Help me out here Sup Forums. I find this man very charismatic and an interesting character study on how to debate but my intuition is screaming at me not to trust him for some reason. Why might that be Sup Forums?
Help me out here Sup Forums...
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because you're a cunt, fuck off.
>but my intuition is screaming at me not to trust him for some reason
Trust your intuition sweetheart.
>Taking responsibility for your thoughts and future planning
Seems like his message is getting through to you imo
Because he's smarter than you.
You should trust no one and be as paranoid as you can.
For example i don't trust you and think that you are shill, farming talking points against P.
Unclean room detected.
Because you consume far too many soy products
Because he’s Canadian, a total cunt egomaniac, and out to make fame and a buck. Inevitably he will compromise his work to secure fame and money.
because he's selling crap to idiots
because he's a hypocrite who uninvited bakedalaska to an event, because he didn't want to be associate with some "low brow" youtuber who wanted to be taken seriously and had real issues to debate.
Dr Petershill is a faggot who plays to the lowest common denominator, and can be found all over the internet talking in a way that ranges from eloquent to "what the fuck am I listening to?"
I don't understand why he keeps talking about dragons, ogres and pinocchio.
last time it was Faith Goldie
that's because you can't listen and put any real thought into anything.
He is charismatic and has the right mindset. As long as you don’t buy any of his shit it will be alright.
Because you've already taken the initial dosage of redpills he prescribes.
Because he uses the same rhetoric to justify truth and obvious lie, to a point where he taints his own intellectual integrity.
they're symbolic archetypes drawn from biological unconscious survival mechanisms and due to their universality can be easily passed on as a universal aid to humanity
Because he needs anti-depresants to cope with being alive, and yet he gives out life advice to young men.
You're not the only one that has felt this way about Peterson. Essentially that what he is saying seems correct and actionable and so forth, but sounds insincere.
I suspect that Peterson is a "recovered" narcissist. That is, narcissists are incapable of escaping what they are, but they are, of course, often very good at pretending to be what they're not.
Well in that sense, a narcissist could also learn to be a socially benevolent character instead of play-acting an ultimately corrosive and self-obsessive one. e.g convince others of your priesthood for THEIR benefit, instead of trying to convince them that you're james bond or mary sue for YOUR benefit.
You don't have intuition. You're a spam bot.
s p a m
Well he doesn't tell the whole story, user. You know something deeper than what he talks about, and you notice him dance around it.
Take for instance that 'debate' he had on BBC: he conceded a bunch of shit to the interviewer that he really shouldn't have conceded. He did that to appeal to the middle lane. It's a smart way to seem evenhanded, but it's just an act to win over converts. If you pay attention and know the truth, it comes off as disingenuous, doesn't it?
Not everyone has to mention 'the joooos!' to be on our side. But if some cunt is saying 'are you saying women would be happier in the home?', the only HONEST response is "YES!".
He's playing to the moderates. He's playing the alt-light angle. And while he does it well, it requires a certain amount of dishonesty. And if you're like me, that dishonesty is a big fucking turn off.
Because for someone who preaches against ideology he has an uncanny tendency to give one-bit answers to complex problems.
>Postmodernism is unambiguously deranged and evil, comparable to the Soviet Union or Maoist China
>My knowledge of postmodernism is solely from one book called Understanding Postmodernism (which is h3h3 or iDubbbz levels of pseud)
>You're uneducated if you haven't read Solzhenitsyn
also he talks about otherkin sometimes, which is bottom of the barrel trash, even by Tumblr standards the lowest-hanging fruit
do you trust every leaf?
so is it like aesops fables?
oops meant for
>Not everyone has to mention 'the joooos!' to be on our side.
Yeah, right, give me a fucking break. If we hadn't purged in 2017, the movement would be dead thanks to faggots like Peterstein and Bannon.
Maybe because he's a complex controlled op shabbos goy faggot, antithetical to white european survival
Sometimes he is too careful with answering questions and it makes him sound like a pseud.
Bretty gud dude tho
I'm not saying we should accept people who deny it. But if they choose to stick to their areas of interest while not attacking us, I have no problem with them. It's career suicide to say what we say under your real name.
I know about the kikes. You know about the kikes. And honestly, most of these personalities know about the kikes. But it's not their job to put their heads on the chopping block just to tell the world what they know.
Also, the One True Peterson is more entertaining.
Because you've been hurt before.
this guy is babys first redpill. if you are totally a clueless nu male then he's good to listen to. if you already know whats up then you will not learn anything new or groundbreaking from him.
Richard Spencer has a lot more charisma. Am I the only one who thinks this way?
if you like manboobs or faggy trendy haircuts then yes.
This is charismatic to me
Isn't baked alaska that faggot who makes holocaust memes to pander to the actual lowest common denominator, Sup Forums inbreds?
charismatic if you're an edgy 16 year old.
Hello Isaac! how's it going??
>le edgy maymay
Nice one dude. It's not like people actually hold beliefs that run counter to the status quo. They're all just faking it for 'le edge'. See you on reddit later.
>he doesn't believe in the holocaust, get him
But remember, we should we should all try to check our bias at the door to listen to esteemed "Doctor" Petershill.
Suck my dick.
you clueless stupid fuck.
Usually most psyops are bad
He's the one case where it's a good psyop
>2 posts by this ID
>Nothing of value
Yeah, you're memeposter with a proxy. Much scare, very psiop.
Didn't say anything about what Baked Alaska believes, just noted that he's an autistic junkie who doesnt WANT advice, he only wanted to go to Peterson's event to ride Peterson's internet dick for relevancy, since he's not interesting or smart enough to be relevant by himself.
Go back to shitposting on reddit where they like you, and your faggot kike peterson. Get "bernt"
I dont know, but I know what you mean.
Ty from uneeded "research"
>Isn't baked alaska that faggot who makes holocaust memes to pander to the actual lowest common denominator, Sup Forums inbreds
>Didn't say anything about what Baked Alaska believes
Yes, you did, you stupid faggot Jew.
>he only wanted to go to Peterson's event to ride Peterson's internet dick for relevancy
Really, keep posting. its only helps prove I'm right. Dr. Peterson should be ejected from a high building, and then shot once he hits the ground for good measure. He preys on desperately depressed people and then psychologically skullfucks them into social-political zombies by becoming their default patriarch and compass.
sorry it took you a middle aged canadian to get red pilled.
i don't know why the fuck this guy is even remotely famous. doesn't bring anything new to the table at all. no one is gonna be talking about this guy in a year.
Jordan Peterson calls inviting people with "problematic views" "ironic". He's about as blue pilled as your fucking mother.
yeah its like fables are a way to represent universal themes in understandable ways
we tell children fables because its they are literal life lessons, and fables have archetypes for a reason, heroes are heroes for a reason, they have positive traits and it literally helps us survive to idealize them and reproduce those traits in ourselves
not an argument
anybody know where he got his hair transplant?
This is one of the only things JP actually does right. The problem is that he's contextualizing these things, and then applying them in a way that doesn't reflect reality. He is not fully Kreia.
Probably because he's bringing literally nothing new to the table but his fans think he's the second coming of Jesus. He's also only addressing one small portion of the problem and this would lead any rational person to believe that he isn't actually able/interested in solving the root causes of our situation.
he is a brianlet who doesnt understand postmodern philosophy
educate yourself cuck
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
Communism was Jewish - Communism is Jewish
Communism's Death Toll, and the Jewish Role in Bolshevism
A Jew in Mao's China
Jews and Marxism - Socialism - Communism
The Jewish Bolshevik Commies
The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine
I said he made holocaust memes, which he has. Nothing about what he believes you inbred. I can't take someone this stupid seriously, sorry. Go back to calling people 'reddit kikes'.
How World War II Came About - Kenneth McKilliam
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars - Thomas Dalton
The Jews Declared War - Against Germany! - Lorraine Day
Judea Declares War on Germany - Fredrick Toben
Important Quotations for a Better Understanding of World War II
The Myth of German Culpability
President Roosevelt's Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The Secret Polish Documents
Roosevelt's Campaign to Incite War in Europe
Stalin's Secret War Plans
There Was No Need for World War II
What Started World War II: The Real Cause
The Zionist Jewish Role in Causing World War II
Because you browse /pol, and we had hete plenty of people speaking negatively about him..jeeeez. Positive as well tho
because hes a fucking hack
i think he's doing an important job highlighting the importance of archetypes
he has a problem with post modernism because post modernism literally says "archetypes mean nothing" and marxism says "oppressed groups deserve to re-write the archetypes"
he's doing what he can and i appreciate it, my room is much cleaner now
>more non-arguments
Shalom David! How was your holiday?? Good things!
>I said he made holocaust memes, which he has. Nothing about what he believes you inbred.
Yes, he makes a bunch of "meme's" about haulocaust denial, but this is just a troll. Not only is he wrong, he KNOWS he wrong by the implicit lanaguage of your post. You just can't stop yourself, you must have your cake and eat it, even when it makes what you say less credible.
You're a subversive nigger reddit jew.
You want to know why I know you're not fucking from Sup Forums?
Oldfags do not waste their fucking time poking at Sup Forums.
what is not to trust? He doesn't seem to be pushing an agenda that doesn't have a basis in facts or history. He is a bit assburgers, that could be throwing you off.
Jews in High Places
>Blood Passover - Rabbi Ariel Toaff
>200 Years together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>Germany Must Perish by Kaufman
>The Soul of a Jew and the Soul of a Non-Jew
>Rome and Jerusalem by Moses Hess
>The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine
>You Gentiles by Maurice Samuels
>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'
If you don't trust him it's because his heart isn't in this, only his mind and you find the aloof quality hard to trust
you're just scuttling the thread by posting TLDR, controlled opposition, and nigger bullshit. The one thing I hate about the addition of ID is it allows people to sockpuppet to avoid accusations.
Yea he's a bit of an oddball, but not in an off-putting way in my opinion.
Jordan strikes me as a good man.
Stop shitposting
See, what you've done is created a visual break for anyone too lazy to read the thread. They skim, see your stupid shitposting of macros and copypasta, and avoid it all. You're just a faggot doublenigger.
My biggest problem with him is he is an individualist and doesn't believe in group identity. But other than that, he has some interesting ideas.
Are you my clone OP? I like the words coming out of his mouth but something about him just rubs me the wrong way.
I’m serious for trump but yeah I felt the “he gets to me for reason” vibe from him
He rants and raves about gulags, Solzhenitsyn, bolsheviks, but will not names the Jew. When forced to acknowledge even a tiny taste of their insane genocidal criminality, he says "You're just jealous because they're smarter than you".
Boomer faggot.
did you have a strong father figure in your life user?
You trust people? How, to believe everything they say? Bad move.
If you don't trust him, it's because he's floating in his own ideaspace - I think he believes his own Jungian interpretations too much. Also, I think he thinks he's got the only Truth. He's spent so long in his own head, at odds with Canada, that he thinks he's 'it'. Just a sense I get. Too, actually, I believe at core, /he's still a virtue-believing Canadian/. He could never bring himself to think better of Hitler eg he has read Hitler's Table Talk which is more than I've done, but he believed the soap and lampshades myth until recently. There are just core values that he will not change. Being Canadian-tier /nice/ is one of them, for all his talk of being Bad and a monster. This is what I think.
Good question, user.
It wasn't a copypasta or a shitpost.
Calm down, everyone isn't out to get you.
Sup Forums hates him because he won't rant and rave about kikes and he's opposed to white identity politics as well as all the other flavours.
However, he's motivating NEET and basementfags to get their lives together and be upstanding men with purpose and character, which is a force for good.
Now buy the rug.
Not Wojack - no!
to be fair baked alaska is a fucking retard.
I thought that was Faith Goldy though. Or was it both?
Your intuition is screaming at you to remember the cardinal rule of life: With Jews, you lose.
I know what you mean. he has this jewish look to him and usually sucks up to a bunch of jew scholars