>Most japs allegedly live in tiny ass aparments
>They are always shown to live in big comfy houses in anime
What's with anime economy
Most japs allegedly live in tiny ass aparments
Other urls found in this thread:
most japs don't have families
most animes have characters that have families
>implying that tiny ass apartment isn't comfy as fuck
>big comfy houses
Don't pretend you ever get off your desk chair.
almost correct
Most Anime characters are kids living with their parents.
Same reason everyone in western TV lives in massive houses in major cities that would cost like a million dollars despite working usually shitty menial jobs.
The people making shit dont give a fuck.
>big comfy houses
>kitchen/living room downstairs with 2 or 3 bedrooms upstairs
And they always look the same.
the same as in american shows where everyone live in a big wooden house in a very nice neighbourhood with a bigass fridge and a huge muscle car.
It also pisses me off that kids live on their own with absolutely no income and can somehow constantly pay rent, get a ton of food, and have free time. It's completely unrealistic that a 16 y/o can get a job that allows them to pay rent while also keeping up with the 8 hours of homework nips seems to have every day.
I remember seeing a link showing techniques/fixtures/furnitures/items that the japanese use to maximize the efficiency of the space they use. Does anyone have that link?
>needing realism in a media that thrives on escapism
i swear man, you westerners can't get a hint
Usually they have parents living overseas paying for them.
Shows in which they clearly live on Earth follow the same rules as the Earth we live on. It's impossible to suspend belief that much. If, however, it was based on a fictional world with completely different rules than ours, then it's much easier to believe.
Are you thick, or just stupid?
Some private schools offer student accommodation off campus.
They usually have a teacher or staff member living in checking in on the students though.
Alternatively parents just aren't shown on camera because they aren't part of the story.
Those big houses are almost never in the middle of big cities. Big houses are relatively cheap outside of the city. Mine is tiny and relatively expensive, but I'm 15 minutes from shinjuku. It's just about location.
that looks comfy user. why are you on american pigdog chan instead of 2ch?
What do you do and why do you live in Japan ruining their country with your baka gaijin genes
Place looks pretty comfy desu
Isn't this what people do when going to University though? There isn't much difference in ability to work between a 16yo in high school and a 20-22yo in uni.
I think its pretty obvious that in those cases the parents who are working overseas all year pay for the expenses. Its not like many anime characters are at least shown working part time jobs
Because your average anime character living conditions, specially the ones of teenagers who live completely on their own while their parents live conveniently overseas, are not realistic at all nor close to reality you damn chucklefuck.
Its really not that different from all of those american shows featuring 20 somethings living in huge apartments in the middle of fucking Manhattan while working minimum wage jobs
>most americans are fat, nonwhite and often shit their pants while trying to reach the top shelf at walmart without getting out of their mobility scooter
>American TV shows and movies are always showing the average American male to be fit, handsome and over six foot tall and of Germanic descent
What's with this?
Small apartments are nice too.
that looks like a nightmare to dust off
How do you even clean that clusterfuck?
That pic makes me want to go all 40 Year Old Virgin on those figures
No he is right
sure..... In Trumplandia i guess
>people in new york live in shithole flats that cost too much
>who do the Friends live in roomy, luxurious apartments?
Fantasy and wish fulfillment.
You CAN get a nice comfy place if you don't live packed like a sardine inside the megalopolis, though. Just consider the Sakura Quests, they have so many empty, unused houses they're having to burn them down.
Don't forget they always wear their shoes even on bed.
All the Friends also have pretty good jobs, except maybe Phoebe.
Who comfy here?
Media is unrealistic
Just like how the cast of FRIENDS and Big Bang Theory live in American Urban Settings but a black person never appears on the show.... even as background extra
Or how Roseane is about a struggling minimum wage family that lives in what looks like a 2million dollar home complete with a full pantry, well kept furniture
Just go to the middle of nowhere in Europe and you'll find cheap ass mansions.
The catch is that they're isolated and you'll need to spend days just driving to the nearest supermarket or hospital.
Dust is the reason why he put figures in closed, glass cabinets. You only have to dust everything once every three months or so, so it's not too bad.
>>Most japs allegedly live in tiny ass aparments
Jesus, another thread with a bunch of armchair experts on Japan.
Just fucking watch this:
>Just like how the cast of FRIENDS and Big Bang Theory live in American Urban Settings but a black person never appears on the show.... even as background extra
Dude, I agree with you, but you're opening up a whole can of worms here.
On Sup Forums, any attempt by the media to make the population more realistic to actual US/Europe (i.e more non-whites) is automatically considered SJW shit.
most americans are white. what are you talking about. the rest is true though.
and they wear the exact same clothes every single day
On one hand, yes, more than half americans are white.
But that also means if you're in the US, statistically, 4 out of 10 people you meet on streets "should" be non-white.
That's just reality, man. If you want a more homogenous pop, go to Asia or, I don't know, Norway. Otherwise, best getting real.
Watch PA shows (Sakura Quest) if you want more clothes. Drawing new clothes every ep is just lots of work.
Why is your computer in the kitchen? Or why is your fridge and microwave near your computer instead of the kitchen?
This. Yes, places like NY and SF have ridiculous high rent.
But guess what? Most people there also make enough money to offset that.
There is no kitchen.
I live in apartment with my sisters that is like 6 times the size of that.
Having a life sized fig in the middle of a room seems like it would make being in that room very uncomfortable.
> Most people there also make enough money to offset that.
Most people living in NY/SF have a high chance of living paycheck to paycheck unless they are a Tech Bro/Stock broker/Trust fund baby
Have you fucked them yet?
Unless it was Lum, than I would be extremely comfortable.
Well yeah I'm not denying that.
But if we look at most shows, which play in a major sity 60% to 75% of characters are white while the rest are the "token minorities". And that is technically a solid representation. If we ignore everything else.
>Live outside metro centers
>Get a good-enough job
>Buy houses with cheap price
>Go to work in central district by trains, 20 minutes top.
>On weekend mostly stay where you live because you have almost everything you need for daily life there.
Why would I fuck my neesans?
>There isn't much difference in ability to work between a 16yo in high school and a 20-22yo in uni.
There is a lot of difference. Not least starting with the laws regarding working hours at those ages, to what type of work one can do physically or mentally, to the hours they can fit around their education system etc.
Why wouldn't you?
Whites are the only evenly distributed demographic.
Even in cities in the Deep South like Atlanta, you'll find neighborhoods with almost no minorities, then the next neighborhood over is Little Liberia.
Go South and you'll find more Latinos, go West and urban, and you'll find more Asians. Japanese make up a huge percentage of Hawaii's population that just isn't reflective of the US as a whole.
Go rural outside the South and you'll find nothing but white people for the most part.
Some shows get it right.
How do I live here?
I don't think so. I worked fulltime in HS and I do it now in uni. There are few differences; it's just as hard to pack a full load of uni courses around 10 hour work days as it was to take classes in HS. It's just as miserable too.
Make that money
>ywn own a large house with your girlfriend Megumi
Just end me now lads
But we're siblings.
Because they don't work hard like we do.
I'd fuck it.
Even more reason to fuck them.
He's not a Shota, senpai
>Not enjoying the purest form of love to the fullest
What is wrong with you, user?
>mplying that tiny ass apartment isn't comfy as fuck
I'd rather call it "sad" or "suffocating" or "depressing" but sure, why not "comfy". People whose life is shit need to stay positive otherwise they'll just end up killing themselves and we don't want that, now do we?
depends on the setting
I just had to
>he's never felt that small room comfiness
What a sad soul
>roomsmaller than a prison cell
Nah, in small apartments are in mostly hyper-urban areas and areas around stations. Most of japan is just suburban, in which generic 2nd story (and recently 3rd story houses for rich sekisuihouse fags) are the norms. My mom's neighboorhood is pretty much all second story houses like the ones you see in anime.
this is a good movie
>>Go rural outside the South and you'll find nothing but white people for the most part.
This. Drive through small towns in the Midwest and you won't see any minorities for hours and hours.
>tfw your house will never look like a hotel lobby
It's too much unused space in my opinion. You could have a living room and a bonus room to put a pool table in if the place had 10 foot ceilings.
Even with a television that large, those couches are way too far away from it to actually watch anything.
>did some wrong choices in life
>not ended up making good money
Feels really bad.
Small apartments seem so comfy.
They're not that far, it's just lens distortion
They really are, you can have a very minimalist/utilitarian feel to them. There's not that much space, obviously, but it makes it easier to micromanage every little thing.
The only problem is you usually won't ever actually own your property, so you lose out on long term investments but the housing market is so shit (at least in the US) that it almost seems like a waste of time anyways. Also if the property owner doesn't take good care of things or if they are slow to respond to when appliances break, etc., it can be rough.
That image and the troll opening were the best things to come out of that anime
What the fuck could you possibly need a massive room for? Playing video games, sitting on the net, reading, playing an instrument that isn't drums doesn't require shitloads of space. If you're not doing these things just fucking go outside you dumb nigger.
Do onii chan and Umaru sleep in the same room?
What about richfags like Usagi that clearly live in big houses?
Ore Monogatari did it right. Most families live in decent sized apartments.
And I hear almost no one actually wants the big houses in the country because most of them are old construction and really drafty and stuff like that.
What are you talking about? The only shows with big houses are ones where the protagonists are living with their upper middle class families. Even then, there's plenty of cases where students are living alone/with a sibling in an apartment and their parents are absent, or they live in an apartment with a single parent and no siblings. I can't think of even one protagonist that's a home owner themselves.
>I can't think of even one protagonist that's a home owner themselves.
Emiya Shirou inherited an Estate (Paid for b the Yakuza)
Barakamon but that guy was from a rich family and now that I think about it it might have been his family that owned the house and not him. Closest I can think of.
Are you implying you can't buy small apartments or what?
What kind of place will I be living in If I have an associate's degree in programming?