Is Trump what they call an "idiot savant"?
Is Trump what they call an "idiot savant"?
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No, he's what they call a "very stable genius".
I thought he spoke at the 3rd grade level
This is exactly what I'm talking about. His verbal skills seem to be absurdly low but it seems his comprehension/analysis skills are naturally high.
Asperger's Syndrome.
Just a reminder that you only have to put SAGE in the options field, and that this is a bait thread that killed a meaningful post. Op is a faggot.
>his comprehension/analysis skills are naturally high
you imagine
This isn't a bait thread at all, dumbass. I'm coming from a position of support for Trump. Voted for him and all. I just think anyone who voted for him has to be somewhat mildly aware of his borderline retarded verbal skills. He comes off like a dumbass. I knew that fully even when I voted for him. It's just hilarious that he sounds like a dumbass but is successful in everything he does.
>This is exactly what I'm talking about. His verbal skills seem to be absurdly low but it seems his comprehension/analysis skills are naturally high.
One of us?
The question that I really have is why does such a successful person sound like such an idiot on the surface?
No Trump is the oldest and longest serving member of the CIA.
>hey let's try my hand at business/real estate
makes billions
>hey let's try my hand at reality TV
is a huge success
>hey let's try my hand at politics
Crushes Hillary "Her turn" Clinton
Like him or not, people who think he's dumb are literally retarded.
Using advanced vocabulary pisses off 90% of the population. It's something public speakers learn very early on. Simplified messenging and vocabulary
Part of being successful is not giving a shit about what people think of you. He talks like a standard ass New York asshole.
>His verbal skills seem to be absurdly low
If you haven't realized he does this on purpose, you are the real brainlet.
Yes without the savant part.
This he is obviously on the spectrum, most likely severe ADHD. Though the rumours about his activities and his social demeanor does imply some aspie tendencies for sure.
This is why he is our great leader (as he matures).
B-but he's dumb
He most assuredly does not do it on purpose.
As much as people go on and on about how '''''eloquent''''' Obama was, the fact of the matter is that most people who vote don't need (or even want) eloquent, they want simple, easy to remember things.
Sun tzu...
You want your enemies to think you are retarded. That way they don't prepare, are confident in the wrong answer, and believe they have won when they actually have lost.
It's one of sun tzus first teachings, and probably the most important
>not a shill
Pick one
He knows his audience. 56% El Cretura memes aside the "average American" is a fucking moron. The average certified huWhite™ American still only has an IQ of 100, imagine where the average mutt or full-nigger is intellectually and you'll understand why he talks like he does.
He's been speaking this way publicly his entire life. It is not intentional. The man just has bas verbal skills.
Well, I hate to break it to you: you're retarded.
most people understand only 3rd grade level language
Dad taught me this when I was young, it's nearly always beneficial to play dumb.
Yeah, Trumps only been acting this way his entire life because he planned to run for president and take on the FBI.
He pontificates in such a manner so the denizens of The D with can comprehend his articulation.
in your opinion
You're an idiot. Listen to his old interviews, he knows how to speak eloquently. He speaks simply and repeats himself nowadays so that his message even gets through to 85 iq people like you.
Then how do you explain Jacob Rees Mogg?
Wow, so verbose. This guy should write presidential speeches.
He's a literal God, user. He operates in more dimensions than even exist.
He digests everything from medical journals to complex intel briefings as if he were drinking a glass of room temperature water (or diet coke).
He then distills this information internally and delivers it to The People in a concise, simple, and incredibly entertaining manner.
There is no person who has accomplished what this man has accomplished. No one ever will be able to replicate this man, no, this GOD's ability to JUST. FUCKING. WIN.
Well my daddy taught me a few things too, like how to not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth, instead of your own hands.
Literally who?
This. The very first rule is know your audience, and most people are retards.
Liberals are just retards with an education. Most of them know a lot about one narrow field, and then for some reason assume they must be intelligent about other things. Also, they have to look down on someone to feel better about themselves, but they are so concerned with popularity that they only hate the people they are allowed to: low-class white males. Even if it means hating yourself... Retards!
Well, after all, he is a very smart and stable genius.
>25 year intel professional
Keep in mind the kind of people we're talking about: they thought Saddam had WMDs, they couldn't find Osama for years, they get hacked all the fucking time. They even thought Assad was using chemical weapons on his own people when it was bloody fucking obvious it was the FSA/terrorists.
>speaking 3rd grade level mean he reads at 3rd grade level
>hey let's try my hand at politics
You mean in 2000 when he lost pathetically?
translation: he knows about the jewish problem
thanks cia
Donald Trump will bring down the elite families and set humanity free. There will thousands of statues of him in space stations and space colonies.
Trump has high verbal IQ, but when speaking publicly he uses simple language so people understand.
Watch him talking to Congress in 2005.
how i long for a morning of comfy trump shitposts
Kill yourself
>a reality t.v. personality grasps intelligence briefings at the same level as a intel professional
Did he mean Trump is naturally talented at reading intelligence, or CIA professionals are not so good?
Trump was a very good speaker probably could still be but he doesnt give a fuck.
Why touch your dog like that?
Lincoln did the same thing
but lincoln was a cuck faggot
That's all Trump does
You must be pretty dumb to think this highly of him. Even his University professor said he was 'the dumbest god damned student I ever had' fucking years ago before he joined GOP
The cringiest thing I've read today
>Did he mean Trump is naturally talented at reading intelligence, or CIA professionals are not so good?
Assuredly the latter, and you're way too generous in your assessment of the level of skill of CIA """experts""".
Yes let's ignore he'd be far wealthier if he had just put his inheritance into stock indices.
You're talking to people that were only babies that year
he is from the future,
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"
Trumptards love to ignore this when they go on and on about his "business skill"
Trump knows how to cater to an audience. He speaks at the level of those he is addressing, rural and suburban retards. He is intelligent though.
You've bested me good sir, I guess President Donald Trump is truly a failure at politics!
If we could invest in hindsight, we'd all be millionaires.
A well spoken phrase grows in young minds. You seem to recall something quite vividly, user.
Causes underestimation, it's calculated.
Whoa bro you're blinding me with that Rick and Morty intelligence, can't you dumb it down for us plebs with only two PhDs???
You put your money in an S&P500 ETF and get back to me when you're 70, see how you did. Meanwhile Trump is President of the most powerful country in the history of the world.
He talks like an idiot so that the average American can relate and understand what he says.
Do they mean 25 year olds? Cause it reads like they're saying someone who's been a professional for 25 years.
You claimed that Trump's first try at politics was in 2016. All i did was prove you completely wrong, no need to shitpost like a retard.
Biggest psued ive seen in a good minute
And when the media elitists criticize him for it or mentions it for a laugh, it enhances the effect on the target demographic
>Occupy Democrats would never lie to me!
>University professor said
Most profs are incompetent. Have you never heard "if you can't do, teach"? Even the "good" profs that try to joke around are just rehashing the exact same joke every period. They are sad creatures.
You don't get it. Trump performed far worse than the market average over his life time. This means he's not a successful businessman at all. He would have been wealthier if he didn't manage his own money at all and just spread his inheritance over an index. We aren't even getting to the accusations he has been laundering hundreds of millions for Russian oligarchs, which if is true will be revealed in Mueller's investigation (team is crammed with money laundering specialists)
His first serious* try, there's a difference.
Retards don't realize that running a multi-billion dollar real estate operation in NYC competing with NYC kikes requires more brain power than any CIA nigger has ever had.
>acting this way his entire life
Have you watched any interview from the 80's and early 90's?
>I thought he spoke at the 3rd grade level
That's his TV persona. The one that won him the election.
Ben Carson said it best
>“There's the one you see on the stage, and there's the one who's very cerebral, sits there and considers things very carefully. You can have a very good conversation with him.”
USA is a dying empire which is how you elected a president campaigning on "make America great again"
Also my money is in an index called Vanguard specifically because I know I'm not a businessman. Just like trump isn't. I make roughly 13% pa which is pretty good.
Trump took over his father’s business and he inherited money when his father died. He is not a "business legend" in the slightest.
If you're trying to persuade an audience of retards like the American public, why should you talk over their heads?
You dont know that buddy
I firmly believe that. I'm by no means a wordsmith, and I've been accused of ''throwing them five dollar odds around'' when I wasn't using any vocabulary that couldn't be found on a 6th grade spelling test.
Another thing I've always considered since the ''Trump is mentally unfit, Trump talks like a child,'' narrative started way back during his ''I got the best words'' period:
The DSM considers both flowery speech and stilted speech as markers for mental illness. Now listen to all the liberals -politicians and pundits alike- that slather on the flowery and stilted speech every time they open their yaps.
Is a 5th grade vocabulary truly the mark of a stable genius? Maybe not, but it doesn't hurt him in the eyes of people that speak in the same manner.
And if you had inherited that much money, you'd be broke by now.
Listen to and say with a straight face that this is a low verbal skill person. If this video does not convince you then there's absolutely nothing that can.
He'd have $10 billion today if he had put in an index. That's why during the campaign he was claiming he had that much. Forbes reckons he has around $1-$3b. Hes shit
Do you even know what you just said? No you don't, so why do you think it's true? Oh because you heard it on CNN, nvm, aren't you sweet dear.
>If you're trying to persuade an audience of retards like the American public
You're confusing Trump's voting base with all of America.
This. The man can't be a idiot by virtue of this alone.
I don't like the guy but he's not dumb that's for sure.
Hahaha is that what you call an actual refutation? Fuck out of here retard.
that was my first impression as well.
Either way, a 25 year old intel professional is not exactly someone who I'd normally call stupid.
Sounding complicated doesn't make you smart. Smart is getting across the meaning you want in the best way for your audience.
Normal politicians sound way dumber to me since everything they say is a sound byte to the point it's not even logically consistent.
Work in sales or customer support and learn there's an entire logic and complexity to speaking plainly.
>I thought he spoke at the 3rd grade level
everyone does
>Trump performed far worse than the market average over his life time
>if Trump had eaten beans and rice every day, and scraped every penny and put it into an index fund, he would have slightly more than the very lowest-ball lowball estimate of his current net worth
What a fool that guy was, living like a rockstar for 4 decades, owning buildings and resorts all over the world and jetting between them in a personal jetliner while banging supermodels and every so often marrying one, all to come out with (at the minimum) about the same wealth as he would have had if he'd lived like a beggar and invested in the stock market!
>Trump somehow got through the best private schools in the country and ivy league university without picking up any knowledge whatsoever and only became a billionaire by accidentally making good investments with the million dollars loaned to him by his father and then managed to beat the two most powerful political dynasties, the bushes and clintons in the primaries and general election respectively through dumb luck
This is what liberals actually believed