What needs to happen for this to become a thing?
What needs to happen for this to become a thing?
It won't. If anything, the US states will split up.
It can't. Canada's too white.
canada literally has the population of california. we can make the entire country a state and it wouldn't change shit
It looks so fucking sexy
We could threaten them and they would probably submit. Their military sucks and 80 percent of their economy is dependant on ours.
t. 63%
The annexation of Canada followed closely by the invasion of the US by China just before the great war.
Chinks aren't white, brah.
Fuck that, it's 90% frozen wasteland populated only by igloo niggers and the remaining 10% is populated by liberals.
>80 percent of their economy is dependant on ours.
Why can't we just use your currency?
That's up to you
Why do you want to bring down 56 to 36?
Few more stars on the flag I guess
Kill the liberals and enslave the igloo niggers.
our federal government will inevitably collapse but not before conquering our neighbors in a desperate attempt to keep itself aloat by expanding its taxbase.
we have powersuit poos for that
superpooper 2070
desu 90% of canadians secretly want canada and the US joined together. If only someone started a campaign to start this....
Except that California-sized state would get a ton of electoral votes and congressmen, and they'd mostly vote Democrat.
So fuck that, Canada can't join us we're full of states already.
10 more to be exact
Ontario is the only liberal province. Rest of Canada is redpilled
Our is economy isn't dependent on yours.
You're referring to 80% of our trade is with the US. During the 2008 crisis and during the 1970's the Cdn $ was worth more than US and our GDP remained stable while your economy almost imploded.
after this happens
Realistically? An enemy occupation of Canada.
What about us?
fuck that all we get out of unification is niggers, beaners, and crime. We lose our universal healthcare and our internet freedom. Canada already has McDonald's and all that other American shit. I like to think of America as Vegas, it's fun to go once in a while but what happens there should stay there.
I honestly don't think so.
damn straight
>whiter than you, mohammed.
>What needs to happen for this to become a thing?
America running out of trees.
operation fat and furious lumberjack should do the trick
>We lose our universal healthcare
I haven't been to the doctor in 6 years. Yeah our healthcare is free but you know and i know its kinda shit. The doctor i met made me hate doctors anyways
Is that your only argument? Muh health?
He mentioned 4 more things tho
>Annex Canada + Annex Greenland
>64 states
>64 star flag
>pic related
I shed a tear every time I see pic related.
It would have a voting profile more akin to a rural state with such a low urban ratio. We have a conservative crisis here because our conservative party is not conservative enough for the average conservative.
So never?
Quebec independence but otherwise yes obviously the charade of Canadian sovereignty on American soil has gone on far too long
>The foundation for Canada's annexation was laid in 2059, with the establishment of the Anchorage Front Line as America's bulwark against the Chinese. National relations with Canada and the United States deteriorated rapidly with continual pressure from the U.S to Canada for authorization to be given for the US Army to protect (and by unofficial extension, claim) the Alaskan oil pipeline hosted on Canadian land.[4]
>Permission was eventually granted in 2067,[1] after the Chinese invaded a year later. With its military presence established, the United States began drawing on Canadian resources to support the war effort. By 2069, this process resulted in straining Canadian resources to the breaking point and the destruction of vast stretches of timberland. Canadian protests went unheard. In fact, Canada became known as 'Little America' in the minds of U.S. citizens.[5]
>The behavior of the United States in Canada led to mass protests and rioting in several Canadian cities. A 2072 sabotage attempt of the Alaskan pipeline became an excuse for officially beginning the annexation itself, formalizing what was started in 2067 with the garrisoning of U.S. troops on Canadian soil.[1][6]
Possibly the most realistic scenario
Do you guys think trump would be happy or unsure about this deal, if it were to happen in the next couple of years?
But that's what you're saying right now
>I'm 63% white which makes me whiter than you Pablo
US has universal healthcare too, you retard. You're just required to have health insurance if you want continuous healthcare.
I have a hard time reconciling these posts with data from your elections. If Canada joined as several states then it's different. But if it joined as one state, are you saying there is some huge number of conservative voters who would suddenly start voting in state-wide elections? The Liberals and the NDP got over ten million votes in 2015 combined. Add in the Greens and it's close to 11 million. The population of the whole country is what, 35 million? Sure looks like it would be California 2.0, what am I missing here?
Asking honestly because there are probably subtleties of Canadian politics that I'm completely ignorant of. But I don't see how a place that elected Trudeau PM could join the U.S. and not add a ton of reliable Dem electoral votes and congressional seats.
Fuck off i dont want american laws
I respect their consitution but i dont want guns in hands of mentally ills and unstable refugees/immigrants and domestic fuckups. Besides, our air is ten times better than your shit air. Face it. Canadian crackers face it. American govt is one of the most corrupt govts in the world and only recently things are changing. We dont want their dipshitry coming all the way north. Yea yea we have turdo and that but hes temporary. Because of our small size, our corruption level is no where near America. We dont want their excessive chemtrails and flourides though we already get those on a daily basis. We dont want our ecology to turn transgender and gay. We dont want even more obesity.
Wait im not even Canadian...
Nobody wants you
Nobody loves you
Since most Canadian population is really close to their southern border, it'd be easy to annex.
Greenland would also be easy to annex.
Invasion when?
Have a (you)
If we ever get a government that invades and conquers Canada you can bet we either solved the libshit subversive problem or made them powerless
Forgot to lose the troll flag from other thread
fuck off we're full in fact we're sending some of you sneaky assholes back
we dont want that there's nothing there
>What is Quebec
"Red Pilled" Get fucked you delusional Snow Mexican
>we dont want that there's nothing there
Greenland is important for its strategic location for military operations
you missed a chance to post one single picture and get fpbp
Canada seems a bit like wasted clay when you see what the americans do.
we certainly do want it. we actually almost bought it a while back from Denmark. we would have done it but they backed out of the deal. it's a great spot for navy bases
as for Canada I would happily annex it but I doubt Canadians would want it. they're basically already under the protection of our military and trade is already free so the biggest concern would be open borders, but I doubt they would forfeit independence for it
meh, still better than the eu at least
Not soon enough
The Americans can literally just roll an armored column over the border and Canada couldn't do shit.
>Destruction of vast swaths of timber
Wtf is America building in 2070 to support a world war effort out of WOOD?!
What the fuck do you think you're doing? Joining countries? Fuck that. What you should do is use Canada as an immigrant trash can! Every time you need to get rid of 10 million or so illegals just round them up and shove them up to Canada.
Do you really think those pussies are going to say no? Do you really think Trudeau would say no to millions of new voters?