Ywn be at a Hitler rally hearing a live speech
Ywn be part of the Hitler youth
Ywn live in a white country that openly names the jew and gasses them
Why even live?
Ywn see Hitler irl
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>ywn see your daughter hug Hitler
>ywn have Hitler play house with your daughters
I'd shoot him so someone stronger to his right rises in his place and makes the holohoax real.
Truly a man who loved us.
did you say rally?!
We may get to see our generation's Hitler. Just make sure when you see him you aren't so blinded by hate to recognize him.
Goebbels seemed like a pureblooded Sup Forumsack. I'd say he's a good candidate
>too blinded by hate to see him
What do you mean?
how countries greeted Axis soldiers
Look at the brits, french, and even us americans. We hated the prospect of a German superpower so much the jews used this hate to push us into war. Imagine if a chinese hitler rose to power. Alot of us would be too scared to side with a strong asian power who had good morals.
We'll have our own Hitler. The war is on its way.
We won't get another Hitler. That spirit only comes once every few centuries
Ah I see. Well I think if the super power is white I don't particularly mind who they are.
I the will is there user
Hitler was for the white race. Chink Hitler would be for the Chink race. Why would I side with Chink Hitler?
Also, Chinks still believe colonization is a form of ethno-nationalism. Chink Hitler would be less than just a non-ally, he would be a direct enemy of our race.
Ignore the I at the start
image any other man who had this much female admiration. He used it to make women better, not to defile and denigrate them like every other male leader.
One day user, I know it will be there one day. Europa and her people will be free one day.
I have no doubt about it.
War until Victory.
When WW2 was going on the anglosphere didnt see the germans as their people either.So they went to war so kikes, blacks, and muslims could rape their societies. Im sure everyone here would agree asians are the one race they could live side by side with. They seem to not be so hostile to western culture they see the beauty in it. What white nation do you see rising up against all this?
Have a great week ahead brother. Stay safe.
>Why even live?
to suffer i guess?
>why struggle/suffer
Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace.