Has anyone lost harder than her? Seems like half the show was devoted to her suffering
Has anyone lost harder than her? Seems like half the show was devoted to her suffering
Kuroneko. No contest.
Half? Her arc was like 3 episodes or something. Anyways I'm still kinda upset since she was best girl.
The show u-turned off airi's route after ep 5
then it was just sana getting shit on nonstop by miu
I can't say anyone lost harder than Karin from DNA².
Won for almost the entire series, lost so fucking hard in the OAV finale she doesn't even exist in the same timeline anymore, or possibly at all, and he doesn't even remember she exists.
>acts like a bitch 90% of the time
Good. Tsundere fucking sucks.
Can't remember exactly but she lost in episode 8 or 9. After that was the purple hair's arc.
Losing? I happen to be an expert on the subject.
Her lost is up there with Noe and Kanna. Fuck best girls never win.
They devoted the entire series to her getting BTFO
They even fooled us for a bit, thinking she might actually win.
Sana a shit. Poorfag is better.
This. Kuroneko is top cuck and has only herself to blame.
Sana a best. Kill yourself Miufag.
No you. Sana > AIri > Sakuno > Ange > Miu
Lost so hard she had to reincarnate in the next series.
She will lose really badly. Like people being mad for years mad. Non-Yuifags will be mad or at least sympathetic.
>feel bad for a shitty tsundere
Not even once.
White Album 2 is about Setsuna losing all the time, unless you decided to go for her true route. She is the biggest looser by far.
I for one can't wait for the shitstorm butthurt Yui-fags and Iroha-fags generate when Yukino wins.
>Yukino wins.
ha ha ha
But Yui doesn't deserve to lose.
Irohafags will spam and be a mountain of butthurt. Yuifags would probably be mad but fuck off or just express sentiments along the lines of "I knew she would lose"
dubs don't lie user
ITT losers
>But Yui doesn't deserve to lose.
Thus we know that she will
Never stood a chance.
>MC is a dense motherfucker
>Still has a cackle of girls after his dick
Some MCs aren't like that. 8man isn't dense and barely anyone is after his D.
Its da bears girl. Never really liked her. Senpai truly was best girl.
It wasn't bad for her
1. Ami wasn't thirsty to start with and never was
2. She made the decision to give up and keep it to herself
3. She never cried over it nor got depressed
Kuroneko is just a cuck or wanted a threesome
>red whore won instead of this perfect qt
I mad.
Eririshit will get BTFO harder soon.
The loserest loser.
Soon and it will be glorious.
You think that's bad I got cucked by an autist
It was advertising for the all-ages version of the game that was coming out. And what do you think was the game's most noteworthy feature? A new Sana route.
This, that made me fucking cry.
>1. Ami wasn't thirsty to start with and never was
>2. She made the decision to give up and keep it to herself
>3. She never cried over it nor got depressed
The only thing that I didn't liked about her. I mean she gaved up way to soon for character that acted high and mighty at first.
So she didn't lose, she just give up before she could lose.
And it worked perfectly. Look at those sales right when that happened.
This poor guy lost his first love, got married and lost her in an instant, still being a virgin. After that, he lived the life of a hermit, forgotten.
>dead and forgotten by all her friends in favor of an AI copy of her.
That counts right?
It was a smart decision, actually. Ryuuji is a fucking beta, she dodged that bullet.
No confirmation that she reincarnated, but the girl is an albino version of her.
Mei-Lin's lost was brutal. She went down almost completely unnoticed and wasn't even allowed the chance to vent out and resent her victorious rival. If it wasn't for Tomoyo's intervention it would've been a total downer.
Been a while but there wasn't anything to resent to Sakura, she had been nothing but nice to her IIRC and Mei was the only one that acted competitive. Sakura was oblivious the whole time.
It's part of the tragedy. Sakura won by basically doing nothing while all the effort MeiLin put into it (up to and including put up with Sakura getting closer to Syaoran) was completely futile and ended up hertbroken with nowhere to place that frutration over but herself. Tomoyo's intervention was a fucking godsend for the poor girl.