Can anyone from the Balkans tell me how it was like being under Ottoman rule?

Can anyone from the Balkans tell me how it was like being under Ottoman rule?

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Why didn't they conquer the Persians?

they did. Iraq used to be the western, more advanced half of persia. they kept rebelling, though; some moments of transylvanian history are intimately linked to persian rebellions as in the nobles decided to act when they got wind of another upswing of persian resistance and subsequent overextension of the ottomans..

they would send your first born child to the sultan to become a muslim holy soldier

What do you want to know exactly? About religion, regular life, laws, war?

balkan people are basically turks, so they prob enjoyed it


Did you have to convert to Islam? Were your women actively raped? How did you gained independence?

people from balkans are as ignorant as you.

>Northern Southwest-Asians
>Southern Southwest-Asians

Yes and no. If you didn't convert your life was hell, you had to pay more taxes for being a Christian, you had no rights and churches had to be built literally in the ground. Sometimes entire villages were forced to convert and whoever refused was killed but that was not very common. Yes both men and women were taken as slaves and sold in Asia Minor. Someone already mentioned the devşirme.

They had it pretty rough under Ottoman rule

Not really. The Orthodox were conquered and controlled by the Sultan, so they were not perceived as an immediate threat. That's why no Orthodox nation did convert to Islam. Catholics on the other hand were seen as servants of a foreign power (the Pope) so they were forced to convert or in the case of Bosnians, which belonged to a semi-heretic cult (Bogomils).

My grandma always told me there was a holiday every year that the Turks celebrated, they were allowed to come down from the mountains that the locals ran them up into and they could kill a local without repercussions among themselves. Besides that she said they smelled bad. Eventually the Ottoman Empire collapsed and they were all pushed out.

Why are you lecturing me on my history? There are still islamic vilages in the Rodope mountains where you can find crosses buried in the ground. Bogomilism is not a semi-heresy but an absolute 100% heresy. In the west they are known as Waldensians and Cathars.


Retarded balkanrapebaby, there was no forced conversion.

t. rapebaby

fucking idiot gypsy slav mutt. retarded untermensch like you force me to defend ottoshit empire even thouhg I hate them passionately. being a christian was better in ottoman shit empire because you weren't enlisted in army by paying special tax while it was mandatory for muslims and no way to avoid. learn your shit right fucking balkanshit monkey


no such thing you disgusting arm*nian. your old people are full of shit

Walachia and Moldavia weren`t under ottoman rule at any point. The were under ottoman influence, meaning they paid tribute, but always had their own rulers and their own laws. At worst the rulers were greek phanariots, who were cultivated men that improved the countries. And that didn`t lasted long.

It was pretty good, the turks were pretty alright as far as imperial overlords go if you didn't start shit. The Ottoman realms were far more peaceful than most of Europe until the end of the 18th and 19th centuries, they had a few sultans that were really good who were focussed on empire building rather than jihading.

Towards the end of the Empire pretty much every single layer of Ottoman government worth a damn was composed entirely of slavs, usually Bosnians and Croats who rose through the ranks, and the Sultans and nobility were essentially white due to them being born by harem grills.

If you look through Ottoman history you find that every big mean evil action of the mean turks was brought about by a bunch of backwater subhumans (read: Armenians) getting uppity and starting shit and ruining a good thing.

Life under the arab caliphates was shitter, ottomans were somewhat civilised.

t. hosanovic

Lot's off buttstuff