Who are you closest to on the political compass? I'm closest to Raul Castro
Who are you closest to on the political compass? I'm closest to Raul Castro
>Hillary Clinton a right-wing libertarian
Fuck off
OP is a fag and his shit is all retarded.
lol this is a bot thread?
Halibut with a certain garnish that prevents bumps
This list is shit. Jill Stein is not lower left corner.
>gary johnson
>near-ancap score
This is the closest Russia has colluded with the US.
>Hitler is left wing
>Clinton, Trump Reagan and Gary Johnson are this far right
>having extremists political views
1) Why is Nixon in the centre?
2) Ceausescu that far left?
3) Why is Hillary Clinton Libertarian?
I have some political views that would be considered 18th century tier, but I still end up near the middle
she's a centristy slightly right leaning neoliberal
the left vs right axis on the political compass is just for economic views, more right wing = more laissez faire capitalism
hitler was a bigger economic interventionist than clinton, trump, reagan, and johnson
Hilary Clinton, which is why I voted for her
>on Clinton within the purple zone
Didn't she want to install ''hate speech'' laws?
Jill Stein except I'm not a complete fucking moron and Russian shill. So Bernie sanders I guess, he's alright in my books he's no Jeremy Corby though.
Ceausescu. This babby chart is stupid because it considers Communists and Fashy goys to be the same.
I'm fucked
where do you think Nixon and Ceausescu would be? any socialist should be -8 economic left at the bare minimum and Nixon was pretty centristy economically
sure but it's pretty much impossible to end up in the top half unless you're fairly socially conservative
She is just a political chameleon. She’ll say whatever she has to to the people that want to hear it. In reality she’s slightly more liberal neocon and not that much different from Trump. She probably cackles at feminazis behind closed doors
Authoritarian vs Libertarian on here = Government Size
She's a 3 dimensional political compass you should check out that has 'Trad vs Prog' as well as 'Auth vs Lib'. and 'Eco Left vs Right'. Remember progressive =/= Liberal
oh yiss
Nixon would be more to the right by a square or two.
Also, I thought Ceausescu was more within Hitler zone?
the trump
>Raul Castro
rotors are spinning
>Authoritarian vs Libertarian on here = Government Size
it absolutely does not, it mostly has to do with socially conservative attitudes if you look at the questions on the test, the entire last two pages of the test are basically dedicated to questions on religion and sexuality
Ceausescu was a socialist, he was far left, just extremely socially conservative
Yep. She would have been a great president but the propaganda from Comcast was just too powerful and the fat fuck ended up winning.
Between Adolf Hitler and Salman al Saud
>Hiliary Clinton
> right-wing libertarian
I'm closest to Bernie Sanders, based on my results.
The only person on that image I actually like is Proudhon.
Hail to you!
Hillary Clinton is libertarian right?
you're retarded
she's a somewhat progressive neoliberal so it makes sense for her to be in the upper left part of the libertarian right quadrant, near the center
This is fucking retarded. Hillary is not right wing and not in any way libertarian you fucking retard. Bernie is not fucking libertarian ether. He's fighting for socialized healthcare and praised countries for nationalizing natural resources. Jill Stein doesn't want to abolish government. Why the fuck is she and Aleppo near Proudhon on the Libertarian scale?
>Bernie is not fucking libertarian ether. He's fighting for socialized healthcare and praised countries for nationalizing natural resources
that has to do with the left vs right axis not the libertarian vs authoritarian axis
>Gary Johnson
should be much, much closer to economic center
Did I do good Sup Forums?
There is nothing fucking right wing and libertarian about Hillary. Being a globalist with some progressive ideas is not right wing.
He was a National Communist
>1 post by this id
you fall for it every time Sup Forums
National Capitalist
1776 in this bitch
Then don't put people who want authoritarian government on the Libertarian side.. Easy as that.
State owning control of healthcare services in an authoritrian point of view. It just happens to be a left wing Authoritarian point of view more than a right wing
It's pretty biased in that sense, you're right. It basically only implies that conservatives are authoritarian, forgetting that progressives also go full authoritarian when they want to send people to gulags for misspelling 'X' gender pronoun.
>Ceausescu was a socialist, he was far left, just extremely socially conservative
Fair enough. Explains the NatBol flags posting him
The order of these names is ducking trash. You put Hillary on the libertarian side? Wtf...
she's a neoliberal, neoliberalism is a center - center right ideology
it isn't on the political compass though
No she isn't. She wants progressive ideas and wants to increase government spending.
The compass only implies that socially con/trad people are authoritarians while all progressives are bleeding heart liberals who don't want to implant hate speech laws for muslim transsexuals
3 dimensional compass is better
>Conservative vs Progressive
>Socialist vs Capitalist
>Liberal vs Authoritarian
If you think Hillary is left wing you're delusional.
>pol still believes this maps are relevant
Somewhere between Castro, FDR, and Bernie.
americans have to choose between right wing or right wing... hmm tough choice
she's somewhat socially progressive but that has nothing to do with left vs right on the political compass, and while she does want mild reforms that would be seen as pushing the american system leftward america is definitely right of european social democracies and clinton would probably even be to the right economically of many european right wing parties/leaders like angela merkel and many of the conservatives in the uk
hillary just embraces neoliberal policies from a new keynesian perspective, she's big on free trade, not so great with unions in practice even though she panders to them, and is only in favor of modest reforms to the social safety net, and is in favor of keeping the the public sector relatively small compared to social democrats
This, Nixon, Trump, Clinton and Reagan are all global corporatist elites which should put them all very close together in the right leaning authority camp
Liberal technocrat reporting in
Hitler and im jewish.
I guess nazism and zionism isnt all too different