Just finished watching this and wow was it powerful. What did Sup Forums think
Your Lie in April
Sup Forums hated it like they hate everything that is popular
Good but overly melodramatic at times to the point where it was unbelievable. Everyone is too obsessed with Kousei.
Also I would have preferred if every performance was like the last, with less of a focus on monologues and more focus on the actual music
i think he should have cum in aids-chan when he had the chance
next weekend i have a 4 day weekend. im gonna get drunk and watch this because the manga already fucked me up.
The worst kind of soap box melodrama. At least it looked good.
>soap opera-tier melodrama with forced romantic triangle centered around faggy super speshul protagonist
Have I found a place in your heart user?
It was really good, but a lot of people on Sup Forums hated it because it made them feel things
Pretty shit, the abuse scenes were hilarious but then shit turned tiring.
The dying teenager thing is so dumb and hack
If I wanted a show about some stupid bitch dying then I would have flown to Mexico to watch their stupid shit.
I just wanted music, man.
It was fucking shit but I've long since tired of ranting about why.
I loved it, and no matter how much Sup Forums shits on it, my opinion won't change.
>Overly melodramatic at times to the point where it was unbelievable
Seemingly unnecessarily melodramatic, but maybe that's okay. People say that there's no reason Kaori had to die, but I'm not sure that's true. Death is an ever present part of life, yet many people live their lives with the assumption that they'll never die or at least not until they are ``old". Awareness of how fleeting and unpredictably short life often really is serves as toward living life differently which is sort of what this show is about.
>Everyone is too obsessed with Kousei
Agreed. What I really hated about the show is it's ``message". This matters because the show is obviously trying to preach some sort of growth and self-development or whatever to the angsty teenagers who watch it as Kousei overcomes his past trauma. Yet at the end of the day, Kousei was literally unable to do shit by himself but wallow in his own depression. He was only able to escape because the girl of his dreams appeared out of thin air and went through great lengths, lengths greater than any stranger or even Kousei's friends would go, to save him. The ``message" of this show quite literally becomes ``Wait for somebody to save you" which in reality never actually happens to most people.
People hated it because they found it impossible to empathize with terrible characters going through a ludicrous drama.
The lie was dumb. It served no purpose since he fell for her anyway.
Revealing the lie was even dumber, an ultimate "unrequited love" Fuck you.
Him being happy about the lie was the dumbest out of all of it. No human being on the planet would react that way.
They should have just had him date her, nothing would have changed but then they wouldn't have the stylish title.
Yeah, things like boredom
Babby's first drama, go watch more anime.
Forced drama garbage akin to Ano Hana that gets praise for all the wrong reasons.
2nd half was contrived. Anime was a good 9/10 and should've ended with the first cour.
For the record the only good thing about the 2nd half in my opinion was Kousei tutoring Nagi.
I didn't like the first three episodes. Felt like I was watching a John Green YA novel in animated form, and that isn't pleasant.
What constitute a good drama ? Everytime I read about an anime where there is drama, it is necessarily "forced".
Is there such a thing as a good anime with drama ?
Nagi is best girl.
What the fuck was Kaori's disease?
This. Also being Watari is suffering
How do you even know what that is like?
Nice try.
Likeable characters, some good moments, definitely worth the watch. Way better than ano hana
muscular dystrophy or something like that IRC
It was never stated what disease she had
Easy way would be like:
Good drama = stuff you like.
Forced drama = stuff you didnt like.
yeah but the loss of motor function in her hands and legs can only be attributed to a few things. Probably advanced ALS.
Simple, people won't stop talking shit about certain anime because it uses certain tropes making then "all the same crap".
Well guess what. Dramas also have a ridiculous amount of overused tropes, it's just that people don't know about them, in no small part because most of these shows are utter shit and barely get any visibility. Then comes this show that, arguably, was better than the average, becomes visible and receives a lot of praise from people that didn't know they were watching just another Jp drama. (Seriously, if you watched one of this in the past, you have watched all of them)
It was pretty, though.
couldn't get passed the first episode so idk
I thought it was pretty good desu
One of the better anime of the past few years imo
I picked it up because I enjoy classical music, especially Romantic period piano. The music was good, the characters were fine in my opinion, but the twist at the end was stupid. What the previous user said, it wouldn't have changed a thing if they dated. She could have even kept her secret about seeing him as a child and being inspired by him; but the whole hiding her feelings thing was pointless.
The last recital scene was fucking gorgeous though,
Shit story barely salvaged by good staff. One of the most polished turds in recent memory --- Sakurasou being the other one.
I watched it mostly for the music. All in all, probably a 7/10 for me. It rung some tears out of me, but mostly because of the musical aspect. The characters striving for their craft effected me much more than the romance.
The ending was very cheap. Anime always does shit like this, I'm convinced japs don't have any finesse (at least anyone writing in this industry). Why can't the girl just simply have cancer and be happy to perform with a boy she likes? Why do you need to insert a childhood platonic romance stalker plot twist in the end?
Also, MC resolved his piano deafness issue too early in the story. If they had carried it to the end then it would have been more meaningful, aligning it with her revelation would have been more impactful. I swear these jap writers couldn't recognize finesse if it was right up on their faces.
I made the mistake of reading a JG book on the recommendation of a friend. He kept saying it gets better so I read it to the end.
It didn't