music industry in 2018
Music industry in 2018
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Soyboyz n Kangz
No one listens to anything the music industry produces anymore.
That's one tall woman.
They look like they're made of garbage.
>A sandnigger woman
>2 niggers
>A spic
>A cuck who voted for Chimpongo
>Another white cuck probably
Garbage genes.
How's Feminem's career going now? Haven't heard a thing about him since he came out to show the world he is a cock-sucking globalist sell-out.
Here is a good song to show the state of affairs in lametream media:
she has long arms
None of you faggots would ever dare saying any of that shit to their face, just a bunch of butthurt and out of shape whiteys raging from their computer desktop at people who are far better-looking, successful and happier than them. It would be funny if it wasnt so pathetic.
You must be a member of the band.
Why are you speaking English on a white computer network?
I would gladly tell them they're horrible.
t. soy
So happy I have no idea who these people are.
SJW:The Band.
Where did all the attractive musicians go?
You sure about that?
Pretty sure there's more than a few guys from /fit on here mate.
You are quite correct. In this day and age that would simply get me dogpiled. i would pretend they were the best thing ever. Then i would take my ski mask and a hammer i regularly carry.Then i would wait in the parking lot later.......
never seen or heard of any of these people
Bullshit, we're going to take back music
no-name, SJW niggers pretending to do arts