ANON5 knowledge bomb thread 2

thread 1

Three internal plots exist to replace Trump with someone else. These three plots are not aware of each other yet, that is going to change after this thread.

[Pence Plot]

This plan is backed by the GOP/RNC. This involves Pence (who is working with a group) replacing Trump. This plot’s biggest threat is Ryan’s plan.

The US globalists are backing this one.

[Ryan Plot]

This plan is backed by the Democrats/DNC and RINO’s. This involves Ryan (who is working with a group) replacing Trump and/or Pence if he replaces Trump. This plot’s biggest threat is Pence’s plan.

The foreign globalists (China, Europe, etc) are backing this one.

[Cabinet Replacement Plot]

This plan is backed by a mixture of organizations/power structures. This involved the whole Cabinet/Leadership being wiped out and replaced by Democrats. This plot’s biggest threat is Pence’s and Ryan’s plans.

The deep state is in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation because of the scale of this plot and what it requires.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

You're a LARPing faggot, get to fuck

Frank Slauenwhite
66 Houghton St. Woburn, MA
(781) 938-0235
(781) 254-8716
[email protected]

Will you behave? No one deserves that.


Hi frank


Check. Waiting for him to migrate from thread 1

It's a stupid peanut-brained boomer that actually falls for LARPs

>A5, is this legit LE tech?

>Also, I've been following your threads for over a year, you're certainly not a LARP but you've become a Meme (unfortunately it dismisses you as disinfo). What are your thoughts about being memed?

Fuck it, if you're still around and taking questions, could you please answer this one please?

Who are you kidding? Frank especially deserves this after trying to become our god for so long.
What's so bad about giving out our god's contact info?

Waiting desu. Hopefully he migrates soon


Two things:
A. It’s a “rule” violation
B. If he is generally mentally ill, that type of thing could push him over the edge.

Where are you getting this gold from?

Commit suicide frank and stream it.
Do the tide pod challenge.

Last thread archive

search the archive for "frank". Most of it is from last time he was ran off of the board.

Here are the KB thread archives:

[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

1) LE methods are a range of things.

2) I don't care about memes much. They are good for social engineering the younger generations.

How autistic can you possibly be?

A5 only shares interesting shit, whether you believe it or not is another issue, but certainly a tier up from 90% of the shit that gets posted on this board.

Meanwhile you're doxxing some nobody faggot that linked his KB's on Twitter. How productive. What else have you contributed to this board?

Does his trip change?

From the greys up in Washington DC.

Frankfags asking the new messiah of Sup Forums for his grains of wisdom...
...fucking pond life. Deserve to be spoonfed mashed banana for ever, sitting in shit-filled diapers.

Repostign from last thread
Is 5G going to have built in thinking conditioning controls? AJ has been talking about it and I saw stuff on /sci./ about it

>implying Anon5 threads aren't the start of the decline into the total shitshow nu/pol/ is
How long are you going to continue denying it is you, Frank? Or do you think forensic analysis of writing patterns isn't a thing?

1) Yes I'm aware LE is a range of things. I'm asking you if you've heard of Alex Chiu, if his "immortality rings" actually work as advertised.
>i.e. wearing it can heal your body faster than you can age.

If you analyze some of the posts of the more common Frank posters, current and past, you will notice that one thing that ties several of them together is their interest in the deep web and the Bitcoin market.

He’s not my Messiah. However idk why you faggots feel it necessary to be such rotten cunts. Who cares what his deal is, you aren’t being held captive here. Feel free to GTFO

>IF he is mentally ill

Doubtful. LARPers like this only change their trip when someone else figures out their seed and starts LARPing as them.

Shit is hilarious when it happens.


He isn’t even ITT, you faggots probably ran him off

This is the 6 gorillionth time I've been accused of being A5 because I have a slightly similar writting pattern...

If I had a satoshi for every time you shills/shitposters made a dumb Frankpost, I would be able to afford a helicopter off the deep web and throw each and every one of you insufferable faggots off into the middle of the ocean.

That's the point newfag. We can all do without LARPing niggery becoming more common, especially with what is brewing in congress.

These threads only serve to distract and confuse people.

Schizophrenic ravings, thread 2

I'm trying to improve the quality of the board by being hostile to mentally deficient people who shouldn't be on the internet unsupervised, much less Sup Forums.
You can go back to sucking his dick now...

You get accused of being Frank because only Frank is autistic enough to defend himself with new IPs.

So give it a rest, Frank.

That's kind of harsh. Why'd you immediately assume I was a shill?

Immortality rings don't sound effective at all.

AI's and predictive software are going to control humanity to some extent. They already do know and most people don't realize it.

Frank was one of the original posters to use the shill attack to discredit his dissenters.

I’m not a newfag cunt. Well better schizophrenic rambling than another blacked, eceleb or cut cock thread

theyre not aware of each other...yet you have sources inside Ryan Camp, RNC and China..

Come on guys, don't you know that Sup Forumslacks dkn't care if you ca something a LARP anymore? Word from HQ is that saying something's for "boomers" is much more effective.

>I’m not a newfag cunt.
Doubtful. Only newfags fall for Frank's LARP. So you are either a newfag or you are Frank, who also happens to be a newfag.

But is it part of 5g or no?

>tfw would be 0.00000001BTC closer to throwing you off first.

Shitposter. Definitely shitposter.

Well that's disappointing. Are there any devices that you would consider effective?
>inb4 ambiguous answer that doesn't specify particularly anything.

Don't mention that Frank might catch on.

I think the point is the nail that sticks up gets hammered down

oh look another LARP thread!

to (You)
>The actual memo was going to leak on here. Not that fake memo page that was being posted on here.

What's stopping it from being leak now?

Check. Thanks ANON5 for migrating. Back to my question from thread 1, how can I help uncover the corruption or help fight it?
Is there a timeline here for the shit to be exposed? (((Mueller findings, arrests, Pizzagate etc)))

These digits

he is going to say the Sup Forums server troubles were deep state orchestrated.

You said "2019-2020 is going to be where demographics and female voting rights will really get talked about" so i guess there are good players behind the scenes that are actively try to push nationalism more to save the west?

Do New Jersey and New York share a MDC or do they each have their own separate one? There is a spot between the two that could suffice as one I noticed. Seems more likely that there would be a MDC in NY and a smaller, but still relatively large one in NJ.

>newfag larper not understanding the concept of tripfagging


Why are you asking a LARPer for a timeline that has already been stated by actual officials relevant to the case?

I’m the OP, I made this thread as a continuation of Frank’s thread 1, tf is your issue?


What timeline? I have yet to see any indication of a timeline

1/10 LARP

If that’s (((you))) nigga, do yourself a favor. Lose 10 pounds of ugly weight by running face first into a sword

Trump is a jew shill

These shills/trolls are slaves now.

Watch as they keep pushing the same false dox, think about my threads 24/7 and still try to push lame narratives like mental illness and LARPing in a attempt to discredit.

The same tired old game, they are empty inside. The truth is that they troll/shill the KB's to give themselves a purpose, and existence.

My information is powerful, it's real.

>demographics and female voting rights
Notice how Frank includes two separate things in a single predicting statement? This is how he LARPs.

Demographics are already being talked about heavily, so that statement is already posed for Frank to claim as a predictive success, even though he made the prediction after most of the events have already transpired.

This is how easy it is to LARP on Sup Forums and gain an actual following of newfags.

I naturally assumed the tears in Franks eyes from the last thread made him forget his trip.

Anon5 is never around anymore.

RIP John.

>Thanks ANON5 for migrating. Back to my question from thread 1, how can I help uncover the corruption or help fight it?
>Is there a timeline here for the shit to be exposed? (((Mueller findings, arrests, Pizzagate etc)))

Trip 7’s. Praise KEK

Trump is too powerful to be taken out via coup d'etat

Is that you frank?

I intentionally mimic it to throw them off because it’s fun watching them sperg out.

Scaramucci has attacked both RNC figures as well as their opponents like Bannon. Would you say he aligns with one of these plot groups or something else?

what a load of horseshit

Checked and it's actually kind of similar to how ISIS recruits people if you think about it. Always go after those with little to live for and little to lose.


But how about them obelisks, though?

He’s ITT

He’s ITT

You need your Sup Forums pass taken away

That is anon5, my friend.

Jesus Fucking Christ is this what you larping boomers moved on to after the CBTS threads turned out to be nothing?

Oh and if the mods are reading this thread: why bother banning when evading a ban is so fucking easy?
Ban this LARPer instead.

How old is he? Why’s he saying he’s been around a long time? That nigga looks younger than me and I’m 37

1. Ryan can't just replace Trump. The order of succession is President, Vice-President, speaker of the house.

So in order to get Ryan in, they would have to replace Trump AND Pence, and they would have to do so quick enough where neither could nominate a VP (who on confirmation would move ahead of Ryan.

2. In order to get rid of trump using the 25th amendment, you would need a vote of a majority of the cabinet. The odds of a cabinet appointed by trump voting to remove him is zero.

3. Under the worst possible situation, you might be able to get congress to vote for impeachment, but you would never get enough votes in the senate to remove.

The bottom line... Trump is here for at least 3 more years.

Keep your schizophrenic ramblings to yourself

Thank you desu

20 something I'm sure. And he says that shit because he is literally deranged and has a god complex he developed from LARPing on forums. Go read about his planescape days. Shit is hilarious.

>get to fuck

How bout a marine plot where Trump points at the enemy and the Marines shoot them dead.

>3 years
Fuck off Frank. You're used goods

Notice that Frank wouldn't give coherent answers to any questions in the last thread for fear of getting bamboozled again.

24, those pictures are from 2010
Pictures from him at his university's debate watching party thing in 2016 show that he's much fatter and hasn't aged well

Also his grades are declining lmao

1. What do you make of Tory Smith?

2. What do you know of CJ, the guy who mentioned truffles?

3. Can cannabis reverse forms of social engineering?

4. If you had to suggest a few stocks to buy right now that are cheap, what would you suggest?

5. What does the lion have in store for us next Tuesday?

6. Are there such thing as etheric AI?

7. What do you make of blockchain? What facet is worth investment?

8. What does "Avise la fin" mean to you?

Thank you friend.

>Oooooh! He - HE'S ITT!!! *squirms in a puddle of spunk and cums once more*

You're a cringing poof and you have forsaken what little dignity you had in order to feel part of a special group and to follow a "charismatic" leader. I pity you...

no u

That's why I said "at least"

Fuck off LARP. It’s ACTUALLY happening and no amount of desensitization and distraction can change that

I know but it's still fun to correct you. Have some faith my man shits in the bag.

It will only be exposed if it's forcefully dragged out of the shadow's. Not shining a light on it.


Could be both, but you have to understand the networks of those locations.

Watch as they continue the same little puppet game. Spamming more false dox images, more threatening and insulting.

They've lost, which is why they keep re-using the same old tactics.

Trump should get 2 terms if it all works out.

Pedophiles could be wiped out in the US if Trump wanted to.

Tradition says the republican will suffer in the midterms, but I think (as of now) he still has a pretty good chance of winning a second term.

If THAT happens, the left is going to freak out even more than they did on election night.

I think the best part of these threads is the mod always backing Frank up. Really makes one contemplate.

Could you just stop?