In Corvallis...

In Corvallis, police say Oswalt and another person placed the bumper stickers on two cars at the First Alternative Natural Foods Co-Op. "Racism is a horrible disease. You catch it from niggers," the stickers read, according to Duncan.

The bumper stickers covered messages on the cars that supported immigrants and refugees, said Faith Reidenbach, co-founder of the Corvallis chapter of Show up for Racial Justice. The group is designed to mobilize white people to support people of color and take action for racial justice.

Other urls found in this thread:

he died for our lulz

worth it

Action for racial justice? Isn't that already happening? Like 90% of prison population is black.

How exactly is this a crime? Somebody Jewish explain this to me

This looks like a dude fed up with PC bullshit

Yet feminists won't protest prison rape

too late to call my lawyer
Someone ask avvo

technically it's like a civil traffic court misdemeanor or something so criminal but still in fucking traffic court so probably just a fine of like 200 dollars


>Racism is a horrible disease. You catch it from niggers

where can you get these stickers?

>"Racism is a horrible disease. You catch it from niggers,"


It's vandalism. The car is someone else's property and you are damaging, altering, or destroying it. If this was and ancap society the anti-vandal flamethrowers would have taken care of it.


Bump for academics

>someone else's property

implying antifa are someone

lol his smile shows he still thinks it funny

hol up.... hol up...
>looks at nose

oy vey this is a false flag! no wonder hes smiling. fuck this fake shit.

>He also affirmed his belief that whites have greater intelligence than other racial or ethnic groups and expressed his views that Jews control "most important institutions in modern life."
>"If anyone believes that statements I have made are in error, prove it to me, and I will recant," Oswalt wrote, explaining he prefers to be known as an "ethno-nationalist."
>"With some exceptions, I have thus far been met with unchecked emotion, ad hominem, and lazy stereotyping."

Imagine if someone stuck a coexist bumper sticker over your the “POW/MIA You are not forgotten” sticker on your truck and you were too much of a pussy to give the person who did it the asskicking thet deserve.

> fucking with other people's shit
> get busted
> surprised
pro tip: don't commit crimes.

that said...
> 2010
> The racial makeup of the city was 83.8% White, 7.3% Asian, 1.1% Black or African American, 0.69% Native American, 0.33% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 2.8% from other races, and 4.0% from two or more races. 7.4% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.

those people have never experienced the benefits of cultural enrichment.

a measure of how white corvallis was: for like 30 years they had a festival called Da Vinci Days, where ~10,000 people gathered in public parks to celebrate science and cultured art.
pic related is from the annual "Kinetic Sculpture Race"

that said, don't move there unless (1) you can get a job at Oregon State and (2) you're cool with moss growing on everything due to the cool rainy weather

Heres the email the ASOSU sent out to all students today:

>The Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU) strongly condemns white nationalism and supremacism. Racism, xenophobia, and other forms of bigotry have no place in our organization and are a scourge upon our common humanity. The ASOSU Constitution explicitly states that “the ASOSU shall not discriminate on the basis of ability, age, color, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status in any of its policies, procedures, or practices.” We regard this clause as fundamental to our mission—which is to unify our campus community and amplify the voices of our constituents.

>The presence of white nationalist rhetoric in the ASOSU Congress is inconsistent with our mission as an organization. It is inexcusable, and we must do more than just verbally condemn bigotry; we must proactively support and raise up members of our community and act against the spread of hateful ideologies. We also call upon the ASOSU Congress to take disciplinary action against members who do not uphold the standards and values of the ASOSU.

>In times such as these, it is important to remember that diversity is our strength, and not our weakness. The ASOSU is committed to a vision of diversity and social justice, and stands in solidarity with all marginalized and underserved communities. Let us resist and reject bigotry in any form on our campus.


>Simon Brundage

>ASOSU President

>Office: (541) 737-6344
>Mobile: (503) 333-4191

oy vey antifaggot cockholster


uhhhh iotbw literally just means "it's okay to be white"
anything that mentions other races is irrelevant to iotbw
are you a retarded person

he was charged with two counts of criminal mischief of the third degree

>are you a retarded person
being this new
>triggered by a meme

Please go back to gargling large quantities of nigger semen and lurk much longer before posting here

go beavs


Women who joke about prison rape should be savagely ass raped, you know, because they think it's so funny.

He did nothing wrong, Op.
He did nothing wrong.

it's happening

Using words like niggers is not a good strategy for the unification of the white man. The message should be more about our achievements and strength as one. The message should not even include any other race, and if in debate, if racial bias is presented it should not even be refuted, but merely discarded as not worth the time.

libcucks do this shit every day and never get caught keying peoples cars and shit

The face of a man who no longer gives a fuck

This wise user makes a good point.

Fuck off nigger

Yes. WE should try and sell the blacks on their own ethnosates, and point out that the Federal system of government was designed for ethnostates.
All we need is an amendment to allow states to declare what religion and race is allowed, and which are not.

Why would he write nigger on anything to distribute publicly? This is funny as shit but will only turn people off right away to his message. Also, very stupid to reveal his power level in his school affairs. Especially if he planned on defacing other peoples private property with the very kinds of ideologies he stated to the paper and student government.
This guy may be a phd candidate but he is a fucking moron.


No lie about the moss. I'll try to by this SOB a beer.

Corvallis anons. I need some redpilled friends. I'm drowning in liberalism here.

How many Corvallis anons here? I could use more redpilled friends.

Hit me up at [email protected] expect to be rigorously vetted

In my experience the vast vast majority of white upper class SJWs come from 90 percent plus white suburbs. It is infuriating.

Any OSU anons ever go to Dixon rec center?

I always wonder if there are any red pilled people there when I work out

>interesting fact:

Eugene is actually more white than Corvallis

85.8% vs 83.8%

Downing's gym

>the 100% face


osu senior over here, this my last term
