why do you hate Japan?
Why do you hate Japan?
Because Japan took only 25 refugees
they made anime
lol faggot. being this new.
Nice samefagging, OP. You must be new here.
But user. Anime is one of the few entertainment left that is untainted by the Jews.
We don't hate Japan here. Only whinging Koreans hate Japan.
Japan makes the best porn. You can't get decent American porn anymore. It's all jewish pervert stuff.
Hell no Sup Forums doesn't hate Japan. Good example of an ethostate. if Japan keeps out the shitholians, then Japan will quickly breed out the failures
If it was uncensored I would have no problem.
because you yellow slants are strong arming the weak NZ govt into handing over our sovereignty for the tppa
I like Japan though
I don't. In fact, I have great respect for the Japanese people. We literally nuked them and they don't hold a grudge over it. Dindus could learn a lot from them.
whoops forgot to turn off my meme flag
explain anime traps then YOU FUCK
There are no Japanese people on pol, you memeflag reddit browsing mongoloid
>We literally nuked them
the only thing you've nuked is a hot pocket in your microwave, dumb amerimutt
Meanwhile our "allies" fling shit at us every chance they get. Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, occasionally Isreal.
>The Japanese aren't mad at us at all!
You're probably the same kind of retards that unironically think the Germans were super sorry about the holohoax when you invaded them and ran their country into the ground.
I-it's not a boy. She's a real girl!
user what are you doing
Very few people here actually hate Japan.
If anything a lot of them are actually like that Japan is still homogenous, contrary to the US and Western Europe.
If you're not on homemade porn by now you're still a virgin.
>dumb amerimutt
You have no room to talk, Sheepfucker
>he doesn't refer to his country as "we"
But they aren't? You can tell by just talking to them. I've been to japan multiple times and the only gajin they really hate aside from Koreans are tourist.
I want to visit Japan. How do they treat white ladies in Nipponland?
Everybody likes Japan, so STFU.
I don't hate them. I'm here right now.
They are as based as I expected them to be. They know I'm only here to experience the country, learn about them and leave so show the culture some respect and slowly let them catch on to your power level and they open right up.
One thing I've learned is they try to appear open and accepting of everything but once they know you don't like immigrants they let all hell loose, love the shit they come out with.
stupid poor minded people
also pic related
>We literally nuked them and they don't hold a grudge over it
Most do actually. If you ever go clubbing the "Chad" Nip guys hate Americans.
Because I'm a nerd and I hate the way that Anime and other shitty japanese bullshit has taken over nerd stuff. I mean this whole website is here because of it. They do robots reasonably well, but the rest is just awful and terrible for NA and Europe
You guys were great, up until you got nuked twice and shit out anime. Anime was a mistake.
Shut up Mohammad. Just be happy they accepted you.
Japan is one of my favourite countries
With the fear and respect the white goddess deserves
Stupid fucking Japs deserved two more nukes.
not enough blacks. I want my sister to be blacked. she seems open to the idea now. I want to suck the big black man cum out of her puss