Scientists admit to being wrong about global warming
Sup Forums was right once again
Goalpost status: MOVED
yep, we'll be lucky to avoid another ice age, but we've known that for like 40 years now, the "global warming" scheme Obama and Co came up with was just an attempt by the globalist cabal to create a trillion dollar+ slush fund with which to permanently enslave the rest of us.
>yep, we'll be lucky to avoid another ice age, but we've known that for like 40 years now.
Ice ages create favorable conditions for whites, idiot.
It DOESN'T SAY its getting COLDER, but that POLLUTION is making it cooler, but ITS STILL INCREASING IN TEMP.
The guy who wrote that obviously doesn't know Scientific Jargon.
here's the simple way of seeing it
>2 temp. increase because of global warming
>1 temp. decrease due to Pollution blocking the sun
>Retards:huh, I guess that MEANS THEIR SAYING IT'S WARMING, RIGHT??
It's almost like the Earth's global temperature has always fluctuated...
2012 one is BS, they're not saying more Hurricanes, but more powerful ones.
>yes Goy, don't regulate my Oil companies!
If anything, it's the opposite
Whites aren't particularly impervious to cold, we're particularly impervious to low UV conditions
Warming the earth would open up swaths of northern latitudes to cultivation, think northern Canada and northern Russia
I know Vitamin D supplementation is a thing now, but still.
Um no sweetie, its called climate change for a reason.
An ice age would destroy the us/canada/Russia and northern europe.
see pic related
Wake me up when niggers make it to one of the poles, shill. Sage.
>t. literal windowlicker
that's funny because you're the one that sounds like an idiot
The author sounds like he's flipping burgers for a living, that site is pure garbage too
These afro-semitic American intellectuals disagree.
then I guess we might need to ramp up CO2 emissions, time will tell
>4C warmer
>growing food in Antarctica
>this model shows
Sophisticated model of preschooler scribbling on map
>more sophisticated model than most climate models
No one ever even thinks to mention that the position of the North and South pole has moved thousands of miles and that might have something to do with changing conditions.
yeah but if we can fool silly goyim in to a tax while (((protecting))) the environment, it is a win win for government and government employees.
>If anything, it's the opposite
Are you retarded? Northern hemisphere is white and Asian. Some exceptions with feather Indians and Eskimos
Friendly reminder, science is a process.
I'm involved in one of the top 3 largest student associations in Norway and today we had a vote on whether or not we should start pushing the university to stop funding oil & gas research.
Fucking no one wants to understand that the research they are funding goes towards cleaner and more effective ways of extracting, while also limiting emissions.
It fucking passed, so now we're gonna have this shit in the news for the coming week.
Climate change is real, but anyone claiming nothing's been exaggerated for the last 30 years are fucking retarded. No one knows what the fuck is going on.
>pop science retard can't even understand a basic research paper
Climate change (not "global warming) is actively affecting us more and more. Frequency and severity of storms has increased. Cold and hot day records all over the world. Drought and floods increasing in frequency and severity. Watersheds drying up completely, climate anomalies, mass extinction of species...
Yeah, lets use "global warming" as a political statement, while ignoring the very real threat posed by ANTHROPOGENIC CLIMATE CHANGE.
Sometimes I really do wanna leave this place forever. Bunch of fucking retards. Read a fucking highschool-level science book for fucks sake.
Wait a minute. Who the hell filmed this and how did he get off the moon?
>Norway college students
>Stop oil and gas research
Talk about biting the hand that feeds...
Which is fine, continue the process, but don't enact life-changing laws before things are settled
"Global warming" causes increased cirrus cloud formation that reflects light back to space.
>while ignoring the very real threat posed by ANTHROPOGENIC CLIMATE CHANGE.
>anthropogenic climate change
t. American "education"
Tell me about it..
Pump that shit up, we've got a good 50 years of oil left in our territorial waters.
Without it we'd be a third world country.
>tfw work with climate data all day long in linux udibg cdo commands.
>bunch of neets think they know anything about anything
Scientists aren't enacting life changing laws, that would be politicians. More often than not, politicians take what a scientist says, blows it out of proportion for muh scared votes, and then when science changes its mind, the scientist is the stupid one.
>it was always climate change you fucking trump supporting Neanderthal, what the fuck is global warming, No one ever said that ever
>the earth is warming and cooling at the same time and its entirely the fault of humans
These will be the new lines recited by braindead leftists, they already started in this thread.
This is the point I don't understand. You talk about "record breaking" temperatures, but in reference to when? If I mention that temperatures are at a relative low for the planet's lifespan, that's discarded because it's too long ago. I want to know because you keep calling me a retard but it's hard to play the game when the rules are obscure
>Frequency and severity of storms has increased.
>Cold and hot day records all over the world.
Precision records only go back a century, which is not a large enough data pool to say anything
>Drought and floods increasing in frequency and severity. Watersheds drying up completely,
Deforestation and desertification due to subhuman Asians and niggers.
>mass extinction of species...
Again, chinks and niggers.
Or if he's an American politician, he claims that scientists are wrong and that "global warming" is a hoax invented by leftists to fuck over America.
Google it. It's well documented for non lazy fucks.
I see your digits, and I acknowledge them. I can't argue your point sir, you are correct.
>fuck this thread I'm out
>scientists are wrong
Yes, it happens frequently
>invented by leftists
This is fairly obvious too. Look into the political and monetary connections of climate science groups
>to fuck over america.
The west, actually.
>I want to know because you keep calling me a retard but it's hard to play the game when the rules are obscure
Imma keep this simple. I have a B.Sc. in Geosciences and currently working on my M.Sc.
If you really wanna learn, start here:
Not according to science. This isn't my claim. This is the current paradigm. Just go to google "scholar" and do some digging.
>Precision records only go back a century, which is not a large enough data pool to say anything
Ok, so youre outing your own ignorance. Nice!
Start here to educated yourself:
I actually want a response to this because I genuinely want to know why catastrophic man made climate change is the truth
Thx for the links
Holy shit it takes a special kind of stupid to read that article as global cooling.
Particulate matter and some forms of sulfur pollution increase albedo thereby mitigating some small amount of global warming.
Fuck, if you can't even read a dumbed down scientific American article please don't reproduce.
>Not according to science
Yes, according to science.
>Start here
I said precision, moron. All they have for that is proxy data, which is very imprecise.
care to elaborate?
I love how the old baby boomers on my facebook feed and /pol both start a discussion of non sourced head line.
>Frequency and severity of storms has increased.
Only if you look a few years of data. We're talking about processes that change on scales closer to geologic times scales.
>Cold and hot day records all over the world.
Cold, not hot.
>Drought and floods increasing in frequency and severity.
That's no true either. We've had net greening. Deserts are shrinking. Not growing.
> Watersheds drying up completely,
No they aren't. We're extracting the water. It isn't drying up.
> Read a fucking highschool-level science book for fucks sake.
Why? They're full of bad information and propaganda.
>Sometimes I really do wanna leave this place forever.
Please do.
so i guess we don't have to pay carbon tax now... what will the jews get us with now?
The sahel is some big dildo randomly rammed into western africa. Shitmap even if the effort of trying to imagine an extremely hot earth is nice.
so then you know that:
>primary warming factor is radiative forcing
>carbon is an insulator
>increases in atmospheric CO2 reflect more solar heat
>sub-atmospheric emissions reflect a fraction of geothermal venting
>temperature gain nets at 0
so then we should produce MORE co2 and heat this bitch the fuck up?
You'd probably change more minds if you could parse your thoughts in a coherent diplomatic matter
Idiots who imagined this map completely overlooks increased water vapor effects on global climate.
Historic record shows warmer periods saw increased precipitation, cloud cover, and expansion of the tropic regions into the desert belts because of increased evaporation and water vapor remaining in atmosphere longer to pass over natural barriers.
Also reminder North Africa was used by the Romans for Wheat production, the Alps were mild enough to traverse with War Elephants, and England used to be famous for it's vineyards 1900 years ago.
>ITT: actual retards who have never read the process by which scientists collect weather data from thousands of years ago.
checked, but dont you realize? (((((they)))) are just gonna flip the script and say that carbon production has influenced the cooling of the globe.
Hell no. Let the cold dominate the world so all niggers will die. Also I FUCKING HATE THIS COUNTRY WEATHER LET ME HAVE SUB 15 CELSIUS HERE FFS
feed back loop
Lol rip norways economy
>research done by leading scientists in climate study
Paid propaganda for uhh... jews
>random blogger who doesn't know what he's talking about
Do you actually believe in man made climate change? If so, why?
i googled. it says it was filmed in hollywood. is that what you meant?
>yes goy you need to be taxed at 98% to cool the earth off.
That's the joke. Despite all that money thrown at the "science" of it their predictions are no more accurate than Joe Schmoe's guess.
how will Bill Nye ever recover?
There's no other explanation for the warming that we've seen. All the usual suspects that caused warming in previous periods fall short: it's not the sun, it's not the magnetic field, it's not orbital variations, it's not geological, ect. All you "it's natural" fags need to explain and demonstrate the mechanism causing it. And you can't. Only greenhouse gas theory actually satisfactorily explains global warming.
But... doesn't predict it.
When you say "yes it does!" show old prediction that match today's conditions.
>Land lost due to rising sea levels
Have these niggers ever heard of Holland?
It's like they looked at it and went "mmmhm- we ain't gonna' be buildin' no mud huts where der's water senpai nuh-uh, dat ain' happening bruh". Lazy fucking science grant niggers, start doing some real research already.
Scientists predicted the Earth would warm, and it did. That their models can't predict climate variation to the degree doesn't invalidate the fact that they did, in fact, predict global warming.
>trusting global warming scientists
it's all a con
Well, he wasn't a scientist to begin with...
Not science, speculation.
Speculation latched onto by politicians.
Money pumped in... super speculation.
Except it's not warming.
This kek. It’s called climate change for a reason. The Earth itself will be fine. But humans are going to be killed out by this shit.
It still weakens the narrative because the left claimed it was soooo simple and now other variables are entering, including solar.
>But humans are going to be killed out by this shit.
No, just the stupid ones who can't adapt.
If global warming were fake, then how could it be the largest globalized industry?
As opposed to deniers who "predict" a new ice age every time it gets a little chilly outside, right?
Only the most retarded knuckle draggers actually claim this anymore. The rest of the deniers have admitted its warming, and just that they can't explain it.
kikes will kill us first and them in the process? go for it!
As a millennial there are a few things I need to be real. 1) Avocado Toast is the best food ever 2) Saving my money in a savings account is the best investment a man can make and 3) Climate Change is real
These 3 things you cannot take from me.
>Climate change is real
No shit Sherlock, only the climate changes over periods of many thousands of years with brief periods of change outside natural variability, mostly caused by the great big fucking star we orbit. It's genius's like you who swallowed the CO2 fraud hook line and sinker, my only wish it that you pay for your ignorance and stupidity as a globalist slave.
Not all pollution is the same. CO2 raises the temperature. Aerosols lower the temperature. We have known this for decades.
Fake and gay.
>Climate change is real
>Nobody knows what the fuck is going on
You're saying nothing and still annoyingly somehow.
jez papau new guinea is fucked