90% of Sup Forums gets this wrong
90% of Sup Forums gets this wrong
If she's a 10, let her in.
If she's a 0, she's got to go.
Hottie nationalism.
gas the one on the right and deport the Slav.
the spic
Sup Forums is a white nationalist board not a cuckservative MUH CONSTITUTION board
So is the argument Americans only want to deport illegals because they're ugly?
lol this is hilarious b keep it up
Trick questions: the one on the right is de facto illegal, as it is a crime not to be white. Therefore, both should be killed.
Deport OP
OP you got it wrong by trying to imply spics are legal immigrants you retard
Sums it up.
The founding fathers were white nationalists who only allowed immigration into America from European countries.
retarded, almost anyone would marry the "illegal", the legal simply dies of heart disease. win/win.
I've seem some bad shit post on Sup Forums, but this one is epic.
The correct answer is both
Kill the roastie and deport the spic.
We don't need another gold-digging do nothing society-leeching whore, give me that salt of the earth hard-working woman any day of the week.
>being this autistic and delusional
Marry the illegal and hire the right as a gardener.
>T. Wizard level 99
Get rid of both of them.
We have to react to problems. Too many hot young white women is clearly not a problem we have, so we don't need to do anything about her. On the other hand, we do have too many Mexicans, legal or otherwise. Deport or kill.
Left one. Easy. Next.
I second this
Deport both. Thots and fatshits both need to disappear.
MS13 go home, we don't need no fucking pupusa bullshit. Fuck a taco truck!
says the guy who wants to marry her lmao, i would get bored fucking her in a week
Deport illegal
Or ask if she want to marry me first for citizenship
If the skank says no she’s gotta go back
Offer to marry the illegal and if she refuses deport the roasty.
Is this the real redpill?
The majority of Hispanics entering America come from legal immigration. Stopping illegal immigration won't stop whites from becoming a minority, we have to stop legal nonwhite immigration and send back the ones already here too.
>no degree
>15 kids
>3 husbands at the same time
>probably has ties to cartel
>somehow legal immigrant
yea, not really possible faggot
If a gril like that was to stupid to get a green card marriage to a rich man then she deserves to be deported
The only real Americans are whites
fuck off shitskin
I think you got the text on the bottom mixed up sweetie!
This guy gets it, bitch on the right will give you a clean house, food on the table and kids taken care of. Bitch on the left, she will rub your credit card up, want to go out every night and cheat on you whenever she can.
Pick one OP
True, but that doesn't mean any white can be an American.
The proper answer is to deport both of the subhuman foreigners.
White people can’t be illegal immigrants. America is their birth right.
>merit-based immigration
>allowing obese, ugly hispanics into the country
>sending back legal immigrants
any white can be an American
America is for any white person with good character , far-right and traditional would be ideal.
Fuck the 1965 kike immigration law
Why not deport both?
The one on the left is hot, but will vote for leftist shit.
Uhm no sweety america was red mans land, u dont belong here thats y u whites get skin cancer in the south
The left one looks attractive and attractiveness correlates with intelligence. She has fair features and will blend in seamlessly in the larger society. She looks fertile and young, will probably work many years and produce high quality children for the society.
I'd be really interested what the The_Doland would say. Would their internal racerealist open up or would they cuck ''m-muh l-laws...''. What if we change the game and say it's 30 million of identical clones of those? Then it's not an irrelevant individual. Eventually the Dolander, if he has any sense, will admit that legality has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that spics are out-group.
Look, I agree that you cannot be American if you're not white, but there's more to being American than just being white. We've had more than enough time now as a nation that we've developed our own culture and people, and white or not, non-Americans would still be an out-of-place foreign nuisance.
I know if you live in some big city, or mostly nonwhite shithole, you'd be desperate for any whites, but you need to understand that we already have 190m+ non-hispanic whites here. The fact is, white immigration cannot possibly change our demographics. No significant number of whites would ever leave their own white nations to come to ours.
r/The_Donald would deport left in a heartbeat. Laws are laws. In a way r/The_Donald is more objective than Sup Forums who think muh dik comes before rules.
>Tens of millions of anchor babies
>Based solely on a single footnote by a single judge in a single decision 35 years ago
You have your 2nd Amendment Americans. Why have you not taken your country back?
>The majority of Hispanics entering America come from legal immigration.
no way of knowing that since illegal babies become legal in some sort of cucked interpretation of the 14th amendment
It's not even about muh dikking, to be honest. America should favor whites over non-whites.
Yes that's what we have to do.
>el salvador
>legal immigrant
We need to take America back to her roots.
I'd fuck the left one while the right one watched. Then I'd boot them both
More objective? But Sup Forums has never opposed to spics becuause ''it's illegul!'', but because immigrants are BROWN. White immigration in small numbers is perfectly a-okay. You could make it an attractive brown and an ugly white and I'd still take the white. Not about muh dick, sorry negro.
Being in agreement with status quo laws doesn't make someone ''objective''.
Maria looks fat and disgusted. Probably because she is infact the illegal on gibz and food stamps.
Maria needs to go back.
the one thats brown
Fuck off with your cherry picked photos and obvious pandering.