90s seemed like such a nice innocent time. What was it like oldfags?

90s seemed like such a nice innocent time. What was it like oldfags?

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You'll never know.
>whips out Sega Gamegear

Good but it's probablly due to rose-tinted spectacles and the fact i was an adolescent.

The 90's was the first try at political correctness. I remember my high school teacher calling me a homophobe and sent me to the principal's office because I challenged her when she said homosexuality was more likely psychological and not genetic.
90's media wasn't anywhere near as kiked as it is today and race relations weren't as on edge as they are today, but the 90's still sucked.

Taz-mania was the shit!

>when she said homosexuality was genetic and not psychological.
I'm fucking retarded...

Felt good for a child. World was full of wonder and excitement. TEchnology was rapidly advancing and “nostalgia” was getting a first turn.

1950s Americana was the last real effort of culture. 60s-80s were a reaction and with the advent of the internet we started quilting together all the best into our culture of the 90s. It ultimately crashed in the 2Ks tho

I was in high school in the 90s. I remeber skating, punk rock, grunge, and basically it was the start of the sjw

Listen to some Nine Inch Nails and Nirvana. You'll get the general vibe.

I was 5 in 1999 but it seemed a lot better around then. No social media shit and parents that leave their kids to watch youtube videos. I also played outside with my neighbors every day. It's weird to me my brother was born in 2000 and it seems like he missed most of this stuff, kids in my neighborhood now don't even go outside.

Why did the Jews allow wholesome stuff like Hanson and Tim Allen the Tool Man back then?

Good music, good drugs, and women were still women. It was a great time

>because I challenged her when she said homosexuality was more likely psychological and not genetic.
I'm not seeing the problem with her statement to be honest, friendo.

Still shit, but turned down a notch on the shitometer, compared to now.

It was pretty damned comfy. Not a care in the world. I remember boarding a plane with my family on the actual tarmac with one of those wheeled ladders. Your parents could wave goodbye from the gate. Consumerism was at its peak because there was not a worry in the world.

Sucked big time compared to the 70s and 80s

not really, not that different from today, less communists tho, PC culture was starting to take root, media pushing liberal agenda still

Better than now, but the seeds of degeneracy were beginning to sprout.

How the fuck does /pol manage to include Jews in fucking everything?

Are you obsessed with Jews bro?
Get that Schlomo dick out your mouth

What was the point where you oldfags realised that shit's going down ?

The real answer. Every generation thinks times were better as a kid, because it gets progressively worse since ww1


>mfw i figured out that this wasnt a 2 boys and 1 girl band a little too late

It was alright, yeah.

It was a good time, before eminem told a generation to spit in fast food and then bitch and file lawsuits when they got fired

Before Muslims
SJWs didn't have the loudest mouths

Cops turned a blind eye to smoking weed if you were a clean cut kid

Kids could walk down the street or go to mall without nigger attacks

I affectionately refer to it as The Roaring Nineties
>gas 1$/ gal.
>cigs $1.25
> still some wholesome white grills
Was a great time to be young
t.class of '98
Sorry for the degenerate mess.

this basically. People got mad as fuck and everything became a shitshow.

>Only "crazies' believed in the Jew
>The Diary of Anne Frank was taught in schools as fact.
>Most people got their music from MTV aka got peddled bullshit.
>Niggers shucking and jiving like trained monkeys.
>The internet was in it's early childhood.
The 90s weren't good user.
Anyone who thinks so should re examine it as a whole.

nevermind, gotcha

90's were shit, still the same stupid idiots as today, should've just nuked it all back then.

Whip it out from where? With the battery, that shit was 3 pounds, at least.
Great system, though. Sega was TOO ahead of its time, that was their problem.

Hmmm yes Goy, think about the past.

I feel kinda sleepy, don't you?

There were SJWs in the 1800s

The truest of all answers.

niggers were treated like niggers. nerd culture was strictly guys and it was fantastic. everything was nice.

kill yourself shekelburg

It was a time before I understood what was going on around me. Everything was fairly carefree. You digested what the jews served you and it was great because they were pushing peak whiteness to fully get us under their thumb. Now there isnt a single all white tv show left that doesnt involve faggots.

Jews are outside right now hiding in the bushes

those were the days..sniff..sniff..

This is not political.

It was still retarded, I was just young so it was fun, high school was a good time.

I was 13 at the end of the 90s. Playing outside. Kids shows were a lot better. Go down to the video store and renting movies was great. N64 and PlayStation. Glad I didn’t have to grow up in the social media mobile phone always a text away culture that kids grow up in now.

sega channel was the shit

The moment I saw two men kiss on cable TV.

>Jews dindu nuffin

fuck that gay emo shit. imma crank some chumbawamba and play some lion king

No normies on the internet. BBS/IRC was king. Competitive search engines like Yahoo, Altavista instead of google running everything.

Napster was the same shit as Spotify except in 1999. Dumb ass record companies didn't know how to monetize.

Racial tensions were OK. All the worst nigs were still locked up in the projects. The intelligent ones (a few dozen per suburb) were cool and blended in with white people.

There weren't so many fucking mexicans everywhere. Hispanics yes. They spoke English, had reasonable white admixture. But now...fucking brown dumb midgets everywhere.

Music was weird since Girl Pop Singers and Boy Bands dominated popular for the last half of the decade.

People walked around in public with their heads up, looking around smiling. Now everyone is compartmentalized with cell phones and ear buds.

There was still a sense of community. People looked out for one another.

The 90's and its culture extended well into the Bush years. I would say around 2007-2008 things took a turn for the worse. Our culture has become very hostile since then.

I'm surprised the Jews let you post that.

Jews run hockey too leaf. They're gonna get you!!!

>What was it like
There weren't shills trying to datamine to determine age demographics on Mongolian Thumb Twiddling boards.
I'm 114 yo btw

all the depravity was being nurtured just below the surface, but we weren't yet ready to have it out in the open except via surface experts that acted as release valves for the degenerate energy: marilyn manson, whore pop idols, etc. But every fucking member of Hanson was addicted to heroin at some point, it was no daydream paradise.

Wtf I'm an oldfag now?
No, it wasn't innocent.

Also nerds were made fun of and beaten not accepted.

I black kid moved to our school people called him a nigger until he left. But this was mid-2000's

CAA wasn't in full control, antitrust laws still applied

Absolutely not

Obsess much?

Life was good until 9/11.
That's when the leftists truly lost their minds.

This happened until 2005



>What was it like oldfags?

i'll be 42 this year so pretty much an oldfag
I can't be assed with Hiros new captchas so..

This post is more of a fuck you to Hiro more than anything

The 90's were fucking great in England.

We had the last days of football violence, the first days of the rave scene, great British music and Tony fucking Blair opening the floodgates to Pakistani Muslims while all the British men of fighting age were all loved up on ecstasy!

Dude Sega's games were fucking garbage. Outside of the Sonic series and a few small gems Sega fucking sucked.
Here's what kicked Sega off.
Mortal Kombat port and muh blud code.
That's it. Every fucking kid I knew got a fucking Sega and MK.
Ahead of it's time?
Not so much.

People were less distracted. Less degenerate. Less access to information. Almost everyone asleep because the Internet was painfully slow and most people believed news outlets were genuinely decent. A number of artists were telling us the stories through music and art but people were blind.

You could make a movie about an Austian American killing terrorist who planned to bomb NYC, and it would be a box office winner
(True Lies)

>1965 Immigration act architect was Jewish
>America flooded by third word shitskins
>don’t worry goyim stop being so obsessive

Pol reminds me of my schoolyard in the 90s. People just saying what they thought and no one was beyond criticism or insult. That was my first thought when i discovered it a few years ago.

A lot of things were better in the 90s, not least of which was the internet. It was so pure. No normies, no shitskins, no social media, much less commercialization, it was great. The internet of today is unrecognizable by comparison. And before anyone says it, yes, I'd happily go back to a 56k modem for 90s internet.

It probably would’ve sucked if we had social media but there was a self reliance we all had instead of being stuck to our phones and keeping up with eachother. Race relations were better after Rodney King blew over than they are today. You didn’t feel as bombarded by shit at all times like we are today so you could actually enjoy family and hobbies. Cassettes and VHS tapes sucked but vidya was comfy. We benefit from access to information a lot more today than then so if you didn’t know something you were SOL unless you went to a library or could ask someone that knew.

everything before social media and smartphones is literally a different planet, there was a lot of shit but today is so shitty its unbelieveable which is a real fucking problem because "i thought it was just a meme bro"

no, it wasn't just a meme, bro. welcome to shithole earth

i was 14 when 9/11 happened and i know people say it a lot but the resulting media hysteria that followed it never really went away

9/11 was when the slow deterioration of what was left of our homogenous moral society accelerated to where today you can't believe a time like the 90s ever existed let alone the 50s

Tl;dr 9/11 took away our carefree innocence and we've never been the same as a country since

people used to masturbate furiously on the streets

you could make fun of kids on the playground based on their race and teachers would just make you say your sorry
what a time to be alive

What year did normies take over the internet?

Not nearly as cool as the 80's

The '90s are so overrated it's not even funny. The 1990's were a DECLINE, you fucks. Now, the '80's had some balls. A fun carefree time, arcades everywhere, hardly any nogs, no political correctness; etc.

Its a brave new world

Or get into a fight and get a talking to rather than a criminal record.

What makes you so special that you call others normies?

>Tl;dr 9/11 took away our carefree innocence and we've never been the same as a country since
Kinda wondering if some older oldfag wouldn't say the same about vietnam

It was ok, but yah, if you guys were kids it's going to seem more innocent. Music was unquestionably good though.

However, for me as an adult and quite liberal at the time.. Waco really really pissed me off. It was uncalled for and a direct assault on freedom. Sure, Koresh was a lunatic, but he dindu nuffin. I couldn't stand Clinton, he was a scumbag liar, however the economy wasn't that bad. People were also not that divided and dems were not sacred cows in the mainstream media. The "thou shall not criticize democrats" happened under Obama, which was my first redpill.

2011 when there were no longer 5 video games a year I was hyped for. There was a stagnation of creativity and tunnel vision everywhere

Then I got called racist in 2013 by a college TA for defending John Lockes idea of private property over Eastern philosophy. I realized something was very very wrong

I remember calling a grade 8 "jumbotron" when i was in grade 6 and me and my friend got our ass kicked. Life went on

people actually hung out and did things.

>mfw in those days before internet porn I would jerk off to the bikini girls in rap videos on MTV and in a hormonal haze I jerked off to Hanson at 2:00 in the morning, and silencing my doubts with the admonition that they were "ugly but passable women"

Fucking Hostile

not sure what you mean 90s was the worst part of my like

because i was born

Death of the 90 minute action film wasn't good, but we still had all the good movies from the 80s on TV.

It happened in two waves. The first wave was social media. Not that much with MySpace, but definitely with Facebook in 2004/2005. The second wave was the popularization of smartphones, which gave non-computer users internet access for the first time. Since everyone has a phone... you get the picture. That was around 2008/2009.


Party like it's Littleton, CO, 1999


Every generation says this type of thing. In the 80's we used to talk about how innocent things were in the 70's etc.

t. real oldfag

I graduated high school in 1990. The entire decade was one huge party. Smoke weed every day. Get hammered on the weekends with bros, picking up whores in bars and dance clubs. Going to concerts all the time, eating acid and shrooms, doing coke once in a while.. Saw the Grateful Dead a bunch of times, great party scene but fuck Goddamn dirty hippies. Gimme a techno club and some ecstasy...

*sigh* good times

>tfw I got to party like it's 1999

It was the time of the first seventies "revival" (we've gone through at least two more since).

The seventies were the best.

They needed boipucci

I remember

>before bottled water you could go anywhere and ask for a glass of water and they would give it to you
>Smoking used to be allowed everywhere even in the hopsital
>When cell phones came out
>when texting came out and everyone said it was stupid why not just call?
>When everything was closed on sunday
>when you ran out of money on saturday and you had to wait until monday to get more at the bank

I think you mean Fucking Hoff Style.


1992 Nevermind, Twin Peaks, pretty pozzed socially and politically. 80s was better. Right fucking now is pretty damm good too.

Fuck I loved the Pantera home videos.