Why is it only America school shootings are a regular? Why isn't it a problem in "other developed countries"?
Why is it only America school shootings are a regular? Why isn't it a problem in "other developed countries"?
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Because the CIA sets these up
these shootings glow in the dark
and it does happen in other countries
>just give up your rights, goy. Other countries don't do this
Nice try, soyboys
Maybe we should re-think schools being "gun-free zones" perhaps?
How many of these shootings would have been prevented if the perps knew their schools weren't unprotected firing ranges?
Because we glorify school shooters.
Except if you account for population, we don't.
Take out blacks and suicides from the equation and we have the same gun crime rate as Switzerland
They aren't regular, every 3 years 2 people dying isn't regular cunt.
Because American school culture is like prison culture with less tattoos and easier access to guns
Try and ducking take them
There's been a big push to stop covering them as many past shooters did it knowing they'd get huge media coverage. Removing the media focus is part of the attempt to disincentive them. Do not confuse it with apathy.
Of course, what we really need is CC on campus and a locker of rifles like in the old days.
well OTHER countries don't have our hard working alphabet agencies and military making sure the job gets done. weather it's a church, school, casino, movie theater, our boys our there!
It isn't in the news because nothing will ever compare to Columbine. Not even Las Vegas. The memes and copycats that ensued have lasted for almost two decades
This argument never works for me, because for some reason mass shooting deaths are 1000x more valuable than single murder deaths.
Come on, man. Why are you making us look bad?
why was 2ch started by a tinyasian?
I know I was typing fast and realize it to late
Common core
freedom isn't free, fag.
Because the alternative is getting run over by a truck.
One thing I noticed, these shootings, they're shootings against white people largely. Am I wrong? I don't have data. It doesn't seem to matter.
If thats true, let's just note that, when I looked for that data, all I can find is the entire world saying that white men are to blame for mass shootings mostly, and they need to solve it.
The mass shooting phenomenon, is so outrageous and unbelievable, that there is almost nothing to say about it. It can't be explained, its just something that happens as society and social ties turn to nothing.
Because they don't have guns, peasant.
They do occur in other developed countries, no doubt about it, but us burgers dominate the school shooting scene and every law enforcement and governmental agency says its because of the easy access to firearms we have, not because the psychosis that develops from bullying here is any worse than in any other country in the world.
Shit, have you ever lived in a South American country? They roast the FUCK out of each other on a level of hatefulness and nastiness that's almost incomprehensible.
Dude, those Columbiners are one of the strangest internet groups I've ever seen and I've been living on the internet for a good 20 years now.
They're all female and some of them are highly fuckable.