Boomer appreciation thread

Boomers are the greatest generation that ever lived. We created the Pax Americana of the 80s and 90s, the greatest decades in human history. We created the tech revolution. We stopped an unjust war in Vietnam, and created a new level of freedoms for mankind. We destroyed the Soviet Union.

Everything turned to shit when Gen X and Millennials came around. Over the last 15 years we've been handing the reigns of civilization over to you, and you've done nothing but destroy what we built, while blaming us for the state of the world.

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>someone else who relates to me in some way create something great, HEY GUYS-

Yeah, no. Fuck off. Also being a boomer and posting on Sup Forums? Yeah, sure you did granddad.

Boomers use all nature resource of the world just for their generation
They let USA and Soviet test nuclear bomb more than 10000 times in cold war

they fuck the world up
you don't know anything so shut the fuck up

>They let USA and Soviet test nuclear bomb
That was the so-called "greatest generation" before us. We created nuclear non-proliferation.

>destroy ecology beyond repair
>greatest generation
are you retard ?

You can't even speak english retard

>kept voting to decrease tax rates for the rich
Yeah that really helped all of us

> reigns
reins, dumbass.

Thanks for the crippling debt to end civilization just as you lot are dying off.

I like it. It allows people in STEM jobs to keep more of their money instead of it going to stupid little brats.

Thanks to crypto currency, I won't have to pay back their debt


oh look it's turn to ad hominem

I win. as always

Global warming doesn't exist.

Boomers suck but so do a lot of millenials

I agree. Boomers had it tougher than anyone, growing up in depression, having all that competition, fear of war, recovery, and tough parents. But we shovelled sit for a living and saved every penny we could. All while creating the best music of all time, ending the bankster wars, and creating freedom between the sexes.
What have XYZ done? Not a damn thing that's what. Aside from whine how they can't get enough drugs or that it's too hard to work. I'll tell you something, snowflakes. You're living in the easiest time to be alive, we carved everything out for you and the economy is booming like never before. And you have the gall to whine about what we handed to you on a silver platter.
Maybe try putting that phone down and going shop to shop with a resume. Beat the feet for once. Show some initiative and you'll easily have more than us Boomers ever had.
We had it hard. Our parents were tough. But we were survivors. Be more like us.

Stop holding on to your social security faggot. You don't need it after hurting the economy with your abuse.

Boomers were born after WW2 and live at the height of the USA economy you fucking retard

that was the greatest generation, were talking about their kids, the boomers.

I'm a boomer, I should know what I went through.

>We stopped an unjust war in Vietnam
You mean falling for soviet propaganda and sympathizing with them.

boomers get the gas

>I'm a boomer
and you'll distort it, unavoidably.

Show respect to your elders, snowflake. It was a depression because of all the competition from other boomer children. It was tough because we were much more plentiful and had to fight for our jobs.

>We created the Pax Americana of the 80s and 90s
>We destroyed the Soviet Union.

You were kids during the hot years of the Cold War, and Reagan was no Boomer.

>the greatest decades in human history

With biggest lines of credit and the hugest economic bubbles in human history. Generation X and the Millennials are worse off by every economic measure than you are. You ran up the credit cards of every country around the world, you had a great run

>muh nest egg
>muh reverse mortgage
>muh financed boat
>muh quarter century retirement plan
>muh Social Security shekels (gambled away at the Seminole Casino every weekend)

"As with any group at any time, some have a lot of money and some don’t, determining what kind of inheritance, if any, they will transfer to their kids. In total, though, boomers are the nation’s wealthiest-ever generation, with a 50.2 percent share of net household wealth projected for 2020, according to a 2015 Deloitte Consulting study.

Almost 20 percent have investable assets of about $500,000, and 37 percent have about $50,000 in liquid cash, the study says."

"Whatever Gen Xers and millennials inherit in the coming decades, they could use the financial boost. Some are still paying off student loans as they raise families, according to Pew. Their salaries haven’t increased much — 23 percent of Gen Xers received no raise in 2015, the Economic Policy Institute says — and about 38 percent of Gen Xers have more debt than savings, more than any other generation, reports a Northwestern Mutual survey."

>Everything turned to shit when Gen X and Millennials came around.

Gen X and the Millennials weren't in positions of power in the 00s/10s - you were. Gen X are barely entering the middle years.

fuck off boomer scum

fucking leaf

I will say one good thing boomer parents to busy getting drunk, high, and divorced you let the kids run wild 24/7. No one really ever watched over me. Well, maybe that wasn't so good. F you baby boomers. I hate you fucks. I won't do shit for you. Don't ask me for help.

Oh yeah it was soooo hard to go to college too when you only had to get a minimum wage job to pay off the whole fucking thing.

Also millennials are going to be earning less than their parents anyway on top of student debts.

You lived such a fucking easy life then you fucked up my generation with shit tier parenting now all these retards are getting gender studies degrees and will be another name to add to the welfare state.

Hope you enjoy your social security paychecks while they last.


Typical snowflake. You could easily take the initiative and go get a minimum wage job. If you're better than that then you'll work your way up the ladder. It's called capitalism and freedom for a reason.
Are any of you willing to shovel shit to pay for your education? No, because you're too busy jerking the chicken to girls on plentyoffish. Clean your act up. Put on a nice shirt. Smile for once. And it should be easy to get a job and a degree.
The economy is booming, largely because of the moves boomers are making at the highest levels of the economy. But that just means there's more room than ever for you to make your way up. Stocks are at all time highs and all you can do is make excuses. Learn to respect your elders if you want to share in that wealth. More than enough advice here for free. And yet you'll call me selfish.
Oh boy, snowflakes.

please die already

Who said I did not support capitalism. In fact I believe in the free market and it does in fact create job growth than government programs. But because you took advantage of that capitalism and turned it into corporatism you've made a generation so retarded it supports socialism.

Also if you believe in a hands off, no free shit market, then tell your fellow boomers to throw away your social security checks that you were never intended to collect anyways.

> This is vintage bait

>Over the last 15 years we've been handing the reigns of civilization over to you, and you've done nothing but destroy what we built, while blaming us for the state of the world.
Be a millenial:
>be born
>music boomer: hey let's give our kids some rap to listen to. They'll turn out to be great kids!
>teacher boomer: hey let's give standardized tests every year and not teach practical life skills like budgeting.
>graduate high school
> wall st. boomer: whoops tech bubble and sub-prime mortgage bubble.
>education boomer: let's increase tuition 300%. Sorry education is so expensive. Take out these loans though!
>business boomer: I need more money for muh McMansion. Let's get some illegals and open the borders. Let's also globalize, so we can open sweat shops in China. Someone else will give our kids jobs!
>hiring boomer: time's are hard. we need entry level to have 5 years of experience.
>housing association boomer: damn all these brown people! Let's band together and increase our property values
>millennial goes to buy home. All homes at least $100k, usually $200k+ unless if it's the hood.
>politician boomer: hey let's gut the Social Security and run up the debt to near 100% GDP. The kids will pick up the tab!

Face it. You were given life on a silver platter after the war, and you fucked it all up.

Boomers belong in a concentration camp.

Is that data compounding?