This it it

I don't know if you guys have realized it yet, but THE HAPPENING is literally happening right here, right now. They are literally on national television saying that the FBI tried to frame Donald Trump and illegally worked with the Clintons as part of a secret society who met offsite to plan these things.

Other urls found in this thread:

thats right, shit is finally hitting the fan. Just imagine how fucked we would all be if hillary had won.

The climate is very dangerous now. I get the sense this is leading to something explosive. All out civil conflict, the cities will burn as the gibs riot over MUH LEGACY of Obama

Bompty bomp

Thanks for the new reaction pic OP.


Let’s all hope so.

Is this sounds about as real as pizzagate you fucking faggots

All our civil war is the best thing that could happen

The globalists and subversive marxists will be purged, the right wing will win and it’s the only way we will ever see the traitors in Washington hang

But I’m okay With mass resignations and just the criminal charges brought against the main ringleaders

>yfw tucker has more than one facial expression

We all say that now, but the more likely outcome is that America becomes a post-colonial country.
Basically, we're about to become Africa.

Complicated Business.


No except it is real those are the texts back and fourth between the debuts director of e fbi and his gf about the muller investigation

And the fbi “lost” 5 months of texts. This is not pizza gate this is real

Yep it's all coming together. Say it with me Drumfkins:
>M A D A M E

Guess what dipshit, it's all real.

Literally every time I walked past the tv today today it was calling out kikes(which by the fucking way do you know how many government officials have dual US Israel citizenship?Just found out today.) and how Strzok and friends are fucked.

also bump

Absolutely not

Right wing
>has the military
>the police
>weapons manufacturers
>all the food growing land
>all the natural resources
>all the gun owners
>most of the land in general
>control of all the drinking water and interstates

The left
>disparate minorities that hate each other
>rich limousine liberals
>nothing else

They are literally surrounded and would starve then collapse on themselves in about 3 weeks

i dunno dude have you looked at pictures of military units recently? i saw alot of women

Shut the fuck up you concern troll I’ll fuckimg shoot you myself.



but California has all the food. they feed the rest of the nation.


We all know all this shit is stored, so he is completely right here.
>uhm we """lost""" the evidence
I have no words

Help /ourguy/ out

Infrastructure collapse.
Dam bombings.
Trucks stop running.
Gas stops coming.
In a week, the stores are stripped bare.
In a month, everyone is starving who doesn't have a bunker.
After six months and a lot of thinning, people will be able to establish little fiefdoms from which they launch raids against other fiefdoms.
Nuclear accidents would occur.
The United Nations will invade the United States to "keep peace" like we have been doing to other countries for a century.
And we will beg for rice and trade sex favors for beer and cigarettes.
Everything will fall apart catastrophically, because it is all connected.
You cannot cut off the head of the beast and expect it to live.

James Comey: America's Most Dirty Cop.

Cali only grows grapes, avacados, and weed.

Nothing will happen. The memo won't have half the impact you want it to have. Liberals and normies won't give a fuck how badly Obama/Hillary/FBI abused their powers to spy on Trump because they're brainwashed and any effort to stop le evil Drumpf is justified. Nothing will happen.

This, everyone, is a bot. A rational human would not react in this way. This is meme subversion, done by bots.

Fuck you shill

Fox literally only panders to batshit insane conservatives

man this shit is about to pop

This is the year the Jew comes out of the shadows

A civil war is logistically impossible. Warfare is no longer two armies marching to an open field, whoever survives wins. A "civil war" in 2018 would be a bunch of separatist rebels holing up in an urban area and getting flushed out in a few weeks.

shill spotted

these faggots working overtime thinking the extra 0.02 cents will save them from the rope. HA

Mongrel raid parties with machine guns on bicycles stream in now and again to get raidy on your pad.
You've killed hundreds of men at this point.
You don't even bother to bury them.
They waste away in the sun, or are dragged off by their companions.
Nothing goes to waste out there.

How many want to see video of Obama's daughter crying as her father is disgraced and led away in handcuffs?

And just think of how /comfy/ it would be. Watching it all burn

What did we learn today? That the fucking FBI is making these goddamned bots.

shill spotted

The food growing regions of California are republican

I guarantee you that if his presidential library ever gets built, it will be the mlk Blvd of presidential libraries

Big, fat nothingburger.

How many times do we have to read this Q LARP bullshit?

Sup Forums has been predicting this happening for months and nothing has happened. Nothing will happen. Trump will cut a deal with Mueller to drop the Russia investigation if Trump forgets about the FISA abuse. I'll say it again because most of you are slow:

nothing will happen.

Keep dreaming, comrade.

>His daughter

Ahhhh. I remember my first meme.

is she even his daughter? barack and michelle literally handed her over to harvey weinstein. who would do that to their own kids?

yeah that's their new thing
>you are crazy
>have you taken your meds
>are you schitzo
blue pilled fucks think that works and is an argument. They would also prefer to send those who have other views than them to a mental ward, as they did in the ussr for questioning anything. They would drug you down till you sat there drooling

How many bots are we gonna get today? A human would have responded to me by now calling me a faggot or something.


Madam nobody.
Madam bitch.
Madam loser.
Madam criminal.

how many times are you going to shill faggot

Thanks for the quick edit user. Saved!

You guys aren’t thinking clearly

Look at the Lands and areas controlled by right wit America vs the control and territory of left wing America

Right wing America is mostly white, connected geography surrounding pockets of diverse highly urban centers

We also control all the guns, manufacturers military and armed civilians.

It would be easy for a culturally unified right wing America to encircle pockets of left wing America and starve them out while still producing food for ourselves

You aren’t thinking through how this would work, it would be violent but there is no situation where left wing America has a chance of winning this war

It is possible if USFEDGOV stops functioning.
It's all people up there, and if people start getting arrested, there will be all sorts of disruption, not to mention the dreaded "manufactured events" so many anons are retarded for, but this time for real.
What if, for instance, the missing texts were Secret Society texts, and in these texts they were not discussing Trump at all?
What if they were discussing something much more nefarious and horrifying?
What if the people trying to hide it are willing to do anything, up to and including destroying the United States of America, to cover it up?
What if we are living in the twilight right now.
Only question is if we're going into or out of the darkness.



Fox News could air a 1-hour secret recording video right now of Obama and Hillary sitting in a room with the FBI back in 2016 cooking up a plot to say that Trump was a Putin puppet, and it wouldn't sway the minds of anyone in the country

the Normies have been hit with CNN/MSNBC propaganda around the clock for the past 16 months since the election, at this point - nothing can change that narrative

>nothing will happen
>just give up guys
>nothing will come of this
>might as well go to bed
>are you all batshit crazy?
>I feel sleepy now, how about you?


ima nUTT

>Anyone with an opinion different from mine is a shill or a bot

An honest question, why do you guys attack people who have different opinions from your own? You people probably complain about SJWs but you're just as worst. Ironic.

A large event, say as putting them all in jail, might be able to change that though. I agree with the doubt, but if such an event happened, I don't think the average citizen would just sweep it under the carpet..

Are strzok and page (((fellow whites)))? Both names are ambiguous.

That's a fair point, but you're acting like the hundreds of billions of dollars the liberal elite have wouldn't be used to purchase, arm, and train an army. They could get NATO or the EU to send troops to America

Lol, these were great

>pedo rings don't exist huehue

Let me know when the arrests start. I'll wait.

Well I'm convinced. Off to bed

Here’s the thing though guys. There could be video and DNA evidence of the Clintons murdering nuns and nothing would happen. It’s not ever going to happen. It’s not happening.

We grow everything but citrus here in the upper midwest. We will be eating potatoes, peaches and pears while they Califags eat each other.

Yeah, nothing ever happens, that's why we have a reality TV star for president. It's a new era, faggot.

>Calling out shills on their shilling is just as bad as being an SJW

Shill detected.

We aren't attacking, but rather calling out. I can't speak for Sup Forums as a whole, obviously. But calling out a shill is deemed attacking? Since when?

I'm sure they are fellow whites, on their father's sides at least. I think we can be pretty sure that they are (((fellow whites))) on their mother's side.

We called it back on server-gate days .....When she erased her servers.

They wouldn’t have time and believe it or not a decent majority of the rich are right wing

will they deliver? or is fox fake news?

why dont you throw the word boomer in there to you fucking faggot.

Congressmen are talking about the secret society meeting on Fox here. All the congressmen know about it and are investigating it.

Ah, yes, California's golden fields of whe- uh, their teeming herds of catt- well, their boundless rows of cor- fuck, cilantro?

We could burn the state to the ground tomorrow, and Florida would just have to divert some oranges from the juice plants to the grocers to make up the deficit.

You mean all the fruits.

I cook and eat well and rarely eat fruits.
-t. /fit/

No source, as usual. How long do we have to deal with these LARPs?

I generally find a lot of this to be plausible, but I've always wondered, if the deep state is running the show, why would they allow trump to be elected in the first place?

The Left would have support of foreign governments.

CNN/MSNBC propaganda is only a cheap fad.

That's a very good meme for normies.

another inbred faggot using "literally" in every fucking sentence.

Give it to me raw, how screwed is this guy?

It will be a coordinated effort of mass random acts taking out specific targets and no announced agenda. any wolf knows if there is any active group of 3, 2 are FBI. so if you think the ones carrying the banner are going to be putting out a press release or talking shit of fox, fb, or even chan go ahead and follow, I'm sure the jew will thank you for your service. SNDS Say Nothing, Do Something

Reddit faggot go home
>just as worst

because theres no one "running the show"

there are different factions fighting for control, and our guys won it for us on election night and are in the process of undoing all the plants they were putting in to take full control

>foreign governments would support isolated pockets of staring minorities over the legal government of the USA

the normie attention span has been conditioned to last less than one news cycle. this won't even be referenced a week from now.

Not a shill, just have a couple of more IQ points then you do.

More like anyone with an alternative opinion that goes against what most users on this board believe in is usually bombarded with replies calling them a "shill." It's like SJWs calling anyone who questions "white guilt" a Nazi.

Oh fuggg. It always starts with one informer, then the rats start talking one by one.