Sons of Liberty

Is Sup Forums the modern incarnation of the Sons of Liberty?

no, ya dumb leaf

Are these guys like the Political wing of the Minutemen?

Damn time flys by.

if the sons of liberty had a bunch of subversive kikes trying to destroy everything, then yes.

Reason: Those guys had huge balls. Testicular fortitude seems to have skipped the current generation.

Absolutely not, the large majority of people here are against liberty completely

no that was the tea party a few years back, and it got squashed by obamas IRS and FBI henchmen

I'm gen Z so

No some 200lb+ white guy with a pepe sweater was confronted after putting up its okay to be white stickers and got scared of a woman.

the sons of liberty will rise again.


pick one shitlord, you can't do both things

> large majority

Funny, every strawpoll I see of people self-reporting their beliefs reveals most people here are libertarians. Nothing is absolute about what you just said.


No. Sup Forums is more like Sons of Shitholes

Sup Forums is the gutter of the internet. The deplorables

Yeah, it's like how the KKK is 20 Feds and 3 White guys.

We're more like a free speech social experiment that by sheer coincidence actually ended up making an impact politically through memetics.


Fuck you nigger. Sup Forums is the GOLDEN CHALICE


More like a golden shower.

Sup Forums wasn't meant to be political. It was cat memes and brigades and furries.

Pic related was but shabbos goy Raiden btfo him.

>It was cat memes

Fuck off, I don't care how popular caturday used to be. That reggo shit belongs on reddit.

You do realize it was "The Donald" that got trump elected and not Sup Forums or Sup Forums right?

This is Sup Forums nigger, all your cats and brigades and furries get BTFO.

Yes. We have become a society that has surpassed the power of jews and perhaps even ayys. Autism is a power weapon. Thanks government for giving us special powers.

Sup Forums is pretty much a branch of r/the_donald at this point sadly.

You were meant to leave Sup Forums after marrying the person who'd mother your children who'd discover Sup Forums and evolve the cat memes. But you idiots just wouldn't leave and have a life, now the rest of society is fucked because of it.

Know nothings

Yes, we inspire the other side to retaliate to bring War sooner so we can start a Revolution

if you don't think Sup Forums wants Beta Uprising than your Autistic

Yeah... it's great.

And this is why abortion is necessary.


Because society is fucked up now thanks Sup Forums.

Bullshit. Ben Franklin would have been a top tier shit poster

>Excuse me sir, I dare say you are quite the cuckold

Wait as int THE patriots or the ones who FOUGHT the patriots? Also, Solidus did nothing wrong.

I think most of us believe that the US was a failed experiment that needs to fall apart.

Half of Sup Forums is the Sons of Liberty, the other half is NatSoc


>Oh ho, that's quite rich coming from the mouth of the son of an Indian squaw and a half-breed slave.

No, because liberty is degenerate. I grew out of libertarianism after 5 minutes when I was 6. Read Siege.

>against patriots
>Raiden fighting for patriots when he doesn't want to
No, Raiden is the good goy and a cuck too.

We aren't Christian you idiot

I unironically support the idea of an authoritarian government enforcing laws against degeneracy and multiculturalism