Respect women

Do you think that respect for women is important in humane society?

Yes. But so is keeping them out of the job market so they raise children and not become whores.

Of course. How could this not be true?

Yes, but respect for women is different from respect for men. Treating women like men is not respecting them, it's degrading them, a more foisted upon us by the capitalists in order to double the workforce.

No, you look like a weak faggot when you do this, and call for this. This idea is a dead end, though something must be done

>This idea is a dead end
And would you have our civilization die on this hill? Because that will be the inevitable result.

Yes of course. But to be considered a woman, you have to have a child (or multiple) with a husband you are still with.

Otherwise, you are a girl. If you're not a woman or a girl, you're well on your way to becoming a whore. That is, if you aren't already one.

sound good?

Respect is earned by individuals, not given out to arbitrary groupings of human beings.

Society was better when we did this.
It was imposed on us by you Jews to genocide the white race.

Respect is due to all because of the inherent dignity that is the birthright of all men.

Respect for women is about respecting the calling of women - motherhood.
I've worked in a large DJI company - the women who advance are, by and large, whores. Am I supposed to respect whores?

I disagree.
You sound like a woman.

>Am I supposed to respect whores?
No. No you are not.

Why do you value lack of sex aka. purity so much?

My default position is to respect women. But then every woman I meet does things that cause me to lose the respect I had for her.

There are two kinds of respect: Base respect, and earned respect.

The problem with movements like feminism is that they pretend that earned respect should be the baseline. That is, if you don't assume that any random woman could be a rocket scientist, that means you hate women entirely.

Most people receive base respect, because it isn't much. It means you don't go out of your way to fuck with people. Of course, any feminist would say, that's nothing at all. But they're wrong, and they don't seem to understand it, given how they often favour mass immigration of Arabs and Africans who do not even show this base respect, because they're stuck in tribal dog-eat-dog cultures that only have earned respect. Which leads their shitty societies down a path where you constantly have to make a big show of being "respectable" enough to not be treated like shit.

And lastly, respect can be lost, including base respect. Any Marxist automatically loses mine. I regard them as nothing but drains on resources that should be better spent on something else.

I'm no jew, I agree you're right. It was jewish sabotage to destroy our families and the labor market. I just think its not going to work, read on:

I don't think the status quo is good either, not sure what the right answer is.

I don't think women will want to go back to the 50s setup, despite its positives. Because they are right that it wasn't perfect.

We need to listen to them to an extent, mindful of jewishness. And figure something out that brings strong monogomous relationships back, strong families. Having our women be highly educated could be a great boon to us, and our children, if we can find a way to make this work without "rolling back time".

A lot of these fedora wearing faggots who say this bullshit, they are the ones out there calling for the 'crackdown' on women. They are not the men for that, not in a million years, they're fucking everything up

Maybe. But I still don't respect women.

OP asked about women, not whores. So whats going on in your mind?

No. Women are about to become obsolete as a gender.

If you have not read enough history or western philosophy to understand this, there is not going to be any convincing you. To put it in Platonic terminology, you Marxists are just utterly lacking in poetry of the soul.

Fair enough

I didn't say anything about that. I encourage women to fuck their husband all the time. Hell go ahead and fuck whoever, whenever...just don't expect me or anyone else to consider you something other than a whore. Or to treat you with the same respect an actual woman would receive.

Ironically enough, I have more "respect" for literal whores than roasties. Least whores are up front about the situation.

Tough shit, life is imperfect, as soon as there is another war it will be man fighting it, when such does happen it will be the returing veterans who will call the shots, either trough the good way or the hard way, and women will fall back in line


I think you will be surprised by just how bad things can get in this world

Duh, materialists are usually not concerned with idealism.

and it will get better and then worse again, i want my take in some sort of revenge just because i happened to experience the stagnation myself

mad respect

only were it mutual which it is not.

If capitalism gives me freedom and more upward mobility why shouldn't I support it? I don't feel a magical debt to my peers or to society.

Which is why I plan to own my own business. Then nobody can take away my life options.

if they are traditional smart loyal and aren't whores who fuck anything with a pulse the yes other wise no

Explain to me why we must give authority and power to women if they refuse to be held accountable and take responsibility? Hell, even YOU are refusing to refusing to hold women accountable, by saying that "we should fix this." You and I both know the "we" in this case will be the males, because the women obviously refuse to unfuck themselves. Yet, you still insist that women will be given autonomy. It's literal madness. You want men to take responsibility for the rampant fuckups of women, and will even blame them (men) for having not controlled them in the first place. No, fuck you and your sisyphean bullshit.

Minimum education required for adulthood, the rest of them go in the kitchen. End of story.

It absolutely is. It's vital.
BUT it's only half the equation, necessary but not sufficient.
It is only sustainable if women are respectable.
Both = prosperity
One = neither
Neither = if you're lucky; look at the middle east

>comme respecting women

I was taught more life skills and more things than the men of my generation because I had parents that actually took the time to teach me. Now why should I want to listen to a bunch of morons who weren't even allowed to play with toy guns?

Well, it's only polite to let the women and children starve first.

Who's the artist of that pic OP?

he just told you why you absolute retard.
also tits or gtfo

Oh, you're the same cunt who continues to run her fucking mouth with the "toy guns" bullshit. You have no expertise or marketable skills that an average male could not acquire within a week. You're professionally useless.

>The job market is causing whores

you actually retarded or something

>modern day commies in space
i would shudder at the thought but i find it much more humorous

respect needs to be earned

Yes but not respect for women, I believe in respect for LADIES. Women have to earn that shit.

Extremely. Good mothers are fundamental to good civilization. Bad parents generally are at the heart of ALL of societies ills.

Reminder, women are just victims of Jewry like all of us. Only the Jews deserve our hatred.

Only as a case of noblese oblige. If we're "equal", then no. They have to earn respect now.

And you sound like a Jew.

>I don't feel a magical debt to my peers or to society.
Then run along and gather your little pile of shekels, bugman.