Why are ugly and short white dudes always the most racist?

Why are ugly and short white dudes always the most racist?

shouldn't they know best what it's like to be treated worse than your peers due to something you had no control over?


Im Italian and its in my blood. My ancestors fought and died protecting Europe from shit skin invasions its a part of us.

Well, Im racist because I moved to a city and now have to deal with black people on a daily basis

You guys weren't kidding

Never relax

I'm 6'0 and a handsome man and I absolutely despise niggers.

OP is a faggot

I'm half Italian and half pajeet and the racist Italian side hate all foreigners and blacks it's in our DNA to be racist

Imagine being so retarded you take the side of the fucking thing on the left.

>I'm half Italian and half pajeet
>hate all foreigners
so you hate yourself? youre literally a foreigner everywhere you go, youre neither italian, neither poo or anything else

Look OP. I have just scratched off the walls of my city two of these pic related posters two days ago. I am gonna to remove another two or three today.

Jesus Christ you must be hedious

Mutts should have a mercy killing right when they're born

Nathan may be short but he's definitely not ugly

I'm assuming you think this bothers me, it doesn't.

Remove as many posters as you want.

Handsome degenerates lack principles and will abandon whatever few they have to pursue pussy. Handsome men with strong principles are always the most successful, and do not care about the ramblings of the left, but you don't hear about them because they don't pursue status or fame.

>Italian side hate all foreigners and blacks it's in our DNA to be racist
I'm Norwegian/Italian. Can relate. I always hated other races.

His dreadlocks are degenerate too. At least he got knocked the fuck out, right OP?

am i white

Thats a woman?

Do us a favor and start with yourself ugly faggot

talk white dudes are like hot females

they don't live in reality with the rest of us

>under 6'1
>thinks he's handsome


Kys mutt subhuman. I'm an actual Italian and I hate Indians even more than niggers

nah you are a kike.

>60% nigger

The weak need the group , this is why they often end up following the socialist or nationalist ideology.

They are like worker/warrior ants.

This. I'm 6' 2" and hate everyone except select Asians and whites.

>30% jewish
So your a sneaky thieving moody plunderer?

nigger are dumb so they consider shortest white as easiest prey so these guys have most experience with niggers and are logically most (((racist)))