Shingeki no Kyojin Thread

My predictions:
> Eren is on Marley so...GRIM REMINDER
> Female Titan power traspased to Jean
>Connie with long hair

This is Mikasa. Say something nice about her.

>not so grim reminder, Eren sympathizes with warriors
>flashback shows what happened during the time skip
>they get Annie out of the crystal in the flashback, Annie's redemption begins
>walldos have a plan that is ok with Annie, they team up
nothing else matters.

>My predictions
Is this a new type of meme?

she isn't a siamese twin? difficult task


>Historia inherits the Femtitan
>during a mission they announce themselves with Historia speaking as the queen of Paradis
>gets sniped by a Marley soldier
>Historia falls backwards
>lighting hits her and she transforms

My predictions:
>EH Canon

>Historia inherits the Femtitan
Oh, really nice

Stop being autistic and tell eren how you feel

Animeonly here, does Eren ever stop being a retarded faggot? Idk if I can continue watching this desu, he's so fucking annoying.

Reminder that Armin will rape Jean.

Didn't mean to add desu to my post wtf

How new are you?

Connie is the T-Rex Titan
Monkey Titan is Historia's dad
Sasha will die

It's okay my man. Keep watching, Eren is actually one of the better characters. Later on he even fucks Historia


EM is canon
The titans are aliens
Grisha Jeager is the king of the walls

Sorry for the spoilers

My predictions:
> YH will be canon
> Falco(n) titan


Reiner is so handsome.

>> YH will be canon

Ymir is dead, so it doesnt matter if they fucked or not.

Ymir is living in all our hearts (L)


>Later on he even fucks Historia
Like, right in the pussy?

That's great, I just want to know if he stops being an annoying faggot.

No, but he does want to fuck Armin


It's Sup Forums's way of telling you to stop being a fag and using the contraction for "to be honest."

EM is cute and canon. EH is delusional shit.

That's impossible.
If you want better MCs go watch Naruto, Aldnoah Zero, Bleach or Evangelion

> "My predictions" the new meme
Where is the guy of "endgame right here"??????

He doesn't.

Eren is canonically asexual though. Mikasa will end in the mental asylum because of her unfulfilled urges.

Threadly reminder that Zeke knows how to beat the curse of Ymir

Business idea: make Pieke sell weed to anons

Endgame right here, brothers.

He never does, do you watch the show with other people? If so how are they liking him?

i'm ok with this.

I watch it with my lesbian lover. She loves him and thinks he's cute.

My predictions

>LH is endgame
>they have four kids

Don't listen to these faggots, user.

They're trying to deceive you by hating everything that's popular just to fit into these threads. Eren certainly is one of the best and most favourite MCs of the decade, only second to Subaru. Eren does get better eventually. Take it from someone who actually read all 100 chapters.

why 4?

What the fuck I hate Erwin now!

Oh, now I'm jealous. It's hard for a guy to find a lesbian lover nowadays.

you deserve to be happy.

Someone on Pixiv uploaded a new Rico. Today is a good day!

Shinji and Eren are the worst fucking shounen protagonists.
Fucking great.
I do, they all fucking hate him.

Why not?

Forgot to ask, why?

>reminder a community of over 100k spics love Eren

Season 3 soon brothers

But they don't buy anything, so who cares.

I wanna know why other people like Rico so much.

It's the glasses, isn't it?

I think, if Levi loved his mom, he's gonna have a fixation for breasts. I think he's gonna make someone pregnant, and suck the milk out of that someone's nipples.

I was just wondering, some people seem to think normies love him when he clearly gets mixed reactions.

Hongo OUT

I actually like Boruto more then this.

Sorry sweetie but Hanji is the best

He was probably raped but the army of MILF whore that worked whi his mom.

Oh they do. some of them brag over their snk collection. There's a youtuber that does nothing but explain snk shit to normies and his videos are quite popular, so is his channel. Eren is loved and over 100k spics are rooting for him.


Who are your favorites user? Also you should probably get out of here, spoilers galore.

Go post Meiko on Prison School, delusionalfag.

You shit fetishists are the worst.

Boruto has some /comfy/ SOL moments, it is a bit of a shame it will become more serious, then likely fall into similar traps as it's predecessor.

I like her because she doesn't have plot power. She's just an everyday trooper that got to where she is through hard work, skill and tragedy, R.I.P Trost Task Force. She doesn't have Ackerman powers, she doesn't have a big part in the story, she doesn't even have any of her old friends left alive. But she keeps on kicking butt. I think, in many ways, she's a better character than some of the main cast. She's super awesome. And her running form is perfect.


Tell that to Levi.

Daily reminder that Ymir is a good girl and we all hope she pulls through

Uh yeah I dont think so, all my friends hate him and all I've seen people do is hate on him. He gets Shinji levels of hate. Fitting considering they're both ass.
I don't care about spoilers, I'm dropping after this season. Eren is a retard. But I like Erwin, Levi, Reiner, Historia and Ymir.

What do you think is Zeke's goal with Eren?
Both as a team could use the coordinate

Hisu pls

He stopped being a rageturd but whether he start being full on emo and edgy is still to be revealed.

SnK is the most understanable anime for westerners since Evangelion, it's the fact nobody can change.

Ymir was too pure for that world, she went to a better place.

He changes a lot after Uprising

A sweet kid.


What are you even talking about

All AUs has utterly desperate Mikasa. Me likes.

Ymir a ded.

No shes alive and I know how

chapter when

She pulled through Galliard's gullet alright.

Newfags please turn 360 and walk away.

If you think Mikasa or pieck can be this cute your test is____.

This is the worst shitpost in the history of /snk/ shitposts. Maybe ever.


Way to out yourself.


>File: 1462845983963.gif (2.94 MB, 701x850)

the fucking physics of that shit is killing me. do japs run? do they know what happens when you run?

I can't imagine the things that brown hobo did with her unconscious body.


They don't run, it brings shame to the famiry.

Rico has perfect form!

Would you like to describe in lewd detail what you think she did to her?

Eren is sad pathetic shit.

You'd make a wonderful husband

you know what really shames the family name? being a mangaka!

I think, she did unblushingly write on Hisu's ivory skin some dirty obscenites and called other cadets to look.