Should there be more or less brown anime girls?
Should there be more or less brown anime girls?
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None at all. Remove kebab/curry.
more brown lolis. little brown girls are the best.
Should we ban more or less faggots like you daily.
Get this garbage off of Sup Forums. Back to shitting in the ocean for you.
More. I hope an user posts the brown flavor chart
i am getting sick of race propaganda.
J is on the civilized side of things. let's burn jungles together....
ITT Westerners with shit taste. As a nigger by your standards, I can say brown girls are shit
Strong agree
They're okay if they're flat and short.
More would be nice. Just saying.
11 / 3 / 10 / 1 you moron
more of course
Look at the post times.
Shame this series had a garbage ending and she was kinda irrelevant. It also killed manglobe.
Look at the IPs.
If a thread has 11 replies and 10 posters they can't all be the same guy.
my little user-kun can't possibly be this retarded
Pale skin is viewed as beautiful in Japan. Why do you think brown is so rare in anime?
>hurr durr look at IP count faggot.
Prove it then.
Pics or there is no argument here.
>ITT Westerners with shit taste
so this is accurate then?
>mor brown
>posts wite puddang
Post your face first or you've lost the argument.
You can't lose a nonexistant argument.
More or less brown girls.
More girls, more or less brown.
Because its shit unless done right.
In other words, unless it fits [the character], it will have a slight undertone of being repulsive.
funny how someone posts wanting more brown when even brown men vastly prefer white gals. you are just wrong, the white pussy is best, will always be best, and you will always be dissatisfied with the snatchy taste of brown
sorry, brown BTFO because go ask a black guy or a messikan, they all want that gleaming pink pussy and clear skin
No. Even if it FITS the character Japan will hate it.
Compare Moana to Frozen.
So you've lost, hahaha what a loser faggot.
Finally, someone with good taste and common sense for fucking once.
Sorry, (You) lost the argument since you failed to bring any evidence to the table. Good day.
Much more.
Oh shit, i forgot its summer. Shouldnt be arguing with an underage faggot, their logic makes no sense no matter what you say.
Japs aren't white either you know.
arigato, tomodachi no kurojin
Actually you're outright projecting right now. The evidence that your claim is wrong is the IP count. Unless you can prove that everyone itt is one person or whatever, you're the one who's plain wrong.
Sounds about right, shit chocolate for a shit girl.
More obviously.
t. loser faggot
i know, asians be one of 2 colors
...and the prized Tokyo waifus be....white-shade of asian.
__You Fail__
Yes, but only since they refuse to prove its not samefagging.
A simple screenshot wouldve been the end of it, this argument is pointless until its solved.
>IP count
This again.
How is it possible for someone to be this stupid.
Who's this semen demon?
>they refuse to prove
The burden to prove anything is on you, because the evidence is against your claim. How is that hard to understand?
You trust an screenshot where you can turn (You)'s off and on more than the IP Count? That's plain retarded.
Did Natalia get a VA already?
Do brown girls have a chance of winning the MCbowl?
I can't understand what you're trying to convey. Your illiteracy is making you appear non-white as well.
Patrician taste.
Yes if MC is also brown
>>they refuse to prove
>The burden to prove anything is on you, because the evidence is against your claim.
Explain. You cant fight an accusation by saying "haha kek, no its not!" And refuse to prove it.
>trusting IP count
Only viable option here, but look at the post times. If you WANT to samefag, atleast make it less obvious by spacing your damn posts
>How is that hard to understand
Its not.
>You trust an screenshot where you can turn (You)'s off and on more than the IP Count? That's plain retarded.
Half and half. If you can fucking peove you arent samefagging, then so be it.
>more than IP count?
No. That wasnt even my fucking point.
Already too many
We need more of them
What about a limit of 1Brown:100 Billion nonbrown.
That should even it out in time right?
It's simple. X proves Y. You come around and ignore X saying Y is wrong without a single evidence proving your claim.
>Only viable option here, but look at the post times
That's retarded. If anyone was samefagging the IP Count wouldn't have gone up from that point on. When you complained there were 10 posts and 11 IPs. Who the fuck would fake that for literally no reason?
>Half and half. If you can fucking peove you arent samefagging, then so be it.
Do you even know what 4chanX is you retard?
iqdb. some random original drawing from a guy on pixiv
jesus christ stop embarrassing yourselves by comparing 2d to 3d
>summer bringing in all the nestlefags
every damn year
Inshallah kafirs shall we trade then your white pussy for our brown ones here. they are a dinar a dozen here
Please fuck off, you newfaggot.
except that kind
Brown girls a best
pol need to fuck right off back to its containment board
Sup Forums please go
Just as bad. Get on my level.
Who started your love of brown girls? For me it was Casca and Rose from FMA all the way back in 03.
>ignore X saying Y is wrong
I said prove it. I never rejected anything.
>replies to faggot who accused them
>i reply back saying prove it
>hurr durr. IP count
>if anyone was samefagging, the IP count wouldntve gone up from that point.
Correct on that end.
>who the fuck would fake that for literally no reason?
These threads start slow and either fall to page 11 and archive or are removed by mods. Bumping fro different devices if it is one person.
Now why the fuck are we arguing.
good point you should go there and tell them what you think
>tfw you will never have a big breasted genki brown elf tomboy childhood friend who wears nothing but sundresses all the time
>I said prove it.
Look at the IP Count?
>Correct on that end.
Then what the fuck are you on about, you autist?
>These threads start slow and either fall to page 11 and archive or are removed by mods. Bumping fro different devices if it is one person
These threads start slow and either are removed by mods or fall to page 11 with less than 10 posts. Bumping from different devices might be the solution without making it seem like you aren't samefagging. And sometimes start shitty arguments like this,
Are you schizophrenic?
fuck off
At least a 50:50 ratio with light skinned ones.
I just dont see how this shit argument started in the first place.
do it do it do it
because you came out of nowhere and claimed samefag despite there being no reason to believe that
are you really this fucking dense
>what are you on about you autist?
>because you came out of nowhere and claimed samefag despite there being no reason to believe that
The first post () wasn't even me. I came in saying prove it since people always deny being a samefagging, regardless.
>are you really this fucking dense
Denser than a neutron star.
>h-he's clearly faking 10+ IPs although 2 are enough!!
Really made me think
>I came in saying prove it
Look down at the right side of your monitor.
>ywn summon Fem EMIYA for a Grail War.
Reminds me of something not too long ago
How do you feel about brown hobbits?
Why is she white in brotherhood? Which one is correct?
Was it rape?
Opinion on brown + white hair?
Tarisa is a lewd girl so no
When did Loran grow tits?
Here's another great yet underexposed brown girl from Muv Luv. Really thought she needed more screen time.
Your perversion is not consent!
There should be more 2d brown anime girls, there should be less brown 3d people.
There should be less 3d people period
this is acceptable