the gates for anyone who wants to enter or needs help
Drink all the gasoline. I can't stand the idea of being stuck in a perennial sausage fest with 100 dudes. Also shoot the pittbull as the other anons said
>You and a crew of 100 men
Sounds about right, all the women would be fucking the other side
Begin organizing our harem and public bath house so we can produce kids in our down time
Y’all would just jerkoff until starvation. Stop playing faggots
Get shot by the FBI and arrested, demonized by the media for starting a terrorist sect on american soil.
>Kill the pitbull and replace it with a German Sheppard.
>Preach the good word of National Socialism to redpill as much people as possible
>Stage a coup/revolution to overthrow the leading jews
>Inspire people to love their ethnicity and value tradition
>spend some time evangelize other nations to do the same
Eternal peace.
>round up all jews and send them to Madagascar
>limit racemixing
>limit borders
Eternal peace.
>kill the niggerbreed pitbull.
>sell everything except the weapons
>invest all in crypto's
>rewards permanent anticonception of non-whites with a small monetary reward
>sabotage anti-conception at festivals, sell fake morning after pills to whites, focus on increasing the birthrate and family values
You successfully kill the pit bull without taking any damage. One member of the camp who was friends with the dog is enraged by your action and challenges you to a duel. Roll for outcome.
You begin to dismantle the guns alone after opening the gates. No one is around to enter, and another member closes the gates before security is breached. A different member watch at the armory discovers you dismantling guns and asks for an explanation. You have dismantled 1 rifle so far.
You being drinking gasoline but die before you can drink all of it. The other members find your body at the garage and bury you on a hill. Before you died you tried to shoot the pitbull but it was already dead.
Capture women to satisfy the men.
Pillage and Convert neighbouring setlements.
Say it's Gods will (Deus vult/Allahu akhbar
Start new Religion
oof you all need to be monogamous, you degenerate
I give him a lecture of human rights and why isolation is bad, try to rally everyone to go look for more people
>I give him a lecture of human rights and why isolation is bad, try to rally everyone to go look for more people
I shoot this traitor faggot.
You order production of a harem and bath house. How many men will you assign to construction? 10 = completion in 30 turns, 20 = completion in 20 turns, 30 = completion in 15 turns. It is currently Turn 2. Construction materials will cost 1 pound of gold.
You suicide by FBI. The RWDS has 98 members remaining (1 died to gasoline poisoning, 1 died to FBI)
The nearest city, Skanktown, is 10 miles away, situated on a river bank. The population there is 250,000. There is a downtown leisure area where there may be women. How many men would you like to take on your expedition?
The armory watch shoots you on the spot for being a traitor. 97 members of the RWDS remain (1 died to gasoline poisoning, 1 died to FBI, 1 shot for being a traitor)
I start working on our new Permaculture project after wasting the faggot in the armory.
all whites breed NOW
Trade the pitbull for a wolf. Pitbulls are the dog of the NEGRO
How many turns do you wish to research the Permaculture project? (You are currently on turn 4)
Your RWDS has not yet acquired any women. Breeding is unsuccessful.
The pitbull is dead and cannot be traded for a wolf. You could try hunting for a wolf nearbye. Roll to see if you find one.
breed, send the chads to the town to find some women
>How many turns do you wish to research the Permaculture project? (You are currently on turn 4)
I will spend 3 turns on Permaculture
If that's the case,and there ain't no laws to come after us,literally recreate Rome, kidnap us some lolis and waifus and defend our city.
I put nigger canine and annon who killed himself in back of truck to transport for burial.
You gather a dozen of the chads to go to Skanktown to find some breeding women. As you arrive downtown, you notice five young white women enter a club with a sign that reads "Runaways".
You begin researching Permaculture. Research will be complete on TURN 7 (Agriculture yield +10%, Agriculture cost -10%, Stability +10%)
You propose to institute Roman law in your organization. Vote will conclude on TURN 8. Post "Yes or No to Roman law" to vote, majority wins. Breeding team already deployed. Additional scouts deployed to perimeter.
Do we have any vehicles?
10 trucks
you have 10 4wd trucks and 5 vans. 2 vans and 2 trucks are currently deployed.
I put a group of 5 in one truck and send them in search of any locals or remaining whites.
>You propose to institute Roman law in your organization. Vote will conclude on TURN 8. Post "Yes or No to Roman law" to vote, majority wins.
I quickly vote NO, we don't need child fucking in our degeneracy free compound. I then go back to working on permaculture so we actually have shit to eat.
Establish a rotating patrol around our borders, 12 hour shifts 40 men on, 40 men off, with 20 for emergency response and other matters. With 5 to a truck we can have 8 trucks out on patrol with 2 remaining at any given time.
Hi, ATF nigger.
Speed up collapse of America and begin mass producing NatSoc propaganda, raid stores and army bases, kill as many troops as possible.
this that new Far Cry game?
cut power to the city and block roads
Collapse already happened comrade this is a scenario in which we're at a compound.
20 of my best men set out to find every nubile woman in a fifty mile radius to steal them from their families. 20 other men begin constructing my harem/pleasure palace. 5 men are castrated and will serve as permanent harem guards.
It does not say a collapse happened. DID YOU READ THE OP? I stab this man on my next turn for being a retard.
Then your scenario is retarded, collapse would mean a instant day of the rope and race war shortly thereafter.
Pretend to care about the good of society based on my own self loathing and degenerate fetishes that I frantically jerk off to then immediately feel disgusted with myself after.
Oh, wait, thats all u dumb white fleshed niggers on here
Pls no bully
You deploy a group to search for whites. They are currently heading West, towards the river.
You will need more men to fill those musters, but the ones currently available begin their patrols. Only 7 trucks go on patrol, as the others are already deployed.
Your attempt at a suicide bombing fails miserably as you roll a 6. Thanks to the increased patrols, the people evacuate safely and your explosion deals minimal damage to the surroundings.
You begin mass producing NatSoc propaganda. This will complete on TURN 9 and will increase Sentiment towards your RWDS by 10%.
There are no more troops at army bases, as governments and traditional armies have collapsed. There are various other militant organizations, however.
You complete your burial of the dead.
>Turn 9
Okay there mr. Larp
>"The world is a wasteland of degeneracy"
It's not my scenario, it's his and he laid down the rules.
I tinker with a homemade radio and search for a signal.
During burial I contemplate current roman law vote and decide to vote NO and counter with Federal govt. I purpose a president with governing duty, a commander in chief for military duty(they need consent from each other and congress votes if a tie), and a small congress of 10. congress is head by vice president and votes only if there is a tie. When I get back I start to draft the articles, and find the smartest user I can, to start a ledger for the first bank.
We kill eachother proving we are alphas not betas.
You rolled odds not evens.
You already have a dozen chads deployed to downtown Skanktown awaiting orders.
Your detachment comes across a colony of whites at the riverbed. They fish and collect salvage downstream from the city. They number 16, and one is a Priest. The colony greats your men and asks if you have anything to trade for fresh fish.
You spend 2 turns playing with your radio. You almost immediately discover a station weakly playing Three Doors Down, but you continue searching.
I ask if they'll come back with my group to the compound and send a courier for a van.
I finish my Permaculture research, it should be able to take care of itself now, potentially freeing up more hands to do more productive things, like hanging niggers from trees. I begin patrolling the compounds walls.
Turn 8
They agree to consolidate with you, and will continue returning to this land to fish and salvage. They will be resettled in your compound by Turn 10.
Everyone is excited with the developments to the campus. You will have an easier time supporting the new members.
Vote to Institute Roman law failed.
You propose to institute Federal law. Vote will close on Turn 11.
I vote no on Federal law and begin redpilling civilians from the fishing village.
I vote NO on the Federal law, i instead propose a Fascist Military Dictatorship with a zero tolerance policy on degeneracy. If this vote is successful another vote will be held on who should lead us based on their skills and plan.
Nice LARPing thread faggots
Its fun asshole, don't act like you spend all your time productively.
We find the holdings in the first depository bank to be 500k, each user brought 5k. I propose if the federal govt. passes, the first bill be The Homeowners Reinvestment Act, where we establish underwriting guidelines to reinvest the banks holding into mortgages so anons can own a house. I also purpose that the user who made the ledger be in charge of the bank and also the soon to be federal holdings.
I didn't pass, no one voted yes on your bill
I purpose we build a water powered generator at the river. The people should have enough salvage to rig one up. Also route power to our compound.
>vote will close on turn 11
I hang a hammoc with a sign reading spanish/chemistry/accounting/karate classes. And proceed to have a siesta
I reassemble the gun and try to estimate the yield of our crops, as well as the rate of food consumption of our compound. What is the net gain or loss, and if it's a loss how many acres of farmland should be added?
Also vote NO and propose fascism, we will need strong strict organization to hurdle over the initial period of set up, and can come up with fancy systems and policies when we stabilize and people stop dying.
I vote YAY to fascism
keks fortune is with me. check digits:
Turn 9
While on patrol you spot a longhair off in the distance. Could be a scout, could just be a wanderer. What do you do?
You have finished production on Mass Propaganda. The people nearby will now be more sympathetic to your ideology.
The people from the fishing village are very receptive to your red pills. There are 8 females and 6 males, one of which is a priest. The priest will continue spreading your ideology in his sermons.
>Your proposal will trigger on Turn 11 if the Federal law vote fails.
You can build a generator at the river, but you don't have enough wire currently to connect power to the compound. You could start a project to salvage or acquire some wire in the city.
5 men off duty sign up for your karate classes. The priest from the river colony signs up for your Spanish class.
You reassemble the gun.
You currently produce enough food to healthily sustain your members, while producing a surplus of wheat and sugar. 200 acres of farmland are not developed. Food is not a pressing issue, but will be if you wish to expand further.
I impart the classes asking for a small amout of extra rations. Befriending the priest as well. I volunteer for gathering some wire
>While on patrol you spot a longhair off in the distance. Could be a scout, could just be a wanderer. What do you do?
I gather a few men, we take cover at the barricades on top of the walls. I wave at the stranger, but am ready to jump down to cover if he starts shooting