Murder of Junko Furuta: >Raped her over 400 times. They also invited and encouraged their other friends to humiliate and gang rape her. >Starved her. >Beat her several times with golf clubs, bamboo sticks and iron rods. >Used her as a "punching bag" by hanging her body from the ceiling. >Dropped barbells onto her stomach several times. >Forced her to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine. >Forced her to masturbate in front of them. >Inserted foreign objects, such as iron bars, scissors and skewers into her vagina and anus, rendering her unable to defecate and urinate properly. >Shoved a still-lit light bulb into her vagina. >Set fireworks into her anus, vagina, mouth and ears. >Burnt her vagina and clitoris with cigarettes and lighters. >Burnt her eyelids with hot wax and lighters >Tore off her left nipple with pliers. >Pierced her breasts with sewing needles.
thats fucking nothing most torture/executions of men are way more brutal while women are almost always quickly killed
her case was absolutely nothing special
Zachary Kelly
>Raped her over 400 times Why counted?
William Nguyen
I read that entire manga. It was when all hope of justice in this world escaped the light in my eyes.
Darkness is my only friend. Even in death none of us shall escape.
That said Japs are generally speaking pretty chill. There's certainly a lot of evil in this world but the criminal underbelly in Japan is much less bad than other places. Exceptions do not make the norm.
Blake Roberts
Is that seriously the most brutal thing you've ever read about? Oh my sweet summer child.
Hunter Green
Gavin Ross
>happened once in japan >japan worst country ever >happens regularly still in mexico >let em in!
Owen Martin
Crime is still exceedingly rare in Japan, you retard.
It's almost as if singular incidents are not indicative of the whole race, weird
Aaron Roberts
This is a terrible thing But I question the 400-rape count
Austin Roberts
She was raped by the Japanese, man. They're autistic about these things. I would bet money those guys also had a rough guesstimate of how many pubic hairs she had.
Nathaniel Watson
Stop posting this you fucking shill. Sage.
Asher Peterson
Sounds like the Run of the Mill japanese porn movie.
Why do all of them have this rapey tune?
Andrew Long
How can someone be this evil? How? How? Is it a biological thing? Did they not consider her human? This is too much for my brain.
Gabriel White
well that's it my anime days are over fuck japan
Logan Sanchez
stop posting this everyday they're yakuza trying to act tough what do you fucking expect dude
Noah Wilson
yeah because white people are 1000 times better amirite
its not like japs have much lower crime rates than yuropeans
Brandon Watson
Yakuza dogs can easily corrupt the ignorant youth and lead them to do shit like this.
Levi Sanchez
They haven`t discarded completely yet that insectoid tendencies we see in east asians. Thats why despite very high living standards they exploit their people until they kill themselves
Grayson Long
Unit 731 my dude, unit 731
Then you'll know what japs are capable of
Joshua Mitchell
>everyone on Earth are not human ftfy
People are shit around the world
and the fuck is this capcha?!
Juan Smith
Empathy derives from imagination (to comprehend that you inflict pain you must be able to model how victim feels in your mind), and gooks have trouble with that. Japan is not even worst case (probably because they have bit of Indo-European admixture from Ainu people), chinks do shit like that hundred times more.
Jonathan Howard
Is that concrete girl? If it is, you left out the most important and final part.
Isaiah Cook
The number itself is important to personify the spiritual and physical destruction. I can see them going to that length to keep track just out of curiosity.
Ethan Gutierrez
You forgot how the ones involved got away with it because slanty eyed daddy's had money.
Nathan Kelly
Look up Albert Phish OP. White people have some pretty fucked up history too.
Blake Morgan
Noticing all the Japanese shilling threads. Severity =/= consistency, jew shill.
Carter Gomez
>Russian >Thinks he's an authority on empathy
The people of 1940s Berlin might disagree.
Ryder Brooks
This is what a godless morality looks like. Repent and seek Christ
Jace Ortiz
> Albert Fish > White No matey, he was a kike. He also had mason connections.
Jonathan Sanders
>proclaim people sub-human >Invade their land >Kill ~20mil non-combatants What Russian did in Germany can be written in history as ideal of fucking mercy towards enemy.
> After the raid, the Japanese Imperial Army began the Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign (also known as Operation Sei-go) to prevent these eastern coastal provinces of China from being used again for an attack on Japan. All airfields within an area of some 20,000 sq mi (50,000 km2) where the Raiders had landed were torn up.[50] Germ warfare was used and atrocities committed, and those found with American items were shot. The Japanese killed an estimated 10,000 Chinese civilians during their search for Doolittle's men.[51]
fucking animals
Easton Sullivan
Can confirm. This is mild compare to stories I have had to audit of Georgian or russian/odessian street justice. More often then not, the punishment is measured for the crime. There is a hard code against random brutality in the modern Yakuza, who are largely bankers / cash managers c2018
David Green
japanese in europe and NA have much lower crime rates too
Joshua Clark
WW2 was a total war, 100% population on both sides contributed in war machines running. Women contributed just as much. Not to mention that women overwhelmingly supported Hitler's regime. Not to mention pic related.
Ayden Gonzalez
makes me hard desu
Caleb Cook
In a thirld world country like bulgaria, sure. Thing is, japan is supposed to be first world. Thus we hold them to a higher standard.
Kayden Hughes
James Evans
Solid kek
Andrew Perez
Except for the part where the Nazi soldiers were known for good discipline and decorum. Better by my own admission then the Americans. Perhaps they were right about slavs being less human.
Kevin Taylor
Stab wounds inside her mouth. She had her eyes ripped out and later on had her eye sockets stabbed. All this may have happened up to 3 weeks prior to death. M8 wtf
Joseph Price
Women are prizes to go to which ever group of men dominate. They themselves will accept this. Moot point regarding them.
Isaac Cox
Joseph Green
>implying we dont already know only weebs and other degenerates defend Japs. They are natural sadists, they tortured British/American soldiers for gun on mass during WW2 for fun. Sick sick people. Only in a controlled state now because they were forced to be by Whites otherwise they'd still be bayonetting babies
Ethan Davis
This. Civilization was brought them, by us. And enforced by us. They have the IQ to run with it, so it's fine, but had we let them go unchecked, yeah they were fucked up.
Ryan Cook
It's the third time this week I see this thread. I know you fucking kikes are angry that Japan doesn't welcome immigrants but you don't have to spam this piece of shit thread all the time. This kind of shit happens in all countries around the world all the time and Junko Furuta's murder isn't even among the most gruesome ones. Sage, hide, report. Don't fall for slide threads.
Jace Long
g•rmans had it coming and they didn't get it hard enough
Jaxon Wood
>less human >had every imaginable moral right to put down no less than 20mil non-combatants to retaliate for horrifying death toll that german invasion took. >instead just used some women by their natural biological purpose to blow off steam and went home Although problem may be with you being 1st world feminist bugman who consider rape more horrible than killing.
Andrew Ramirez
good discipline and decorum while shooting pregnant women and children
Brandon Sanchez
Two nukes weren't enough
Hunter Miller
how am i supposed to jerk off without a pic of junko furuta you stupid faggot
Owen Collins
somebody post the story about the American girl that got tortured and murdered by her caregiver and she was tortured and sexually abused by dozens of people and they were all out of prison within a few years >lol it only counts when da japz do it :DDDDD
Ayden Edwards
>The Japanese killed an estimated 10,000 Chinese civilians during their search for Doolittle's men.[51] estimates courtesy of the Chinese who were by pure coincidence in the middle of the longest and most brutal civil war in all of human history
Joshua Nguyen
Holy shit, these kinds of posts are hilarious.
Brayden Garcia
fine, here's a recent photo
Noah Adams
The chinamen also to blame for unit 731?
Josiah Hall
99% of unit 731 stuff is basically made up Chinese gore porn, they love that stuff it's on the level of concentration camp roller coasters that lead to the ovens and enormous lakes of acid they chased Jews into
Tyler Hernandez
This makes me physically sick.
Julian Johnson
most, if not all of the videos around the net are from south america, mexico, africa, the middle east, china, and russia but go ahead and talk out of your ass like a lobotomized waste of space with the IQ of a roasted cunt
Hudson Lee
Even worse are the parents who knew she was there and did nothing. Just how cucked can you be to be afraid of your own child is beyond me.
Ian Green
Anime isn't real.
Elijah Butler
Hit a bit too close to home huh?
But seriously, stop sending us gypsies.
Brody Parker
Yakuza only have women do prostitution. Even they're not this crazy.
We had this guy who would kidnap girls, keep them under his garage in cage on chains and rape them daily. He also made them make clothes to sell them. Living the dream eh.
Adam Hernandez
Oh and when he got bored of the girl he'd kill her and kidnap new one.
Henry Martin
you deserve both them and the ragheads enjoy the future
Liam Perez
Michael Martinez
Stupid roastie got BTFO by based insane Chad.
Nicholas James
>makes generalized statement based on one Jap >leaves out key details >Japs are not human DURRRRR >worst bait on catalog
Chase Cruz
>uziga waita his parody manga of tomoko from watamote getting stabbed in the abdomen by a serial killer who then rapes her in the knife wound and then pulls out her intestines while raping her in various other holes before finally jamming the knife in the back of her neck and decapitating her was a masterpiece of satire and biting social commentary
Ayden Phillips
Him and sansyouo are the only guro artists I genuinely can't stomach. Too much loli/shota guro.
David Moore
Not this thread again
Ryder Cook
interesting considering you pack of pakis are responsible for more civilian deaths than any other country on earth
Wyatt Evans
I researched that Japs need to be genocided
Landon Butler
it wasnt that she was tortured, it was the fact the japanese VOTED in laws to protect these people because they were "kids" they were adults by most countries standard laws and moral, and the minimum TEENAGERS.
they are not "delinquents" those do not exists, they are THUGS and CRIMINALS, if they are over 15+, punish them by the harshest as you can, Life in prison. if they are 12+ Life in youth prison or "youth correctional facility"for 10 years and then Life or the deatth penalty later
nobody should allow lawless people, adults OR kids, ESPCIALLY the kidsa to go free after this, even if they were 12 or younger.
Their names should be revealed and hounded and hanged.
How was that a masterpiece of satire and social commentary?
Josiah Carter
>Confederate Flag
Google "Lynching and raping of blacks" Your papa and mama will be all up in that shit faggot.
Tell your sister/girlfriend/soulmate I said "Hi"
Jordan Russell
it worked on many levels
Ayden Reyes
This is what Russians actually believe. Russians are simply subhumans and have to paint themselves as victims to justify their actions every fucking time. For another example: Finnish gunners and bombers were strictly forbidden from bombing civilian targets through the whole war, where as Russians tried to literally terrorbomb Helsinki to the ground. More bombs dropped towards Helsinki than to Dresden, just look it up if you refuse to believe me. Now tell me there isn't somekind of difference in mindset about honor and justice between Finns and Russians? You're simply savages, just like Africans are.
Bentley Perez
> sister/girlfriend/soulmate Don't be crass, Momma gets first pick of the litter then sisters.
Juan Young
Violent crime and abuse are universal to all cultures. I'm sure you'd find a similar story in every asylum or women's pen in the West.
James Martin
Evil exists in all colors, nations and groups. Some are more liable to commit it. Doesn't mean that it doesn't happen in the ones less likely. I like Japan but even I know they have quite a history and inclination for some really fucked up shit. Shit happens.