How can this be exploited?

Feminist lesbians are constantly threatened by trans "women". Apparently lesbians do not agree that someone could have a feminine penis.

How can this be magnified and leveraged to foster an all out war between feminist lesbians and trans "women"?

Other urls found in this thread:


Lesbians hate Transbians with a special fervor. How can we fuel this fire? How can create a situation where there is a lesbian only space and prompt a boatload of trans to crash the party and sue for equal access to pussy.

These are the pussy hat wearing feminist that we hate so, all riled up in pussy hats hating on feminine penis. I thought Sup Forums would be all over this divide in an otherwise unified front of LGBT.

Doesn't Sup Forums have any clue about how this can be used to our advantage to break down the resolve of sexual deviants?

TERFs are nothing new. They're a small minority of feminists, and they know to hide their power level if they don't want to get kicked off the pride parade.

we dont need to do anything... lesbians and trannys already hate each other. there is no "gay alliance" even dikes and fags dont like each other really.... just give it time it will be more public

This whole question will be flipped on its head when genetic engineering advances and people can change their sex down to the chromosomes

How can this be exploited? Is there a good way to equate all lesbians with Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists?

Keep calling it lgbt. Blame gays for trannies. They hate that.

Make women feel jealous. Show them trannies dominating their sports, and insist trannies are more feminine than women.

Blame white people for trannies as their primary enablers in the US.

>if you cannot beat them join them
CIS white males cannot win so they join them and become trans queer females and hijack your movement.

was this the master plan?

I was thinking more of an active psyops like advertising for lesbian women only events in trans bars or some other draw. Use social media to post meet ups for lesbians on trans blogs, pages, ect.

Actively dangle female only spaces in front of Trans "women" and just foment the division to widen until the T just drops off or the L drops off. People like Lesbians so much, who am I kidding... Of course lesbians would kill off the Trannies. No trannie ever stood a chance against Feminist Lesbians.

>insist trannies are more feminine than women
That's both hilarious and crazy enough to work.

we need to red pill trannies and fags.

never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake

>we hate

We hate you tranny freaks too.

I want to tell you, it's been tried. You cannot promote rational thought in essentially irrational minds. You can only redirect their energy. You niggers need to get on this train.

How can we build on this momentum.
Nobody wants to stop this...
I am saying we need to magnify it.

Is there a way to taunt transgender "women" by showing lesbians in the military?

Something like real queer women serve their country. Trannies need not apply. Leverage that.

In porn, why is it that MtF things are able to take the largest of dildos? Also why do porn studios not openly label trannies as such? I have been fooled for a couple of scenes until I began to think critically... Fuck you BrutalDildos.

It's always been that way. At least here Finnish feminists spend most of their time and energy just arguing with each other, and some of the "public" feminists often writing for mainstream media have very critical of the young post-modern feminists, who are constantly driving older more "traditional" feminists away from their groups for not using correct terminology and making mistakes in victimhood hierarchy. Our oldest feminist organization Naisasialiitto Unioni which was founded in 1800s still doesn't even accept transwomen as members, and it's been triggering the hell out of newest feminist generation for years.

all 'she' needs is the white hand of saruman on her face now

How can salt and lemon juice be poured into this bleeding gash between trans "women" and Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists?

Something that polarizes. Something that draws the moderate cos lesbians inward to one another and st the same time hardens (pardon the feminine penis pun) the trans "women" camp against cis lesbians on the whole?

Tranny bullshit aside, i don't understand why veterans always say they fought for American rights. When? Blowing up some Iraqi mud isn't giving me any more or less rights.

easy. men could identify as masculine presenting, transgendered lesbian. Gender quotas BTFO, feminism BTFO cuz we are all wimminz.

So you are a male that identifies as a female, yet is attracted to the female sex.

I am fairly positive most, if not all, of you will write this off as the musing of a "clearly insane person" and, assuming none of you have noticed anything of a similar sort, I certainly do not blame any of you at all for reaching that conclusion as I am entirely sure that would be my takeaway as well if the roles were reversed.

Anyway, my question for any/all of you: Have you observed a NOT insignificant rise in people that have, to varying degrees, seemingly started to take on "somewhat minor" but still 100% noticable physical traits in their faces that totally make them look "demonic" in nature?

This has recently begun to be something that has now occurred enough to me that I am now going to start documenting the instances each time I notice it. I will be doing this for the next month and afterwards I will post the results and together we all can decide just how insane roasties and shitskins have driven me =) ... It will be great fun!!

Anyway, as a mere example, the case with Nosferatu(AKA: The "thing" in OP's pic) it's vomitus appearance is likely due in large part the result of shit plastic surgery/botox from decades earlier, etc., etc.. However, does this supposed human not look like what one could reasonably describe as "somewhat demonic"? Yes/No? TIA.

Demon or no Demon?

Seriously though, how can we place leverage and wedges between the letters in LGBT?

The looser the stool, the more they slip in their own shit. How can this be stirred up?

Oh bump.

The progressive stack is paramount. The pro-trans faction is currently on top, which is good for making the left look bad, and accelerationism (Imagine the TERFS were dominant, it would lead to a slightly more stable situation for them). Simply don't allow the TERFS to ride on the right-wing's coattails in any way, call them bigots whenever possible. Sit back, make them live by their own rules, and enjoy, much like #metoo.

OP, here's one way to exploit it... Take heroes of the Feminists and demand they be portrayed by trannies in film and on stage.

the truth would never do

This shit has been festering for years now, see vid related of trannies attacking dykes and the dykes not having it.

Let the left eat its own.

Odo really went to shit after Deep Space 9 huh?


This is the kind of action I want to precipitate. There has been an outcry in recent years about lesbian bars and lesbian spaces that are disappearing. If we can somehow tie that to a rise in Trans friendly spaces, something like a lesbian bar closing and a drag bar opening in it's place.

What would be a good way to get mainstream lesbians to identify more closely with TERFs? You know, harden up the battle lines?

How can this theme be magnified in the blogsphere/twitterverse Tumblerina Reddit subculture?

Tell them that women are so weak and inept that even men make better women. Capture their reaction and post it here.

I have heard that lesbians taste each other's menstrual blood. Is that true? Does it taste good?

Other wedges could be used as well. Pointing out income inequality between gay men and lesbians in order to riot lesbians against gay men.

Odo is looking pretty rough since Deep Space 9 went off the air.

