
armour cibo a best

Other urls found in this thread:

addicted to her movie theme


Killy couldn't save her


And yeah I would

It was her own fuck up. Also, better I enjoy the threads before they go again into oblivion.

Question There can i find those scans?

Fuck off.

Sorry Mr. FBI I'm not telling you

overused jokes. allright




Stop posting.


Stop shitposting.

Cibo with wings is the best.
I enjoyed the piano whenever Killy would fire the GBE more than I thought I would.
Nah it was shitty circumstances. Nobody expected Davinelulinvega to download level 9 Safeguard software into Cibo.
Anything for Tae, or the blonde girl that dies?
>He says as he doesn't contribute anything to the thread at all.

Not all contributions are positive contributions. Memes are not positive contributions. Memes are, at the least, close to ban-worthy. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community.

>He said, not contributing anything to the thread which is about the manga Blame!

Killy he was just an observer you monster. He was in it for the knowledge.

>tfw no Playford clothing so I can feel closer to Killy


I remember they also did a blame "mini-series/CGdemo" some time ago. I wonder if they will ever make another movie but more centered around the events (and atmosphere) of the manga.

I'd rock that jacket.

That was back on '07 or '08, right?

I've contributed far more than enough in the past week. We don't need a Blame thread right now. This is evidenced *by* the fact that the posts founding the thread are all memeshit and people defending memeshit.

>tfw will never be an immortal badass that wanders thousands of years and gets humans and cyborgs alike all wet for you

Why even live?

I think it's this one:

Apparently, there's gonna be a special feature about BLAME! on NHK.

>He said, still not contributing to the Blame! thread

G'night and see you later

It was already aired last month, as I recall. Is this just a translated version or something? Either way, I'd be glad if someone were to record & upload it.

You have no reading comprehension, and you're avatarfagging. Kill yourself.

At least it's not like old times where artists died and were only greatly appreciated dozens to hundreds of years later.

Random question: I don't like to buy paperback manga for various reasons (I move a lot, don't like cheap binding or reprints, most of time they are also too expensive etc..), but I don't like pirating the ones I really like (both for quality and wanting to support the author).
Is there a decent digital reseller which is not DRM online-only device-locked bullshit like amazon ebooks (or most ebooks in general)?

Just download the pirated versions to read and buy DRM ones to 'support the author', if you really care. They're not different files, so you're not losing anything by not reading the "sold" version.

Would be better with smug Sana-kan.

I have already downloaded the danke "master" version for the first volumes, which is not too bad but double pages are not correctly joined and I'm not really happy about the jpeg compression.

That's not danke's fault. That's the fault of the retarded fucks who *made* the Master editions. The editor of the Blame rescan project, who really has more authority than anyone on the matter, has expressed disappointment in the editions; saying that the publishers jewed out on QC, fucked up pages that were originally fine, and removed color pages for unclear reasons.

These are just a few of the reasons why at least half of the fanbase dislikes the "Master edition". In summary: do not purchase the Master edition, and do not read the Master edition unless you have already read the original version[s].

I've already read blame long time ago, I just felt like reading it again but with better resolution (and clean scans) so I went with the master edition. I thought the only difference was some filter or small edit in some pages, is there more?

>and removed color pages for unclear reasons
Does the English release have any color plates, or is it all printed in black and white?

wtf happend here

Shortened for brevity; Nihei's (still-to-be-updated) list of crimes vis-a-vis the Blame Master edition:
-Changes to the manuscript.
-Publisher cheaped out during QC, so some screentone was lost in the print.
-Second chapter has a [clearly accidental] white brush stroke over Killy on the last page.
-Loads of unnecessary redraws.
-Lack of color pages.
-Little-to-no QC.

These are crimes stemming (primarily) from just chapters 1 & 2 of the first "Master" volume.
I'll take a picture of the brush stroke in a second.

Dhomo really wanted that silicon pussy.

Fuck if I know. I have the originals. The colour pages which were retained are limited to one of Killy walking in the first volume, the ones of Cibo talking to the Governing Agency in the second volume, and the ones at the end of the sixth volume. All of the things like pic are not included.

Do silly cones even have pussies? They grow their babies in tubes.

well then considering the alternatives are low res scan from omanga or "burned" from tokyopop, I'm somewhat fucked.

>-Changes to the manuscript.
This is also particularly worrisome, what kind of changes?

>This is also particularly worrisome, what kind of changes?
I don't know, but I can ask later. I'm not gonna go line-by-line through my volumes to check when the editor has probably already done just that.

Just because it never gets into sexual content doesn't mean the Blame! universe doesn't have sexual things in it. I'm fairly certain that some groups of silly cones are precisely ones who would want to indulge in sexual pleasure. They could probably get genital attachments too since they're cyborgs.

they used to fuck

I think so, at least some of them, I mean, they have tits and I don't see them breastfeeding.

Here we are.

This is verifiably not-intentional.

That whole sequence was weird as fuck. Besides Pcell was too soft compared to the other silicons, so I don't really think she wanted them to be killed.

I know it's a popular theory but it's kinda weird since SL don't really get along with anybody. Still, he did spend at least 200 years at that floor.

uhm, my version doesn't have that.

Hence "verifiably not-intentional". They fixed it for the digital release. After people noticed it and complained. Everything else has not been changed or repaired.

How was she soft? For me it looked like Dhomo was the soft one and Pcell abused it.

I understand. Well, it's a shame.

Did the kid have net genes?

not every fuckin thread


Then why did the lady with the dog take the kid in a box?

Silicon Life are not a hivemind, everyone of them have different personalities. Besides they don't get along with humans, but Dhomo is not a human.

He spent at the least 200 years, he's probably been there for a couple of thousand years

Is Killy a Safeguard or a human?

He's a safeguard, that's even worse

From which chapter I should start reading if I already saw the movie?

Nah, Safeguards are pretty much Silicon Life but programed with other purposes.

The manga says he's an agent of the goveners

So what the actual fuck is an electro fisher because they sort of never explained that. Like what does an electro fisher do that makes them an electro fisher, do they catch electric fish or what?

The problem is, "other purposes" includes destroying silicon life.

人間だが、かなり高度にサイボーグ化されている。ほとんど確実に不老不死。すでに1000年以上は生きている可能性が高い。が、その自覚というか 「記憶」が、多分、ない。相当な過去、まだ、もしかしたらネットスフィアが完全に機能している時代に、警察官的な仕事をしていたのかもしれない。とにか く、後に「種族」化して「珪素生物」となる「人間が生物的な体を捨てた」犯罪者達や、ネットワークを介在して、複数の「体」を使用する者達から、ひどく恨 みを買うほどに対立していたようだ。

"human" in Blame doesn't mean much, everybody save for stuff like Builders and Exterminators is at least partially human or was human once

How human is "human" as far as Blame! is concerned? Are all characters we see some form of cyborg/transhuman? Are we supposed to infer that a human with net genes is totally vanilla and unmodified by cybernetic or genetic enhancements?

Please I just said it
NTG is an implant itself

Chapter 1. The movie is not an adequate replacement for any part of the manga.

Is the BLAME! one shot canon though? I thought it wasn't. You see flashbacks of his memories at some point and none of them include his stint as a police officer.

The Net Terminal gene is a genetic enhancement. The only two characters in the manga who have the *possibility* of being "unmodified" humans are Seu and the kid at the beginning.

I don't think all humans are transhumans, but I bet a lot of isolated communities are inbred as fuck.

NTG is, verifiably, not an implant. The implant connection method is one of the other means of connecting to the Netsphere.

It is neither canon nor non-canon; Nihei has never said anything about it. That being said, it doesn't matter whether or not the oneshot itself is explicitly canonical: the artbook notes refer to Killy as being a police officer prior to the disaster.
If he didn't do what's in the oneshot, he still did something strongly similar.

To my understanding (and memory), the net terminal gene is a genetic modification to connect to the netsphere (it makes your brain a *terminal* for the *net*sphere). This is why killy sometimes also ask for some human who is able to see/project letters or pictures directly on their retina.

Isn't she talking about NTG here? I assumed gene-implant is just a translation choice

>Isn't she talking about NTG here?
No. The words used are different.
"Net Terminal Implants" is ネット端末移植.
"Net Terminal Gene[s]" is ネット端末遺伝子.

移植 means "implant" or "graft"; 遺伝子 means "gene".

It depends, but to be fair they are more busy killing humans than silicon life.

Femdom Cubo is best

Femdom Cubo is overrated.

Man Nihei was basic when he started

Yo, teach me to access madokami

everyone knows the best place to buy the master editon in EU?

Don't/you can't. Last I checked, they've long-since sold out. They were *supposed* to be limited editions, I think, at first. So, if they've made another run, they're hyper-jews.



yeah checked on amazon, 37€ per volume and 1-2month delivery time.
but i usually dont buy manga (except yotsuba&) so i am not sure where to look.

Like I said: don't buy them. I have listed some of the crimes against the original work committed in them *in this thread*. Do not support publishers putting no effort into making something that they would call a "Master Edition".

>negative contributions is stuff I don't like

God. It's going to be one of those threads, endlessly arguing with the relentless autist.

Thanks, ive read it now.
Shame, i was really considering dumbing good money on it. but not 350€ and not for a low-cost product.
back to reading scans i guess.

This was pretty good.

Would have liked less time spent on the fishers though, especially the fisher price squad. Also fucking christ Japan how can you prefer a jerky framerate to a smooth one? At least it was smooth where it really mattered, the high speed action scenes.

Killy doesnt have a sex drive, it happens when you get older.
And he is senile, his date storage is so full that it started overwriting itself.

Does silicone life dreams of electric sheep?

If they ain't know what Earth is, they ain't know what sheep is either
Yes, I'm aware that it's a reference

Here we go.

I own the Master Editions because it's the only way I can get my hands on Blame physically without paying scalpers 20 quid a volume.