What did you think of the Drifters anime?
What did you think of the Drifters anime?
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Too much nip wanking for me to enjoy properly. Toyohisa was cool though.
But all the Japanese people in the show lost super hard. That's why they're in murderworld in the first place.
i fap to yoichi
looking forward to judas iscariot turning up
I do enjoy fantasy characters getting fucked by modern technology/strategie
Is that kuroneko outfit?
It's pretty NA NA NA NA NA NICE
I want to fuck Easy
I thought it was pretty great. s2 when?
Hmm I got to like episode 6 or so of it while it aired and never got back to it. Maybe I will. Easy a cute.
Nothing special but it's okay. Has some potential.
Constant MC wank was kind of tiring though.
Breddy great, loved it. It had that iron pumping feeling to it, maybe it was the bloodshed, maybe the great background music
Yoichi should've been a girl.
I want to fuck Easy until she stops being such a pissy bitch.
When the manga makes enough content so as to allow for them to make a canon second season.
i just remember it being ok, something about the 2nd half made me want to drop it because it got boring but i forget what.
Politics with St. Germi?
I thought it was great, I love that Hellsing OVA style art. Also I love shit like this and GATE with fantasy worlds getting BTFO by superior tech.
shit comedy, hellsing was better
Man what is with those parts that were trying really hard to be funny?
That shit was in Helsing Ultimate too, goddamn it really fucks up the mood.
Just doesn't translate well from the manga
I liked it. It was AOTS but that was a shit season too.
Not even top 3 of its season
Nice to have a protag that isnt a fucking wimp in social situations
I liked the plot.
The trap ruined it
I just watch it because im waiting for hannibal to do something cannae-like or any smartass strategies in that world and yes im a history nerd
ED of the season for sure though
Yoichi best boichi
I liked it. The OP and ED songs were fucking amazing, I'm never going to forget them.
I just really wanted a scene where someone from post WWII told the nips about the loss and two nukes. The main 3 would have lost their shit. The zero pilot and battleship admiral even more so.
>The trap ruined it
this sentence is a paradox
Was nobunaga even close to Hannibal or Scipio in terms of military skill or is it nip wanking?
I loved it.
Which one?
>It is said that at one of their meetings in the gymnasium Scipio and Hannibal had a conversation on the subject of generalship, in the presence of a number of bystanders, and that Scipio asked Hannibal whom he considered the greatest general, to which the latter replied, "Alexander of Macedonia".
>To this Scipio assented since he also yielded the first place to Alexander. Then he asked Hannibal whom he placed next, and he replied, "Pyrrhus of Epirus", because he considered boldness the first qualification of a general; "for it would not be possible", he said, "to find two kings more enterprising than these".
>Scipio was rather nettled by this, but nevertheless he asked Hannibal to whom he would give the third place, expecting that at least the third would be assigned to him; but Hannibal replied, "to myself; for when I was a young man I conquered Hispania and crossed the Alps with an army, the first after Hercules."
>As Scipio saw that he was likely to prolong his self-laudation he said, laughing, "where would you place yourself, Hannibal, if you had not been defeated by me?" Hannibal, now perceiving his jealousy, replied, "in that case I should have put myself before Alexander". Thus Hannibal continued his self-laudation, but flattered Scipio in an indirect manner by suggesting that he had conquered one who was the superior of Alexander.
>At the end of this conversation Hannibal invited Scipio to be his guest, and Scipio replied that he would be so gladly if Hannibal were not living with Antiochus, who was held in suspicion by the Romans. Thus did they, in a manner worthy of great commanders, cast aside their enmity at the end of their wars.
Weaker series than Hellsing, but still pretty enjoyable. Just wish Hirano didn't spend so much of the manga wanking Jap characters when there's so many cooler potential Drifters he could use.
They seem like pretty cool guys.
Yoichi is my wife