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Solar panels don't do fucking shit. Nuclear power all the way. These leftist environmentalist nuts have no idea what they're talking about
but they know that, they just wanna make him look bad "MUH SOLAR ENERGY"
It may create jobs in the US in the long run.
Why not both?
Solar houses are dope as shit, but nuclear backup is the way to fuckin go
>imported shit
>may cost jobs
Yeah, elsewhere.
And boo hoo.
It doesn't matter if the don't do shit, he shouldn't be levying any more taxes on anything.
""""""may"""""" is a weasel word
This is bigger.
He made a blow to the NWO, that wants to tax mineral fuels across the world for muh ecology, while "renewable" is in fact much worse for ecology. They would not be able to produce the solar panels in USA, because of shitload of mercury-subproducts.
The point of their policy is to ban 3rd world from ever competing with NWO states trough fuel taxes. Which looks good at first, but it also conserves the world technologically and politically on current trands. Nigerization, feminization, societal and infrastructural degradation, etc. Until some fundamentalists would gather enough nukes to destroy the first world alltogether.
You can not produce a lot of things imported, because production process is toxic af.
I don't know about that sempi, I have been living off the grid using solar panels for 3 years now and they seem to work just fine.
Outsourcing jobs has shown to lose jobs. But, it does mean a possibility for more solar project to start which means more jobs for the laymen and companies who are subcontracted. And its not like there are infinite solar panels to be imported, so I don't think the damage will be too bad. no massive unemployment atleast.
My buddy has a ranch run on solar. He's got about a year of backup on batteries filled from solar, so even in the event of nuclear winter coulds blocking the sun he should still have power.
cool now china man will have to pay more to sell shit here.
FUcking trump what a fucking dickhead!!!
who is going to manufacture these solar panels then? AMERICANS?!?!?!??!
Are you telling me that AMERICANS will start making their own shit? what the fuck? in this current year!
It's a wealth extraction tool against the middle class and upper middle class.
Doesn't China make the most efficient solar panels now?
>He's got about a year of backup on batteries filled from solar
What the effing fuck? How many batteries is that?
>will cost jobs
Yeah, it'll cost CHINA jobs.
>((((( R O T H )))))
Damn, now I want to play Presidential WoW.
Trump is the same thing as our Lula
the united states has laws against using solar pannels in some states and in others if you use solar pannels you have to pay the electrical company in your area. its retarded
this hurts tesla which is american.they dont make the solar panels they buy them. china never made money selling america solar panels germany did though
Gonna have to call bs on that one hoss. If he spent $50k he might have a week's worth of supply.
Where you living? Someplace that gets a good bit of sun, I imagine.
Maybe Tesla should make their own panels.
>this hurts tesla which is american
You mean an American corporate welfare collector.
Wow, that is retarded. No wonder hardly anyone has solar panels on their roof.
Import tax faggot not tax on American made goods. It's sucks that you can't get things made in the US anymore because of crazy taxes.
Because solar panels are hilariously inefficient. In many cases it's simply better to not waste energy making solar panels.
I've got solar panels on my roof and they generate such a tiny amount of energy it's barely noticeable.
To put it into monetary terms, the amount of energy they generate is slow low it'll take about 30 years to break even on saving money on my electricity bill with them. (But I doubt in 30 years time they'll even be functioning anymore)
He's still better than that fag at Amazon.
Yeah that's the point. The tariffs will reduce Chinamen jobs in China and increase American jobs now that Chinease solar panels will be more expensive then American made solar panels.
Don't be an idiot.
Solar panels product electricity without pollution or nuclear waste.
Moreover, they produce electricity during peak demand hours - 1000 - 1600 - reducing demand on power plants.
The southwest is a great location for solar panels.
Not by much.
Producing solar panels is incredibly polluting and creates some very toxic chemicals in the process.
"""May""" """roth""
Don't be a newfag
this is a bad move by trump. Solar installiation jobs employ about 400,000 jobs. A factors employs around 200 people, and those jobs can quite easily become automated in the near future. Trump is going to increase the cost of solar panles which will leads to fewer installation jobs.
But it is worth it for some faggots like me who want to live in their vehicles for periods of time.