WE had a riveting conversation last night.

Come out to play three letter lurkers. Mention your agency and why I shouldn't cause a cuckservative shitstorm to defund you?

Lets play. Just sound off and tell me your current mission and your current agency. Recruit me with a sweetheart deal. I'll tell you your future.

WE know you're here. Reveal yourselves. It doesn't matter, everyone is protected by ID's.

NSA, 5 years
Your last porn search was pov anal.


I love how people like OP, a kike shill, always seem to blame everything on American intel agencies. israel observes 5 eyes.



>NSA, 5 years
How's it working for the NSA? Pays well?

Yall are perverts Desu Sempai

I am in Brazil to fuck shit up even more
Just for the LoLs

The NSA are the legit good guys, here's how I know; the ((())) want you to hate them. Ask yourself this; why was Snowden given so much press for slamming the NSA? Why did (((Hollywood))) make sure we got the point with the Snowden movie?

from female or male pov

did you guys come to terms with the fact you're here forever?


They shouldn't have access to mass civilian surveillance but beyond that you might be right. FYI Soros' son promoted the Snowden movie.

CIA here.sometimes we come into peoples house and rub our balls all over their possessions.like we'lll take a family bible and look where they have their bookmark and then close the book on our balls and use our dick as the bookmark.the sexual pleasure i derive from my godlike powers makes me cum.i can choose who lives or dies,i can fabricate suicides of complete strangers.you think i have a god complex?



>pov anal (receptive)
super unrealistic tho, I can't usually see my bum with a big black willy in my mouth lol :3

fucking kikes man. I admit, I snickered

>close the book on our balls and use our dick as the bookmark

This is fucking retarded.
He got so much press because he absconded and fed his intel to foreign press? Far too big to ignore. International implications.
I kind of like the CIA agent to discredit NSA story though. Not especially because I trust the NSA, or the people they report into, but it does stand to reason that all of the shithead actors crimes are also going to be fed into the system the same way as us peons, no hiding from the all-seeing eye etc. And I'm also not denying that people who join those type of agencies want the best for their countries so... fingers x



DIA. Dont defund me senpai all I do is mission sec and background check. I voted for based trump

>He got so much press because he absconded and fed his intel to foreign press?

Like Johnathan Pollard who was caught selling secrets to Israel, that would have been a great movie too riight?

All the contextual evidence points to the CIA being controlled by (((them))) From the JFK release last year, which coincided with Q suddenly coming on the scene BTW, we know the Jews financed JFK's assassination. So at the very least Israel and the CIA worked together during the founding event of the modern "deep state"

CIA nigger here. can confirm we are always watching Sup Forums

honestly, i think the CIA is handing Trump the FBI
notice how Trump is playing along with the CIA playbook in Syria
i hope im wrong

>pov anal


Thanks google/nsa

i swear to beelzebub ... if you mf dirty-dicked my coffee cup ....

Snowden is a CIAnigger, anyone with half a brain can figure that out after seeing how media-shilled he is

so, which one of you guys is planning on JFK'ing your problem child? we know you are incapable of unfucking yourselves, so you might as well cause some major chaos to divert attention away from just how fucked your moral compass is in an attempt to save face
>BONUS: What caliber did you choose?


IC isnt as centralized as you think. Big planners also aren't posting on pol

Most of us work in the field and have little to no contact with big boys unless absolutely necessary. Most work is done in small tasks that the average rube knows fuck all about. If Trump was going to get JFK'd they would do him exactly the same way. Have some FI or MDSO find some Oswald and then trick said FI into getting him armed and preparing a plan before some higher up provides the motivation and direction over the head of the guy in the field.

Ex NSA, NTOC. What up

it's truly a shame that "Patriotism" is limited to financing, fighting and dying in wars for one small shit hole nation; the twinkle in the Rothschild' eye. The US could use some 'Me' time. But when our own LE agencies give fuck all about laws, there is no rule of law. Welcome to WROL. Pull up a chair. Crack open a cold one. Watch it all burn as no one does a thing to save it.

always nice to see someone used my oc

>implying snowden isn't still working for us

Anyone working in the IC can tell you his "leaks" were of no consequence.

Because Snowden was/is CIA and it's all a part of a war within the intelligence community. Also every production company in Hollywood is connected to the CIA.

>Most work is done in small tasks that the average rube knows fuck all about.

Nor give a shit about, either. Most of the work is mundane and the technology is almost always off-the-shelf with a little special sauce in case of capture/loss. It's pretty much the opposite of the movies.

DHS here
I exclusively date cougars

no one knows enough to save it. At least on the IC side of things. We get tasks like "talk to person X report how he responds." or "go to X DMS location. Report whats there". Not much to go on and no way of even knowing what you're doing.

You assume that you aren't being used for some nefarious end but honestly the shit going on at the FBI has me all kinds of fucked up. I wanted to go to the FBI in a couple of years. I always thought there was someone that would make sure field guys weren't being used for anything too crazy but now its like nobody gives a fuck and everyone is just out for themselves. Can't even trust the FBI, who can you trust? OIG? what the fuck happened man?

This screencap gave me cancer.

>I exclusively date cougars

Confirmed either ICE or TSA

>what the fuck happened man?
AI started assigning the tasks. Nobody knows what the fuck is going on now.

You obviously don't work with NSA. There they have vid cons every time someone gets a new tie.

I dont lmao. DIA prss/so

Why doesn't Trump just move all intelligence over to the military and completely disband the FBI in light of the absolute coup happening?

Story time?


This is probably accurate. I get work that has me interviewing an individual for a second or third time occasionally. no way a human is doing that.


The FBI is too important to disband completely, and it's not the agents that are the problem. Every issue comes from the supervisor level and you can't just wipe the entire leadership without any replacements

because MI is really bad actually. I mean good people but they do things like throw cell phones away on occasion.

He could move it to private contractors that are vetted well but ofc the media will scream "muh top LE agency!" the second trump tries to fuck with the FBI. Better to just purge everyone at the top and start over desu.

maybe the IC side still has the necessary moral compunction to NOT get involved too heavily with the weird stuff; but we are in uncharted waters currently. most here believe we are going to get several 9/11's this time. the same tactics used in the field to shock the public at large, as they're much more malleable/easily shaped when they can be led by the nose. truly a bad time. lots of good people ... gone/disposable/collateral for a handful of obedient servants and those who wield godlike powers

Dissent in the ranks aye? What the hell, a little democide never hurt anybody, amirite?

This is what I don't understand user.

How do you take an ideology about treating your fellow man equally regardless of the color their skin and then pervert it into murdering innocents through false flags?


OP is there child porn on your hard drive?

ITT - amerrimut LARPEr's fighting over pizza