If so, when?
If not, at what point in human evolution was sin introduced into the world?
If so, when?
If not, at what point in human evolution was sin introduced into the world?
When the cunt ate the apple.
It's a metaphor for becoming self aware. Do you even allegory? 3-4 mil years ago
6000 years ago.
>It's a metaphor for becoming self aware.
Okay this makes sense
What about Noah's Ark and the biblical genealogy of the nations of the earth thereafter? How can a genealogy from Abraham to Jesus be metaphorical when it uses the persons' names?
>human evolution
you don't believe humans evolved?
It's a fairy tale
Root meaning of "sin" is "to forget", so the original sin is our forgetting our past.
Our history was stolen from us by Shekelites or Hyksos or Pharisees or Canaanites or the Tribe of DN or Den or Dan or snakes, all the same lying trash Jew
"Sin" is not some seperate class of action. Many acts classified as sinful predate modern humans.
Killing? Animals kill all the time.
Pre-marital sex? Animals don't even have marriage.
Bearing false witness? While animals can't technically speak, some of the smarter ones are clearly capable of deception.
The story of Adam and Eve tries to blame humanity for the introduction of sin into the world. However, we see from evolution that humanity cannot be justifiably held accountable for the origin of sinful acts. Our non-human ancestors were already performing such acts long before we arrived on the scene, and we simply inherited their behavioral tendencies, including the sinful ones.
God created the world 6000 years ago as described in Genesis
Is it contradictory to believe in the bible and believe in evolution?
then what the fuck are australopithecus and other hominid skeletons?
What are dinosaur bones?
The grand canyon?
I don't know, the genealogy from abraham to jesus is a set amount of years and specific individuals that go only about 6000 years which is 100% irreconcilable with evolution, I'm trying to figure it out
7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul
placed by God to test our faith
>Noah's Ark
The whole first 11 chapters (excluding the creation part at the beginning) is a story about the spread of sin through the Earth. There is a repeating pattern:
1) God makes a covenant with people.
2) The people sin by breaking the covenant.
3) God punishes the people.
4) God makes a new covenant with the people.
At each repetition of the cycle, sin is spread to a larger and larger scale.
first iteration: Adam and Eve (personal sin)
second iteration: Cain and Abel (sin towards others)
third iteration: Noah's Ark (a world full of sinful people)
final iteration: Tower of Babel (national hubris, people aiming to make themselves like God)
this is good and all, but not what i was asking
Do you believe that the genealogy from noah to jesus is accurate and according to real world history?
Noah's Ark is probably just mythology, but there really is a big ancient ship stuck up on a mountain somewhere in the Caucasian mountains I think. That doesn't mean it's the ark, but dating from that time puts it to the last time the Black Sea reconnected to the Mediterranean, filling the basin with water. If you lived in that basin, it sure would seem like the whole world was flooding. As for genealogy from Abraham to Jesus, every Jew is descended from Abraham, aren't they?
No, but I'm an atheist so I really have no obligation to believe it.
you can hardly call it just mythology when pretty much every ancient culture has variations of the Great Flood Myth.
Black Sea flood
how could all ancient cultures have a flood myth if they were all wiped out? How could any oral tradition survive if the persons all died?
Around 6000 years ago.
Before that, there were other human civilizations, and they were destroyed or eradicated in some way. Perhaps divine punishment, or their own downfall.
God, the creator, some all-powerful (to us, anyway) being, etc. continues to create life in cycles. Rather, permutations of life. Continues simulations. Each time getting it more correct.
God as we know it exists in the fifth dimension, influencing our world through a force or type of particle, or a force through a new particle, we have not yet discovered or understood.
In this context, God can refer to a singular being, as it seems history lends itself to propagating the single deity, with less powerful beings interacting with our existence.
There may have been humans, in this iteration of our existence in this timeline/universe, that understood how to perceive the "God" particles; Buddha being the likely candidate.
Dismiss this if you want, but as time goes on, discovery of just how far back civilizations have existed will really distort our sense of human history. What was once thought as the end-all-be-all beginning of knowledge is pushed further back and further back until the origins of mankind appears to be a multiplicity.
I'm not saying that the story of Noah's ark is true. What I'm really suggesting is that the catastrophic flooding that occurred at the end of the Ice Age is the basis of flood myths throughout the world. Obviously not everyone besides Noah, his family, and two of every animal were wiped out.
It specifically says in the bible that God punished Adam for listening to Eve.
The snake in the garden specifically manipulated eve by choice (not adam). The weaker vessel was first compromised and so then she compromised adam (because he didnt listen to God).
It was a bridge to the other.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe | A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline
here's an audio version:
the particular chapter the answers are in:
I believe at some point we were infected at some point by some disease that altered our genome in such a slight way that changed the way our linguistic part of our brain was built, maybe a snakebite and some kind of poisonous apple were the cure.
The talking snake is the effect of the linguistic part of the brain spazing out under a hallucinogen type venom, and the "forbidden" apple is what allowed them to come to their senses and realize consciousness under those conditions.
Cain and Able are the 2 protohuman types with completely upgraded brains that were released upon countless savage hominids, breeding the conscious large brained populations we have today.
Where it happened doesn't matter, though it is interesting to note it was in a large forest with plentiful fruit and no/very little predators.
Ever think maybe your apple was really a mushroom?
>Did the garden of Eden exist?
there's a rough map described in genesis --- use google earth
>at what point in human evolution was sin introduced into the world?
when we developed a sense of guilt over shit. i guess you dogs are capable of "sin" since they seem to be able to convey a sense of guilt. i dunno if other animals are capable
There is no doubt that Adam was a White man.
It could be, and then it could be that the order of events was reversed and the talking snake happened second.
And it even could be mutation from a radioactive source instead of a disease(something like that natural nuclear reactor they found in India), but then I think the snake bite and fruit would be even more likely in that situation. But obviously the thing they ate is not an actual apple or any fruit that exists today.
god created the race of adam and golems at the same time. cain left and took his wife from the "land of nod east of eden". adam was a hebe. the bible is a hebe book about hebes. niggers, vikings, and chinks are nonentities in the OT. to say whitey was jews and jesus was white makes the speaker of such nonsense as fucking stupid as niggers spewing off WE WUZ KANGZ
the garden of eden is a metaphor for the non-dual state of consciousness humans were in before they discovered death. we adopted a duel state of consciousness or "good and bad" state of consciousness when we realized that we were mortal. before we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we lived in a perfect paradise because because we didn't know what good and bad was. it was all just one thing.
It was called the golden age. The epoche where Saturn was our star in the polar configuration.
There was also some sort of warm mist that encompassed the Earth and made all things grow in abundance.
>epoche of dinosaurs but also giant men
>the Atlantean races came about, and throughout the world
>civilization started
Then after came the demuirge, the present Star we have broke the stellar circuit and caused unforetold choas
>the floods
>underground cities to escape high plasma radiation discharges
>the great saturnian apocolypse
yes, it was located in Daviess County, Missouri
C'mon, get real. Have you ever tried to take a rib from a black guy?
Bro do you even Enoch? Canonical bible is incomplete work.
Yes the GoE is real and the Cherubim is still in my back yard guarding the entrance with a fucking flaming sword. I'll be back with pics and timestamp.
Great another low IQ religious cuck. making dumb question again on Sup Forums
this; eve being your left brain and adam being your right, when you equalize both by being "centrist" is when you find garden of eden once again
Humans didn't evolve.
It's self awareness of being capable of MORE than what our lizard brain desires. It's the growth of our cognitive abilities of abstraction.
Imagine what the world will be like when Elephants reach full abstract thought?
Go on. How do we get a new God Son?
There are more than 200 known sunken 'cities' in the Mediterranean alone. Ancient people lost their homes to rising waters all the damn time, because 99% of all ancient cities were built as close to water as possible. Some people settled right on the coast, some people settled on rivers (every great civilization of the ancient world rose from a river valley).
You also assume that a flood would happen instantly and kill everyone that would've witnessed it. Sure, some idiots would get trapped and die, but not every single person. A few escape the flood zone, spread the news to surrounding tribes, they conjure a myth to explain it because thats how people coped with lifechanging events 10000 years ago. Boom, a flood myth has just been spawned and will evolve as it spreads farther from the source and further through time.
Adam and eve
A for atom
E for electron
Atom must have electron
Electron must have atom
Adam male
Eve female
Adam must have Eve and vice versa
Male must have Female and vice versa
your sixes are upside down Natas
Yes from 1933 to 1945.
And it still exists in her vagina.
>Did the garden of Eden exist?
The thing about myths is you need to treat them as a synopsis of sorts, edited and re-edited by the various peoples who kept them alive orally until they were finally written down after the invention or reinvention of language; you also have to 'see' them in 5 dimensions (time being the 5th).
The story of Eden was written down in it’s (mostly) current form in the Pentateuch by the kikes, sometime between 1400BC and 300BC, even though the described events supposedly occurred more than four millennia earlier. Ever heard a friend tell a funny story multiple times about an event that you were present for? Notice how he may forget some details, and exaggerate others with each re-telling? Imagine that same story being told by the people who listened to his story to their children, and then by those children to their children, for more than 200 generations.
Keep in mind that different groups heard the story of the same event told slightly differently by the same guy within 1-3 generations time.
So, you analyze the details you know. Eden was near the confluence of 4 rivers, one of which still carries the same name: the Euphrates. The Tigris was most likely another of those 4 rivers because it joins with the Euphrates, and happens to still exist as well. Eden was to the East of ancient Israel.
>you also have to 'see' them in 5 dimensions (time being the 5th).
As much as Climate Change alarmists like to believe otherwise, the general climate is continually changing, and local climates change far more drastically.
Between 12,000 and 5,500 years ago, sea levels rose more than 400ft. Between 30KYA and now, there are places that went from forest, to savannah, to desert, and back to forest.
I read everything about ancient history I can, and this guy has the best hypothesis I’ve ever read.
True? Who knows. But, it makes sense to me.
ima tell you a tip pal, don't take everything in the bible literally. Jesus tells you many times to find meaning in his words (especially his parables). The tower of babel isn't to be taken literally. It has many meanings, like one it be a metaphor of the building of civilization. At the beginning it is small with large picture for it's future. It's people under same collective goal striving for that future. Civilization grows bigger, views change and people change their dreams for the future. Collective goal/consciousness dies. War breaks out and what not civ crumbles. Divisions of people form and star anew (new civ/country etc.) repeating the same pattern. It's the story of man. He rises, fall, and repeats. The bible is a book of ancient stories and wisdom. Read it carefully. The kingdom of heaven is inside you brother.
Sin is self-awareness? Are humans "guilty" of becoming self-aware, or did that happen by a Darwinian process that no one had control over?
Self awareness is consciousness. Julian Jaynes book is an interesting look at the origin of consciousness.
There are also historians both with and without faith that are dedicated to parsing out the true events that inspired the bible, I think you'd find those findings interesting.
As a non-believer, I'm of the opinion that the Bible and really all myths are just a society's way of expressing their morals, values, and common knowledge in a way that can transcend the written law of Man. Jordan Peterson has a great series on this, diving into Genesis and its connections to earlier myths of the region.
hidden knowledge?
But OP's question was about the introduction of sin into the world, not the introduction of consciousness.
It's pretty fucking depressing
Everything from the Old Testament is metaphor.
The serpent was Christ the apple of knowledge of Good and Evil shows you right from wrong and give you logic whoever was God is was trying to keep eternal life away from us
>There are also historians both with and without faith that are dedicated to parsing out the true events that inspired the bible
"The Bible" as we know it is a collection of stories corrupted and used as Jewish myth.
However, those stories are mostly NOT of Jewish origin.
They were collected (or stolen) from the peoples living near the Fertile Crescent between 3400-2300 years ago by the Jews; and later claimed to be Jewish in origin.
The tales in ‘The Bible’ are Egyptian, Zoroastrian, Greek, Ubadian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Phoenician, Assyrian, and more than a dozen other cultures we haven’t dug up yet, who may prove to have no written names of their own.
I can write about Tupac as much as I want; doesn’t make me a nigger (well, maybe an honorary nigger), or him a kang.
The Bible is a collection of (stolen) myths.
Treat it as such, if you’re looking to document and discover human history.
If you’re a ‘True Believer’, treat it as absolute truth and wear kneepads when blowing your kike overlords.
>Oy Vey! Have you evar heard the tale of Mel Gibson, The Jewish Prophet?
>YHWH smited him in the face with untold riches, but he died a pauper because of Chink Aids!!
>Let me tell you the tail!!
Maybe religions were created to test IQ. You failed.
Instead of sperging out and instantly naming the jew, maybe try and finish reading past the first sentence. I agree with you entirely, the flood myth was directly taken from the Babylonians after their encounter with the Jews, other myths stolen elsewhere. What I meant by this sentence was that later stories like Exodus, based in the real world and not an age of myth and magic, have some kind of base in an original event instead of being complete fabrications to explain morals.
Yes, it did. But it's not where or when Bible scholars think it was.
There's so much science has not figured out yet. And each discovery tends to fit perfectly into scriptures.
>Instead of sperging out and instantly naming the jew, maybe finish reading past the first sentence
Take your own advice, BroAnon.
I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was only saying that 'The Bible' is a collection of ancient stories, tailored to fit the Jewish creation myth.
>later stories like Exodus, based in the real world and not an age of myth and magic
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Most "persecution" that the Jews cry about came from decent people who welcomed them to their lands before getting fed up with their kikery and kicking their manipulative asses to the curb.
Jews are a nomadic, tribal, parasitic race. Think gypsies, but more deceptive.
The “Old Testament” even starts with kikes getting kicked out of Eden by their God.
It continues to tell a tall tale of their oppression in Egypt, which they somehow miraculously escaped.
Evidence points to nomadic pre-kikes known as the Hyksos infesting the area of the Nile delta, slowly worming their way into positions in Egyptt while pretending to be Egyptian, later attempting to subvert and overthrow that government, and finally trying to establish a new state religion (see Akhenaten) before the Egyptians kicked them the fuck out.
It goes on to tell of their conquest of the so called ‘Holy Land’ through a glorious invasion where they killed all the prior inhabitants. Historical evidence points toward the same pre-kike tribes that were KTFO of Egypt invading into the lands of Canaan, settling on the outskirts of existing cities, and then corrupting that civilization from within by pretending to be part of it.
It’s obvious that the story of Noah was simply the stolen epic of Gilgamesh, with names changed to be kikeish.
Historians have even found evidence that the ‘Old Testament’ was only written around 300BC, and consists mostly of stories stolen from other cultures—slightly changed to be more Jewish, and to promote their “woe is me” persecution mythos.
The winners write the history books.
Advice noted. Like I stated previously, I'm of the opinion that the stories that aren't pure fiction used to describe morals are twisted versions of events based in reality to either further the jewish persecution complex or make their conquering of others seem justifiable.
There isn't even contemporary evidence that Jesus existed, likely a fabrication by Paul of Tarsus while he was stoned as fuck with his friends in the desert and later propagated by people excited to have heard of the return of the Messiah.
There's psychedelics that grow (or used to grow?) near Mt. Sinai, meaning Moses' trip up the mountain and encounter with god was likely some kind of shroom-trip spirit journey.
My point, which I didn't articulate well enough, was that if you take the bible as anything other than a book on how to not be a dick, you're a nigger faggot.
Real advice for OP would be to disregard religion altogether and pick up philosophy, god is a delusion you don't need.
If you believe in Jesus, then you have to believe in the garden of Eden. (John 5:46-7) "For if you did believe Moses, you would perhaps believe me also; for he wrote of me. [47] But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?"
It works out to be around 6,000 years ago. We cannot find Eden because it is guarded by an angel with a flaming sword. (Gen 3:24) "And he cast out Adam; and placed before the paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a flaming sword, turning every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."
Mankind lost Eden because of Adam's sin. (He disobeyed God and instead gave in to the temptation of Eve.) But God has given us something greater: His Son. If we listen to Jesus, we can have eternal life with Him in heaven.
>I'm of the opinion that the stories that aren't pure fiction
On the other hand, I think (not believe; there IS a difference) that none of the Biblical stories are "Pure Fiction". Misremembered, yes. Politically altered, yes. Stolen, yes. Kiked to hell and back, absolutely.
I'm not even going to try to decipher the Jesus and Roman shit.
I'm much more interested in "pre-history" anyways.
The Great Flood. Atlantis. Eden. The kernels of truth hidden in the giant log of shit that is (((history))).
We know there was an "Ice Age" that ended roughly 12,000 years ago. We know there were floods and droughts associated with that. We know the weather and climate drastically changed.
We know that what little we have pieced together since that time has been kiked to hell and back.
Even if I knew the absolute truth, it wouldn't change a damned thing in the present. It's still interesting as fuck (to me) anyways.
There was a worldwide flood. Because of sea levels rising 400'+ in less than 3000 years, and because humans love to build their civilizations near water. Not because some kike's grandfather got jerked off to death 6 times, lived to tell the tale, and is blowing out 120 candles on his birthday cake next month.
Fucking kikes ruin everything.
Existed 870-840 BC, 600 years after Moses and 200 years after David (the author of most Biblical Psalms)
The Chinese, Indians, and other ancient civs all had an account of the flood narrative, each with their own pseudonym for Noah, too
Ironically enough, when non-indigenous religions were introduced.
>Existed 870-840 BC
Closer to 13-1400BC, nowhere near the Biblical David; more likely to have been a contemporary of your 'Moses'.
>The Chinese, Indians, and other ancient civs all had an account of the flood narrative, each with their own pseudonym for Noah, too
Yeah. About 300 different stories. Gilgamesh is still the oldest we can reliably date.
The important point is that Jews in the Fertile Crescent in 500BC adopted that story for their own uses.
Nothing more.
Never claimed to agree with his point on this, there's considerable doubt that the entire story told in Exodus even happened.
If we agree that the flood is a myth based on rising sea level after the Ice Age, then the fact of it happening simultaneously worldwide and 1000s of years before it was first written down reasonably explains why all Old World cultures have this myth following a similar structure. That's enough time for the story to be told a certain way, disseminated, and then evolved to fit the region, then evolved further to be 'distinct' from another culture's version of the story. And even disregarding all of that, why take the youngest manifestation of the story (Noah) when you could take the oldest written version of it (Gilgamesh)?
On Eden and the Creation in general I must disagree. Creation myths are almost completely universal, and always adapted to the region where they were originally told. They are only real in that they are the story of how that particular tribe of people got to the place where they were when they discovered language. A god didn't create the sky and the ground and all the things that live there in 7 days, we are not balancing on the back of a turtle's back on a great ocean, we are not the children of 2 trees living in the carcass of a slain Ice Giant.
Atlantis though, I could accept as some kind of convoluted attempt to describe an ancient Gobekli Tepe type "civilization" that built a sprawling city on the coast before being washed away by the rising tides. But I think its more of a way to say that chaos is always looming just beyond the horizon, even for the greatest of civilizations.
Fucking kek at all 3 of your pic relateds, btw.
The garden of eden is a myth. When you say sin do you mean serious sin like not resting and worshiping god on Saturday?
About 6043 years ago
Sin is about disobeying God. In the Garden of Eden, it was about eating from a tree that belonged to God.
How do you disobey god?
By doing something he forbid
Its a formation of petrified wood on Mount Ararat thats is in the shape of a boat iirc.
The documentary I watched on it was compelling, dont know how biased it was
Very biased... avoid Ron Wyatt, he is a fraud
>falling for the jew meme of Rabbi Yeshua
>propagating jew morality from the Torah
Fuck off you god damned fucking kike!
Don't speak about "God damned" with you criticize the concept Christianism. It's contradictory.
Unless you worship non-biblical gods, then it's just funny.