>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Year One: Thank You Mr President 1/23/18
>Pres Trump signs Sect201 Actions on Trade Tariffs 1/23/18
>SoS T-Rex in Paris 1/23/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on ChemWeapons 1/23/18
>CIA Dir Pompeo @American Ent Inst 1/23/18
>DeptVA Video: Battle of the Bulge 1/23/18
>HHS Act Sec Hargan visits CDC 1/23/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Gen McMaster, Attny Cohn) 1/23/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 1/23/18
>TrumpTV Ad: PA 18th Dist support for Rick Saccone 1/23/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/22/18
>VP Pence @Knesset in is-ra-hell 1/22/18
>VP Pence/bibi press conference 1/22/18
>2nd Lady in is-ra-hell 1/22/18
>VP Pence speaks to troops in Jordan 1/21/18
>VP Pence leaving Egypt 1/20/18
>WH Press Brief (Dir Short/OMBD Mulvaney) 1/20/18
>New Ad: Complicit 1/20/18
>VP Pence speaks to the Sisi 1/20/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @March4Life 1/19/18
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The fiancee of George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI last year, said there’s a lot the public doesn’t know yet.
“There’s a lot to come,” Simona Mangiante told The Washington Post. “He was the first one to break a hole on all of this.”
She didn’t give details, but said Papadopoulos would be remembered as the John Dean of the Russia scandal.
Dean was White House counsel for President Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal, and ultimately cooperated with prosecutors.
Papadopoulos served as a foreign policy adviser to the 2016 Trump campaign. However, after news broke that he was cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, Trump dismissed him as a “low level volunteer” who had “proven to be a liar.”
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Update on THE MEMO?
Senate 24th January, 2018
Votes Scheduled at 2:15pm TMRW: 1. Confirmation of Alex Azar II to be Secretary of HHS 2. Motion to invoke cloture on Sam Brownback to be Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom 3. Confirmation of R. D. James to be an Asst. Sec. of the Army (voice vote expected)
I just want to take a moment and thank the user who posted this earlier because I'm still not done laughing at it
Thanks, user.
>they did it for free
>Not refreshing the pastebin for the second straight time.
i don't want a daughter unless by the time i become a parent degeneracy has been fully wiped from this planet. until then i don't want one. fucking makes me sick. hopefully this new wave of politics will get rid of degeneracy
gf ass power sign
Sure thing, whore
>thinking about wearing this bad boy on the subway tomorrow
Your opinion, /ptg/ ?
>tfw no ktarl ktarl gf
>watching tits
Blumpfies would go to this show, I bet.
You have no shame.
How many Civilians did they kill, That is the real story
You'll be forever flagged by cctv as a potential threat, but go for it
We're coming for you drumpfkins.
We are Mueller.
This guy was such a literal who that not even /ptg/ knew who he was.
I thought you were bluffing and had been watching Citrus so I was distracted. My bad. Refreshed.
have a wallpaper
I would go because fuck you
>Literal fuck toy
And why should we believe a word she says
Surely this isn't another build up to a disappointment like every other time
I-I'm still with h-her
>gf ass
There are no civilians with ISIS
I always feel so naked when this guy does this.
It's the frequency that he does it, you never know when its going to take a picture of the thread.
Like getting caught with our pants down.
Is trump winning?
I hated Bill Cosby before it was cool.
>rachel maddow has the report, tune in
Less than Joe.
>obviously raping
You'll get the shit beat out of you by leftists who will act before bothering to read it.
>coming secret vote takes neet gf ass.
this is all stuff I talk about.
I will forever love the balls Trump had for having his opening dance with Melania at an inaugural ball be this song.
Does 4chanX work again yet?
fucking jannies
simpsons joke
So we hit our own forces?
It won't be that fast. Just homeschool her.
>this is for Hillary
>dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
what do you mean?
You're forgiven.
Pence and his wife omg
Kek, tearing up a bit, God bless our Shitposter In Chief
More meaningless rambling from some unibrowed mongoloid who somehow takes this game too seriously even while completely sucking dick at it. The reason I'm like #7 on the leaderboard now is because I take breaks from this game for weeks or months at a time and still only a handful of people with triple my hours played have caught up. I pick it up for a couple hours when I get off work and I take a steaming shit on the faces of butthurt kids like you with little to no effort and then I turn it off. It's a joke. You tell yourself you're good because you use whatever weapon when the simple reality is you know you'll never be the player who will have an actual effect on the outcome of a game, so you play little games of your own like "hehe dis gun is so hard I'm gonna challenge myself!" Meanwhile the reason I hardly play anymore is because the closest I get to a challenge in this game is wiping squads full of drooling retards like yourself and trying to plant the objectives before they all ragequit.You conjure these images of neckbeards who play this game 24/7 every time somebody is fisting you (which is often I'm certain) when really its just normal people, casually wiping their ass with your face because its so damn easy. My fun here comes from strategy and playing the objective and working towards the win, as the game was intended. Your fun in this game comes from "herp derp wow I got a kill with this uber pro gun!" while you lose over and over again. That's fine if that's what you enjoy but it's hilarious that you've convinced yourself it means you're a "best player" and anybody who tries to actually play the game is a douche. You're a small drop in a sea of morons who think the same way and get assraped every round the same way, and you've all got a pocket full of excuses for why players with two brain cells to rub together stomp the shit out of you time and time again. If you're ever interested in confronting your state of denial then
top kek
He wins like 75% to 90% of the time.
Republicans just have to vote to have Trump release the memo and he can release it.
He is going to read it at the State of the Union Address.
I just feel it in my soul.
just make sure shes a nice, sweet girl that knows how to do her makeup and can cook and clean and treat people with respect. that way when chad comes along and wrecks her pussy and she turns into his slave, you can smile and know your daughters probably going to be ok, after she divorces him and finds a beta, maybe.
There certainly are European citizens that leave to fight for isis
Keep it alive forever... this is pure, uranium-plated magma, and should be used to show future generations that Sup Forums is eternal...
Feels like there's a lesson here.
man I still get all pumped up watching this and ponder how it feels to be a skeevy miserable liberal
>girl friend of unpaid campaign staffer warns Trump
keep me posted
He wins 100% of the time
Comet Ping Pong Pizza?
More like genius lisa stupid everyone else.
I believe that's the point. So we don't spoil it.
If this isn't sedition, what is?
French President Emmanuel Macron has been invited to the White House for his first state visit of the Trump administration, according to diplomatic sources, CBS News' Margaret Brennan reports.
The visit is scheduled for the end of April, and will entail a white tie dinner and a speech to Congress. One source said the state dinner, Mr. Trump's first since taking office, will be Apr. 24.
Macron and President Trump are scheduled to meet in Davos, Switzerland, this week, during the World Economic Forum.
why won't drumpf make anime real
why has he betrayed us
That's what you get for sticking up for and defending human leeches
You bet your ass. Check em.
Jupiter and God Emperor Trump.
I think that's an Arrested Development reference.
Patrician tier taste in comedy. Not that anyone should be surprised.
having a daughter is a betapill isn't it
When Nappin' Jeff is AG nothing is seditious.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
> Sessions did nothing Trump is a kike lover give up now
Ok I posted it all for you, you can go home early now
That’s absolutely fucking savage in light of the huma/Anthony weiner news.
this is what it took for you to know Schumer is a jew? fuck off low-info redditor.
I'm still not over the fact that his name literally means "good for nothing"
Yeah I get that.
But it still feels...voyeuristic
Theresa May BTFO
Feel free to show me a time I've been proven wrong.
Nunes could drop it as soon as next week
>Believing Trump doesn't have plans already in the works with the right man in charge
top lel
>surrounded his NY home tuesday
was he even there or were fucking dreamers shouting at an empty building
nothings perfect, if your kids can find someone who doesnt fuck their life up or give them herpes they're probably doing ok