Redpill opportunity

You remember the muslim L'Oreal model right? She quit her job because people found 2014 tweets talking shit about Israel.

Phillip DeFranco talked about it today, pointing out this is not the first time that people talked shit about israel and bad things happened to them, asking the people watching the video what are their thoughts on the matter.

This was a soft redpill talking about how you can't criticize (((them))). Does this story has potential?

Yes. This has potential.

Wtf I love Islam now

That was quick.

It's in her religion, racists. Besides, nobody attacked this woman until she became empowered. She wasn't even responsible for her own actions before that, she was just behaving as instilled by the patriarchy that had soul-raped her with hate.


If you look at what she said too, it wasn't even that crazy just that Israel kills kids (which is true) and is an illegal settlement (also true).

>it wasn't even that crazy just that Israel kills kids (which is true) and is an illegal settlement (also true).

yeah, that's why I made this thread, don't know what else I could do besides pointing out how she criticized israel and was shut down and the person I'm talking to will do the rest

Just remember, that according to CNN the only person more disadvantaged than a transgender disabled black woman is a Jew. Any jew. They always come first.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you. But really, she could have posted how 9/11 was the greatest thing on earth and they'll defend it about it being apart of the culture or she was forced to or whatever, but the second you attack ((them)) they go for the throat and cast aside, she'll be forgotten in a week or two.

>haha let's trigger the white nationalist goyim with this muslim shampoo bitch
>oy vey shut her the fuck down

make leftists pro freedom of speech again

was it part of their masterplan?

Does anyone have screenshots of the actual tweets? I've gone through 6 articles on this now and none of them include the actual tweets. All of them just talk about how horrible they were and make allusions to their content but I can't find the real tweets. I wonder I wonder if maybe they aren't that bad because usually they just looooooove to include the full content of a tweet or comment someone has made to showcase how evil they are.

phillip de franco video has the screenshots

Kek every Muslim that becomes somewhat famous gets into trouble for antisemitic posts from the past

Nigger vs nigger

Whites win

Phillip DeFranco is still alive?

she got fired because she is a whore for wearing make up and thats haram OP. she wouldnt be able to do commercials after they rape her and cut off her nose


Ahhh that's pretty mean desu.
>A rat would never gnaw at your foundations trying to undermine your house on purpose
>A rat only spreads plague on accident it doesn't actively try and shake fleas onto you
>Rats have never raped anyone
>Jews don't make good pets or good eating for snakes and cats and birds and such

I wonder how libcucks reconcile their pro-diversity mentality with empowering a minority that's specifically as anti-diversity as humanely possible. I mean, I know they have their own mental gymnastics to deal with it but sometimes, the thought has to cross their mind. R-right?

Those tweets do seem a bit bland honestly. Say it about any Western nation and people would cheer her on for her "bravery".

I do wish Palestine and Israel would just leave each other the fuck alone though and let everyone in that region show their true colors. Continuing to attack Israel just gives them reason to expand and fight back, it would be a lot harder to do that without it.

Things you need to do to be a hair model
>Expose hair
>Remain silent when foreigners steal your people's land

post pics pls for us fonetards

Israel was slaughtering kiddos when she said that back in 2014. Of course the loving thing to do is to ignore that.

defend some hairy whore that wears a dish towel on her head

She must be "Asian"

>loreal for muslims
>can't even see hair
>someone was paid for this

can't make this shit up

fucking christ man how do people like her get hired before had ? why dont these companies look in to muslims before hiring them ?


one second on google

>apply indirectly to the forehead

looking forward to seeing the peasants revolt.
people are waking up.

its funny thats a spanish surname, means of Frank, or son of Frank

Israel is not (((them))) anymore. Netanyahu is not down with the globalist shit. He wants jews in Israel and killing mudslimes.

we should all support that.

(((they)) are Rothschilds and other top jews OUTSIDE of Israel.

I'm glad this bitch got canned.

Biting the hand that feeds
Bad kike puppet, bad

It does.

>a transgender disabled black MUSLIM woman

Fuck off JIDF.


prove me wrong faggot

leftist commie illuminati shills come after Israel all the time lately

muh palestine

He's not entirely wrong
Nomadic Jews without homeland that wreck havoc on their host nations and around the globe are the bigger threat

attacking Israel is doing (((their))) bidding

they want jews dismantling the white race, not fighting sandniggers

Your country as the new pakistan or a few "villain tier" jews?

>a Muslim hating Jews

Has this qt opened milk or shown vagene yet?

Of course it's an US flag


Poor attempts at post-irony are associated with my flag?

I looked at the Amena Khan tag on tumblr and there's like maybe 4 posts on it rn. I laughed because, I'm pretty sure about a week ago there was hundreds of posts virtuesignaling about how cool & important to representation it was to have a hijab wearer being a model for shampoo. lmao.

Poor attempts at anything except being fat and sharting in malls is associated with your flag.

I should know, check my flag

At least we're good at two things. What can Mexico fucking say? Answer me that ya sumbtich.


>Israel = Pharoah
What did she mean by this? Is this why Israel's Rothschild Supreme Court has that giant fucking pyramid? :0

Yeah, like diaspora liberal kike Harvey Weinstein using Israeli Mossad to spy and intimidate American women he fucked. And possibly murder,if you research actress Misty Upham and her father's accusations. No collusion between diaspora kikes and Israeli kikes, my ass.