Oreimo happens in 2010(Kirino is from 97)

>Oreimo happens in 2010(Kirino is from 97)
>EMS is 2017 (there is a PS4Pro and Elf has a Switch)
>Suddently neko appears like nothing

What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


Floating timeline like Marvel Comics.

Losing made her turn to black magic.

She and her family just age very slowly. She'll still look like that when she's 40.

She's entering cake territory soon

Fushimi's cinematic universe will be fully explained on his next Imouto Novel

I wonder if the next imouto will be a jealous crazy possessive bitch like the last two.

The solution is sipmle. EMS is in an alternate universe in which the events of Oreimo happen at the same time as Sagiri's story.

I wasnt paying attention so i actually thought it was muramasa; if they plan to make these parties meet i wonder how theyll deal with the similar characters especially the mcs

Is Muramasa flat?

>Eromanga-sensei is set in 2017
Why would it be set after it was written?

Slightly-later, actually. There's a cameo in the book in which Kuroneko teases Kirino over how Kirino isn't pure and is actually quite smug about her sex life.

>She'll still look like that when she's 40.
Maybe those who said Kuroneko was better actually had a point.

Oreimo anime and EMS Anime takes place in a different timeline.

>What happened?
Anime takes place in 2017; novels take place starting from 2013

Kuroneko appears in the novels?

EMS Anime should have taken place in the oreimo timeline with a 21y neko.

She lost so bad she went back in time

tfw they didn't show 21y neko and teenager Hinata.

Doesn't EMS happens literally just after Oreimo ended? Basically the age difference between Kirino and Sagiri is 4 years.
>Oreimo happens in 2010(Kirino is from 97)
>EMS is 2017 (there is a PS4Pro and Elf has a Switch)
I don't remember any mention or reference of the possible year Oreimo happens in the LN, Eromanga does? And the anime will always add current elements of the pop culture like the Switch you mentioned. Also I highly doubt the Nintendo Swtich is actually in the Eromanga LN, unless Fushimi can see the future.

Kirino was born in 97 on the anime timeline. It was stated in some special. Probably in the LN timeline is a little earlier.

EMS animu has elements from 2017 like the switch.

>Kuroneko is around 20 years old
>still single and emotionally broken

Don't try and look for sense, reason, and consistency from Ishimi's works.

So like you?

I wait the death of that son of a bitch of tsukasa fushimi why he did to Kuroneko



Stay mad.

Wait what? Are those 2 shows in the same universe? I know it's from the same author though.

>>still single and emotionally broken
Nope she is the Kousaka sex pet

>EMS animu has elements from 2017 like the switch.
And like I said, I really doubt Fushimi knew about the Nintendo Switch back in 2013. Anything but the LN is not canon, sadly I can't talk more since I haven't read Eromanga LN.
>Kirino was born in 97 on the anime timeline.
Read above, and even if we take that in consideration I lack to see the importance unless it becomes a series about politics.

You people are fucking retarded. Her sisters are still the same size so none of them aged.


Wait, is this official?

WTF, how old is she?

>beach episode
Fucking hell, I thought we were over this shit

That's from chapter 30 of the manga.


Yeah, a little disappointed with that. I wanted her to be a cake making not so profitable chuuni novels for a living.

Dutchguy, it's 4 years let it go

>"hey user want to see anime grills in slutty swimsuits?"
>"no way fag"

Kuroneko left behind her chuuni ways and became a normalfag, specifically speaking a salaryman(woman), at least now she's appealing to a bigger demographic, christmas cake lovers.

Why do idiots on Sup Forums say Kuroneko "lost" when in reality she won, because she broke up with a fucking sisterfucker? I'd say that's winning if I ever heard it...

>20 years old
>christmas cake

I was honestly hoping that MC's sister romantic comedy novel was Oreimo.

>Faggot ass OP trying to make a comprehensive timeline between Oreimo and EMS
>Kuroneko singehandedly fucks it up

>implying they aren't watching 7 year old footage

Fuck you Mashiro

Thanks for the laugh user

Until kirinofags will die

They won Dutchguy, accept it and let it go


At this rate her imoutos will lose their virginity before her.

>dry cunt kuroneko becomes a feminist
Do it Fushimi.

Hinata did already with some random guy in the street. Tamaki might lose her soon with Kyousuke and Kirino. Sometimes I feel bad for Kuroneko, sometimes.


Stupid fan service, as always.

>All Hinata doujins on the panda have scat

Wait!, So how many years separte what happen in Oreimo from what happen/happening in EMS?

I mean, I could've sworn I saw this happen on Oreimo. Too lazy to try and look for the episode though.

EMS start right away after Oreimo ended, Kuroneko is 17 in the video.

The next imouto will be an otouto

>Oreimo happens in 2010
doesn't kirino have a vita? that's '11 for nippon

Don't you mean the other way around?