>yfw the #1 youtuber of all time is a fan of blame
>yfw netflix AND the dude himself is gonna make blame a huge hit
>yfw the #1 youtuber of all time is a fan of blame
>yfw netflix AND the dude himself is gonna make blame a huge hit
neck yourself
Are you implying that Blame is a bad manga?
>yfw the #1 youtuber of all time is a fan of blame
And? Fuck off.
>his entire appeal is his face
>don't show his face
eh, who cares about ecelebs anyway
I don't mind, it's always going to be a great manga, and no popularity can kill it because it's already finished.
Also it wasn't a bad video, compared to the shit he makes, I guess that the more people can enjoy it the better at this point.
Blame is good
More people will give it a shot
Unless you're a contrarian autist this isn't a bad thing
Sorry your sekrit club got bigger
Stop being autistic
Fuck off OP, you don't belong here
Why does he pronounced it Blem?
can't English good
it is not a game, his audience is underage kids who like games so nothing will happen
because nihei wanted it to be pronounced as blam.
>#1 YouTuber.
I watch is stuff now and then
Some of it is funny
Most of it isn't
end your life
As much as I hate his videos he does seem like an alright guy. I'm kind of interested in seeing how is audience will feel about Blame!.
>#1 youtuber
Literally who? Kill yourself.
I just watched this movie, is the manga finished? I might have to read it
As heartfelt as the video clearly is, I dislike his misrepresentation of what it is. Blame! isn't as esoteric as he lets on, and there is a ton of dialogue after Cibo gets introduced.
probably just skimmed to fit in...
I think he's one of those fans of Blame! who occasionally reads volume 1 now and again and misremembers the entire manga that way.
This was like yesterday and got people deleted here.