>My cousin attended sandy hook elementary school and i assure you it really happened

Jesus youre all a bunch of jerks. WHO EVER IS MAKING THESE MEMES HAS TO STOP

>you nazis are literally destroying history
>just like isis

Also robbie parker was clearly nervous. Stfu everyone. Newtown happened.

This isnt funny guys

I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

Wtf. " obamas a muppet lmao"

People DIED. youre all jerks if you think it was fake.

go play in traffic

this is pasta, sage and move on

You cant just put two images next to eachother and super impose yellow text. You CANT ARGUE THAT CHILDREN DIED.

nothing weird happened in sandy hook that day

Have some FUCKING respect

>My cousin attended sandy hook elementary school and i assure you it really happened
mine too, they keep trying to say he shot himself tho.

If anyone calls this pasta, it isnt. Who has fun telling people the WORST SCHOOL SHOOTING IN US HISTORY WAS A HOAX

Fuck you honestly. Youre memes cant bring my cousins classmates back

There are so many of these "truther" memes.

Why dont you have a life?? Who cares if the media fucked up? It was real news and they tried to cover it as best they could

My great grandfather died at Sandy Hook, he said it was the worst day of his life he's been traumatised ever since by the thousands of mutilated children and the rivers of blood and gore. He told us all about it at the synagogue truly scary stuff, all whites should be killed so it never happened again.

My uncle works at Nintendo and told me it didn't happen.

Shut the fuck up asshole. People actually died at sandy hook. Adam lanza killed them with a shotgun and sick ddr skills. Fucking gross that you can make jokes about this


>Shut the fuck up asshole. People actually died at sandy hook

I know m80, I actually died at Sandy Hook, Lanza drilled me square in the chest with buckshot, I died almost instantly, I never stood a chance. :(

This.isnt a fucking larp, jackass


Pffft. WTF Again
ONLY TIME I ever hear/ read about
Larpy - Hook is THIS fucking thread.
Every fucking time with this
Christ I think I'd rather be annoyed by the Muh Turtleneck fags ( circumcision)

I got paid min wage to spam that SH happened on here and on reddit for months


Both my moms kids died in sand hook it was a sadd tragity that stil rings our hearts.


how can u be so hartless sora?!

My great uncles cat went to that school as a part-time librarian and he assured me that everything happened, all of it


Joe Rogan just made this appeal to emotion in a podcast this week.

"How can you say it was FAKE? I saw a guy on TV CRYING!!!!!1! Do you hear me? CRYING!!! DON'T SAY IT WAS FAKE WHEN THERE'S A CRYING MAN!!"

my entire family died in sandy hook

plus my dog

My wife's polyamorous transdaughter, Nipplonia, was in the pre-K program at Sandy Hook that day. I can assure you, it really happened.

Anon5 was right again

it's true my cousin went there, they didn't have any chair so we had to standy hook around

but who profited from this "hoax' and why was it faked?

different faces......

It was an attempt at passing gun control legislation. Kang Nigger shilled hard for gun control, but when the American people literally didn't give a single fuck about 30 dead kids his efforts failed.

lmao, Americans are so paranoid.

How much are they paying you?

Sandy hook was a lie to try and gun grab, thank God it failed.

Nobody died, Sandy hook was a false flag.

For good reason.

Anyone who ISN'T paranoid is an idiot.


My cousin's godmother's uncle's granddaughter went to school there.
I can assure you assuredly that it happened.

Is it true that a bunch of the parents interviewed turned out to be registered members of the screen actor's guild? I've heard that claimed but never seen it confirmed.

Honestly, i do not know what to belive. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction.